under calories

I have been working our for an hour to 90 minutes everyday. I am supposed to eat at least 1200 calories. I am always under my amount. I am trying so hard to eat all my calories. Could this be why I hit a plateu?


  • tmcowan
    tmcowan Posts: 322 Member
    Yes, if your "net" calories are consistently under 1200 this could definitely be why you're not losing. Make sure that you're eating your exercise calories.
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    1200 calories including exercise? I think you should definitely try to eat some of your exercise calories and see if that helps you. Just a warning though, if you have been eating this low for this long you may see a weight gain for a week or two. That's what happened to me when I was under eating. After the first week though I got back to losing weight, and I'm eating WAY more than before.

    If you are struggling with eating enough calories, try to eat more calorie dense foods, like some nuts, meat, full fat yogurt etc.

    Good luck, and congratulations on losing so much weight so far!!!!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Yes, if your "net" calories are consistently under 1200 this could definitely be why you're not losing. Make sure that you're eating your exercise calories.

    Yep. My weight loss started slowing and then I realized I wasn't getting 1200 net calories. Now that I'm getting 1200-1400 net calories a day (sometimes more) I'm losing at least a pound a week. Last week I lost 1.5 pounds. It was a little weird to realize I had to eat up to 500 more calories, but I was glad to know I needed to eat more, not less!
  • gwennan
    I took a nutrition class recently and my professor spoke about how these plateaus are natural, but people often give up when they hit the first one. The way our bodies lose weight resembles a bit of a staircase. Just keep up the good work and eventually you will continue to lose weight! I know how discouraging it can be as I have recently hit my first one as well! I did a little reading and found a few sites which recommended eating more calories one day and less the next, thereby not giving your body the chance to get used to your new low calorie diet, while still eating the same amount of calories each week. For example if your daily goal is 1450 calories eat 1250 one day and 1650 the next, though never under 1200. I hope this helped!
  • chacaruso
    chacaruso Posts: 261 Member
    Eat your alotted calories. Don't try to eat the additional calories you get for working out. That's how you'll lose faster.
  • SGomez27
    SGomez27 Posts: 22 Member
    Right now I am 85 calories under. That is the best I have done in a while. Should I try to eat some more? I didn't realize I wasnt eating enought!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Eat your alotted calories. Don't try to eat the additional calories you get for working out. That's how you'll lose faster.

    You may lose faster, at first, but then you will stop losing. And then your body will also try to turn every morsel it can into fat because it thinks your in a famine and there's not enough food. It's very short term "success." But, if you eat your exercise cals, I strongly recommend getting a HRM to be sure you are logging your burned cals correctly so you don't overeat if you base your burn on the machine or online numbers not specific to your body. I bumped my cals up to maintenance and have actually still been losing - despite being pregnant and eating A LOT (I eat just about all my exercise cals which is about 500 extra 4 days a week).
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Right now I am 85 calories under. That is the best I have done in a while. Should I try to eat some more? I didn't realize I wasnt eating enought!

    When it's this close I chok (how do you spell that?!) it up to a toss up - 100 cals over or under is so minimal - how accurately did you log? Did you use the exact nutrition info (ie, sometimes I log something similar, but not necessarily exact - like, a rotisserie chicken, I use an estimate in my logging based on rotisseries in the diary, but it's probably not exact to my chicken, especially since -how much oil did the cook actually put on it?) Or, did you weigh all your food? Oatmeal settles and may actually be more than the 1/2 cup serving. Did you eyeball your 4ox meat portion? Did you ever lick the peanut butter knife (15-20 extra calories right there!)? etc Your counts are probably not exact, so when you get down to less than 100 in either direction, you're probably fine. Just be sure not to always be under (zig zagging is OK and being drastically under or over every once in a while is just fine), to eat at least SOME if not most or all of your exercise calories, and to listen to your body. I was fatigued at 1200 cals and upped to 1500. I lost more and felt much better.
  • SandraMay1982
    I am in this same boat. I find it soooo hard to eat up to 1200calories. I am supposed to have about 1400.

    I am slowly working my way up up up. but I have been like this a long time.
  • SGomez27
    SGomez27 Posts: 22 Member
    I logged accurately today and came in under 85 calories. I will try to by a HRM. I mostly do Walk away the Llbs dvds , walking around my town or walking on a treadmill, so I think calories burned is pretty accurate. I am trying to eat all my exercise calories now. Hopefully this will help.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I am in this same boat. I find it soooo hard to eat up to 1200calories. I am supposed to have about 1400.

    I am slowly working my way up up up. but I have been like this a long time.

    Keep in mind - one bit of peanut butter is over 10% of your daily calories right there! A staple to my diet (though mine is usually because I'm still hungry!) is some WW toast with PB on it. Easy 200-300 cals. And if it's too much, you're not hungry for it, just a handful of nuts can easily be 400 calories and is like eating nothing, especially if you spread it out over the day!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I logged accurately today and came in under 85 calories. I will try to by a HRM. I mostly do Walk away the Llbs dvds , walking around my town or walking on a treadmill, so I think calories burned is pretty accurate. I am trying to eat all my exercise calories now. Hopefully this will help.

    Last point - depending on how hard you walk (ie, if I do a 4 mile hour i can burn 700 cals in an hour, which is a pretty intense cardio hour for me, but if I just walk along with my 3 yr old for an hour I burn more like 250 or 300 calories) you don't need to eat back ALL those calories. If I burned 250 calories walking, i would have (based on my burn) burned 100 calories anyway sitting on the couch, so I burned 150 EXTRA and only log 150 to eat. (But if I burn 600 cals in the hour, or 400 or 500, the following hour I have extra burn as my metabolism gets back to normal so you can log all 600 (400... 500...) because the additional burn the hour after you stop exercising (whereas low cardio has no effect on it) makes up for the "double count" as to what you would have burned if you sat on your couch). Hope that makes sense with the different between when to count all of them or just the extra :) If it doesn't then just always subtract some from your exercise cals to make up for what is already accounted for in your diet for that hour.
  • SparkleKittie
    I'm no professional, but I've tampered with my routine a bit and found that planned inconsistencies in diet are great for losing weight faster. I consistently lose 2-4 pounds a week by eating 1000-1400 calories a day and exercising off 1000 calories six times a week. I don't eat my exercise calories at all usually. :/
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I consistently lose 2-4 pounds a week by eating 1000-1400 calories a day and exercising off 1000 calories six times a week. I don't eat my exercise calories at all usually. :/

    You know that's equivalent to eating nothing on several days right? You'd lose a lot of weight fast if you ate nothing too.
  • xxthursday09xx
    xxthursday09xx Posts: 85 Member
    Jesus, I have no idea how you guys can eat 1200 or less. I can barely get to the afternoon with 1200...
  • SparkleKittie
    I'm not starving.... LOL I'm eating six times a day and I feel awesome. :)
  • SparkleKittie
    Btw it's not a race, but I think if it were I'd be doing prettttttty goood. Hahahahaha
  • Mrbackslap
    Try more carbs it might help