How much cardio?

I have been working with a personal trainer for just over a year now and doing really well with her. She made an interesting comment that most people do way too much cardio (vs strength training), particularly in the beginning of a fitness program. She herself only does cardio 2-3 times a week, but she is active overall, walking to and from work, etc. Her focus is on strength training, which she says most people don't put enough emphasis on.

I have to say, my own experience is pretty much in line with her observations. I am only doing cardio sessions now 2-3x per week and I lose weight just at the same pace as I did when I was doing it 5-6 times a week. I am relieved because honestly I find long cardio sessions dreadfully BORING, even with good music. The difference in my results I think is the strength training, which only started doing seriously since working with the trainer. I do one session (an hour) with her a week, but I do a short core session on my own (double leg lifts, some crunches and planks) almost daily. I also try to walk to work (about 20 min) a few times a week when it isn't frigidly cold.

Just thinking out loud and wondering what other people's experiences are...:)


  • I am putting more focus on strength training than cardio. I do about 20 minutes of cardio about 3 times a week. And I don't really count the extra cardio I get like ridding my bike, walking the dog, cleaning and such, so I am sure I get more. :) Plus like you said anymore than 3 times a week and would get super boring.
  • I hear strength training helps to tighten loose skin!