P90x3 Partner?



  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    I just started P90X3 this week, and I was curious to see how anyone is logging it under exercise? I searched for "P90X3" but found nothing... does anyone have any hints or suggestions?? Please help!!! Thank you for your time!!! And to anyone who would like a buddy for this, feel free to add me!! I'm currently following the Lean schedule :)

    I use a heart rate monitor and log my workouts under cardio, 30 minutes, and the number of calories. I name the workouts "P90X3 [DVD Name]". I realize the number of calories burned may vary from person to person, but my averages have been:

    Total Synergistics ~430
    Agility X ~595
    Challenge ~ 380
    CVX ~500
    Warrior ~470

  • kristen2713
    kristen2713 Posts: 253 Member

    I would love to hear your opinion on Body Beast. The only person I have asked so far said he simply gained weight (and fat) and was not happy with it, but I am looking around for other folks who have tried it.



    I LOVE Body Beast! I finished Round one December 14th, and am loving the definition and strength gains I have gotten. I did it first with doubles on T25, and I continued to lose inches and reshape my body throughout. The videos are fairly quick (30-45 min), not a lot of extra equipment needed and most definitely build strength quick if you go heavy. I was going to do P90x3 on it's own, but I'm afraid of losing what I have gained by not continuing to lift heavy in those months, so that's why I added doubles at least 3 days a week with the program. It's simple enough also that I don't always need the video and I can just use my weight cheat sheet to do most for a slightly quicker option when I'm low on time. Love me some Sagi!! :heart:
  • Moonblood
    Moonblood Posts: 199 Member
    I am on my second week of P90X3, feel free to add me!!
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    I woke up this morning to find the snow had finally stopped and I glanced at my driveway which took almost an hour to clear yesterday, wondering if I should get some eggs or not from the store. That was when the urge to throat punch someone hit me. Now, I am not a violent person by nature, and it is another thing to imagine the extremely painful notion of a karate chop to the Adam's Apple, but when I saw the pile of snow at the bottom of my driveway, I was enraged enough to hunt down the snowplow driver who left this frozen debris in my way. After calming down over breakfast and coffee, I went out, yet again, to clear a path for my car.

    Once that was done, I ventured out to the local store for a carton of eggs. I'm sorry, what the hell was I thinking? We are in the midst of a snowpocalypse and potential extinction event, and I was naive enough to think there would not be a run on eggs, or milk, or food for that matter? I walked into the store and it was as if had been pillaged by the likes of Daryl, Maggie, and Glenn. (Let's see who knows these people) No eggs today!

    So back home I went and had a little bonding time with Tony Horton. A little Ab Ripper X followed by Total Synergistics, which was a tad foolish of me since there are ab/core exercises in Total Synergistics. As if my abs weren't smoked enough from Ab Ripper X and Pfifer Scissors! A total of 610 calories were burned and now I can go about my business in my ice-entombed home.

    Stay warm and press play!

  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    Today was my first day back to work since the infamous "Polar Vortex" decimated the entire Northern Hemisphere. As a weather forecaster, it cracks me up how the media adds doomsday adjectives to what we simply call an Arctic outbreak. I hear the words "Polar Vortex" and I imagine Dennis Quaid finding his way through a frozen NYC or a sequel to "Sharknado" with polar bears landing on unsuspecting victims. Anyway, everyone was allowed to report to work a few hours later than normal, so I had a relaxing breakfast and gave myself two hours to make the 25-minute journey.


    The roads were not good at all. Basically packed ice underneath packed snow. I saw one poor guy at an intersection, trying to move, his wheels spinning helplessly while his car went absolutely no where. I wondered what scientists would make of him when they discover him in a block of ice thousands of years from now. There was also the obligatory rear-ending, although this one involved four vehicles. By the time I made it to work, it had taken me 70 minutes. Not bad, after all, I made it safely, right? I even had time after work to go to the Commissary and stock up on necessities including eggs, milk, and bread. YAY!

    Got home and had a squirrel moment. By that I mean I went to put my exercise clothes on, saw my laptop, thought of something I wanted to research on the internet and.... SQUIRREL! I eventually pulled myself away from the laptop and completed Agility X.

    Keep pressing play!


  • Almost done with my 4th week and so far I LOVE it!!!! :)
  • Hey guys, I've recently started trying to get myself back into the Tony Horton routine and have been doing about 3-4 P90X3 videos a week. Im also new to the My Fitness Pal community and so far I really like it and find it informative. I did do P90X last Fall/Winter and absolutely loved it. I also mingled with Tony's Ten Minute Trainer and added that to my routine. I've tried T25 but just got a fan of Shaun T and his method - just doesn't compare to Tony for me.

    I'm a Masters student, so things got incredibly busy for me last Fall and unfortunately I let fitness go down on my priority list, but I really want to get back into the routine and lose some of the weight I've put on since stopping P90X. So I'd love to join to get inspired/motivated to get back into the swing of things!
  • I'm in week 5 of X3 so I figured I'd join you all. I absolutely love the program and am definitely seeing results. Looking forward to my progress photos at the end of Block 2. Block 1 progress was way more than I expected. Today was Incinerator, which is a tough one, but I love working with weights so I'm a happy - but sore - girl! :smile: