No control after Thankgiving :(

Anyone have any encouraging words or helpful tips for me? I was doing soooo good...but then the boyfriend came back from a 2 month deployment 2 days before Thanksgiving, and then on Thanksgiving I was planning on a cheat day....but it seems as if everyday since Thursday has been a cheat day...and I've had a hard time working out with all the extra food I've been eating (and boyfriend being home disrupting my schedule!) PLEASE help me! I don't want to ruin all of my prior hard work...and also really want to keep losing!


  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    i had a hard time getting back too... you just need one good day to get you back on track...just one good day...make tommorow that day make it a fantasticly healthy day.. it will remotivate you and get you back on the wagon!!!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Today was my first day back at the gym since last Wednesday. I wasn't being too careful about what I ate either. But, since last Monday I've lost 1.5 pounds. So that was definitely motivation to get back to the gym today.

    Don't worry about what you did over the last few days. In the long run, it won't matter or make any difference. Just do your best to get back to the gym and stay within your calories. I know it's easy to "fall off the wagon" but you've got to be strong. Just get back to your routine and you'll be fine!
  • KAK68
    KAK68 Posts: 51 Member
    I am so there too---- 3 days of kinda of tracking food and no exercise. I just got off the ellipitcal and it feels so good. Just get back on it tommorow and everthing will fall in place again. I had to throw away all the leftover pies- no will power.
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    I have to admit that I don't think it is really a good idea to have an all out break, like a Thanksgiving feast. Personally, I think it makes it hard to get back as it feels so good to eat like we used to.

    I haven't even allowed myself a cheat day, but I allow myself all foods that I really want, I just figure them all in to meet my calorie goal.

    I still eat cake, for instance, but that one slice of cake becomes three servings.
  • nubreeze33
    see I was super hostile during Thanksgiving because ballys was closed, I jumped right back on the horse. You will have to MAKE yourself do it! JUST GO GET IT IN! TAKE BOYFRIEND WITH YOU AND MAKE HIM SUPPORT YOU WHILE HE'S HERE. JUST DO IT! GO GET IT IN GIRL!
  • Jourdan_Rystrom
    Jourdan_Rystrom Posts: 176 Member
    DROP everything you're thinking now. STOP thinking about it!!!

    Tomorrow is a NEW day...a CLEAN you have to step up and change it back again! Forget about this past weekend. We all make mistakes. There's no use in feeling bad about it, only learning from it and making a change for a better you tomorrow!!

    Good luck :)
  • nubreeze33
    I have to admit that I don't think it is really a good idea to have an all out break, like a Thanksgiving feast. Personally, I think it makes it hard to get back as it feels so good to eat like we used to.

    I haven't even allowed myself a cheat day, but I allow myself all foods that I really want, I just figure them all in to meet my calorie goal.

    I still eat cake, for instance, but that one slice of cake becomes three servings.

    You know it wasn't so fun for me eating like that. I didn't feel good after. I didn't want to just lay down and sleep. infact not to be gross but I was even upset my body didn't seem to want to remove it all as fast as all the other foods i've been eating lately. I just felt like I had a big ole ball of dough inside me. couldn't wait to hit the gym. I love how you do with allowing yourself whatever you want to eat that's how I am as well and I just make allowances where I can, and stay within my allowance of calories.
  • Dafrog
    Dafrog Posts: 353
    aknowledging it is the first step. ultimately only you can make the decision to get back on track. best of luck to you. just remember we all have slip ups, the important thing is to know you are off track, then make the needed adjustments to get back on track. YOU CAN DO THIS....
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    GET A GRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Wake up with a resolve you're going to have a good day today. I know it's hard when you'd rather spend time with the bf (especially since he just got home) but tell him BEFORE HAND that you have to go work out. Not that you want to or need to that you MUST and have him hold you accountable. Hell, ask him to go with you. Shake off the Thanksgiving excuse- it's the WORST thing you can do for yourself. Because in 3 weeks there's Christmas and then New Years and it'll be 2011 before you get your butt back in the gym and eating right again. I know- it's hard this time of year and it effects us all you just gotta pull the Nike. JUST DO IT.

    That's the most encouraging thing I've got right now... It's the same speech I've given myself a couple times since Thanksgiving.

    :flowerforyou: you got this.
  • nubreeze33
    DROP everything you're thinking now. STOP thinking about it!!!

    Tomorrow is a NEW day...a CLEAN you have to step up and change it back again! Forget about this past weekend. We all make mistakes. There's no use in feeling bad about it, only learning from it and making a change for a better you tomorrow!!

    Good luck :)

  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
    You can do it!! Tomorrow is a new day. Drink lots of water and eat plenty of fresh veggies and fruits and you'll feel refreshed and cleansed.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I have to admit that I don't think it is really a good idea to have an all out break, like a Thanksgiving feast. Personally, I think it makes it hard to get back as it feels so good to eat like we used to.

    I haven't even allowed myself a cheat day, but I allow myself all foods that I really want, I just figure them all in to meet my calorie goal.

    I still eat cake, for instance, but that one slice of cake becomes three servings.

    You know it wasn't so fun for me eating like that. I didn't feel good after. I didn't want to just lay down and sleep. infact not to be gross but I was even upset my body didn't seem to want to remove it all as fast as all the other foods i've been eating lately. I just felt like I had a big ole ball of dough inside me. couldn't wait to hit the gym. I love how you do with allowing yourself whatever you want to eat that's how I am as well and I just make allowances where I can, and stay within my allowance of calories.

    I'm SOOOO feeling that right now... STILL. :sick:
  • Chiquita_Banana
    Same thing happening here I find myself having to do extra exercise just to break even with my allowed calories. I think I'm just maintaining. What if you ask your boyfriend to join you while you exercise?
  • khollyk
    khollyk Posts: 150 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone! It makes me feel a little better to know that a few others are feeling the same way, and that I'm not alone! Good tip on how one day should get me back on track -- it only took one good day to get started, so it shouldn't take any more to rev me back up!
  • mamacremers
    mamacremers Posts: 183 Member
    i had a hard time getting back too... you just need one good day to get you back on track...just one good day...make tommorow that day make it a fantasticly healthy day.. it will remotivate you and get you back on the wagon!!!

    I agree. About a month ago, my parents were coming to town for the day and I was planning a no holds barred cheat day. Included 2 cheese frenchee's and some fries for lunch and Panera for supper. Both fantastically delicious! I was planning on that day being the only cheat day but it melted into a 3 day cheat day. So on that 4th day, I DECIDED that I was going to take the reins and stop the cheat days. I took control and was back on track. You just have to do it, and not think about it and not try to do it. DO IT!!! :happy: :tongue: :happy:
  • SparkleKittie
    I ate leftovers for a couple days after Thanksgiving. But I'm back on track now. You can do it.
  • ✿KẙMb529✿
    I am a military spouse and totally get wanting to neglect everything to spend time with him. Do your best with the diet and get him to go with you on long walk or jogs or whatever activity you both like to do. It was hard for me to get back on track too. We went to visit our families for the holidays and it's hard to neglect your mother's, mother-in-laws, or grandmother's cooking. :)
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    tomorrow is a new beginning. once you have a good day everything will fall back into place again. you've been doing great, and congratulations on your current weight loss!!!! remember, YOU can do this. we got your back :flowerforyou:
  • KeepingitMovin
    i had a hard time getting back too... you just need one good day to get you back on track...just one good day...make tommorow that day make it a fantasticly healthy day.. it will remotivate you and get you back on the wagon!!!
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Talk to him about it and I'm sure he will try and help to make sure you get your workout time in. I know its hard with the guys. Mine's been away over a year and when he's home, I end up eating too much and never getting workouts in. We've talked about it and when he comes home in december, we are both going to work out together. On the days he doesn't make it to the gym or is working my time off, I'll be able to go about my normal workout routine as well. And as far as eating, if its in the house, you might want to get rid of it to at least get rid of temptations in the house.