HOMEMADE Cheese-its!

Don't buy the store brand which probably has more dyes than artificial cheese, make your own at home! *I have made these and I LOVED them.

8 oz Shredded Cheddar Cheese (I prefer buying block and using a food processor - cheaper).
2 tbsp cold Butter cut into small pieces
2 tbsp Shortening (you can substitute, but I normally don't).
1 tsp Kosher or Sea Salt
1 cup Flour (Opt for whole wheat for a healthier option)
2 tbsp Ice Cold Water


Blend the cheese, butter, shortening and salt together on medium low speed in a stand mixer or with a hand mixer.

Add the flour and mix on low to incorporate (it might be dry, that's OKAY).
Slowly add the water just until the dough comes together in a lump.

Form into a ball and wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for an hour.
Preheat oven to 375.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Flour your work area and roll out the dough very thin (less than 1/8″). (Sometimes, I just put it as thin as I can get it because I don't measure 1/8th of an inch.)
Cut into 1″ squares and use a skewer or toothpick to put a hole in the center of each.

Transfer to prepared baking sheet.
Bake for 12-15 minutes or until light brown at the edges.
Transfer to a cooling rack and allow to cool.
Be sure to store in a sealed bag to maintain freshness, like you would be store bought Cheez-Its too!

Now the labeling may scare you, but don't be alarmed! My family of 6 stretches this out for 6 people over a few days (so I'm using 12 servings). I'm not sure how much is an actual serving size because it varies on how thin the dough was, how big the squares were, and such like that. But this is a good estimate.

Calories - 1,140 / 12 = 99
Carbs - 92 / 12 = 8
Fat - 70 / 12 = 6
Protein - 40 / 12 = 3
Sodium - 1,110 / 12 = 93
Sugar - 2/ 12 = 0
