Parents think I'm underweight?

Hello all
Basically my parents are forcing me to gain weight but I really don't want to
I am 5'4 and 96 pounds ...I like being skinny but they're threatening to send me into treatment
I think they are overreacting because there are people much worse then me...
What am I supposed to do? :(


  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Consult a professional. They will properly diagnose if you have a problem or not. Your parents won't be able to just send you to treatment if you don't have a problem. A professional will know if your parents are overreacting.
  • yogioats
    yogioats Posts: 33 Member
    Your parents are concerned because you are underweight with a BMI of 16.5. Have you talked to anyone about your relationship with food? You can absolutely be thin and be a healthy weight. That may mean eating a bit more or eating different foods than you eat now. Right now that probably sounds very scary to you. Getting treatment is a brave thing to do, and ultimately it is worth it. With your current stats, your body cannot continue to perform optimally long term. In your other post, you wanted advice on how to avoid binge eating. I'd like to propose to you that you have the desire to eat like that because your body is not getting enough food. You're craving food because food is good. Best of luck on your journey.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Consult a professional. They will properly diagnose if you have a problem or not. Your parents won't be able to just send you to treatment if you don't have a problem. A professional will know if your parents are overreacting.

    and your weight seems pretty low to me

    how old are you?
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Your parents can't make you do anything, you're 18 now. But, you should consider talking to a doctor if your and your parents view's on your weight are so conflicting. There might be an underlying problem,
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Hello all
    Basically my parents are forcing me to gain weight but I really don't want to
    I am 5'4 and 96 pounds ...I like being skinny but they're threatening to send me into treatment
    I think they are overreacting because there are people much worse then me...
    What am I supposed to do? :(
    You're a teenager, so you're supposed to ignore them and think they're doing it to be annoying.

    But, they're probably concerned, and you should go ahead and get a second opinion because there are a lot of young girls that ARE underweight and putting themselves at unnecessary health risks.

    Keep in mind;
    I think they are overreacting because there are people much worse then me...
    Common does not mean Normal. Just because you see something a lot, doesn't make it normal.

    So, talk to someone professionally trained in dealing with the issues they THINK you have. If you're right, the professional will say so.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    Well, not to be harsh, but there are functioning alcoholics and alcoholics who wake up in the gutter and can't hold down a job. They still both have a problem, and just because one person shows it more doesn't mean it isn't something worth addressing. Your argument of "I like being skinny" tells me you are probably pretty worried about your body image. As someone who struggles with body dismorphia, I can tell you it is a very slippery slope into disordered eating and exercising. I agree with the other comments. Seek professional help. If a medical professional thinks your weight is fine (although, I am betting it isn't), there is your argument.
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    Your parents are right to be concerned, especially when you said in a previous post:
    I am 5'4 inches tall...but I dont know what happens sometimes I just crave all these sweet carby things but I do think I have a protein/iron deficiency because my arms and legs are always falling asleep

    You should go in for a checkup and discuss your weight and symptoms with a doctor, and I'm sure your parents are not looking for you to become heavy, they just want you to be happy and healthy :flowerforyou:
  • NWindsor2014
    Yeah hun,
    If your weight is low, you might need your bones checking out. It is possible to have low bone density at your age (like an old person) if you're not eating right. Also menstruating, blood sugar (eg dizziness), not sure what other probs are linked to low weight, the doctors will know :)

    Lots of love to you <3
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Hello all
    Basically my parents are forcing me to gain weight but I really don't want to
    I am 5'4 and 96 pounds ...I like being skinny but they're threatening to send me into treatment
    I think they are overreacting because there are people much worse then me...
    What am I supposed to do? :(
    You're a teenager, so you're supposed to ignore them and think they're doing it to be annoying.

    But, they're probably concerned, and you should go ahead and get a second opinion because there are a lot of young girls that ARE underweight and putting themselves at unnecessary health risks.

    Keep in mind;
    I think they are overreacting because there are people much worse then me...
    Common does not mean Normal. Just because you see something a lot, doesn't make it normal.

    So, talk to someone professionally trained in dealing with the issues they THINK you have. If you're right, the professional will say so.

    All of this. And one more thing: i didn't think I had an ED when my BF% was in the single digits in my early 20's. (I also didn't realize it had gotten that low or that my hair was falling out as a result of my bad habits.) My mom and her doctor convinced me I was wrong. I have a great life, including a husband and four kids I wouldn't have if I hadn't listened. I don't know you or your mom or who is right, but a trained professional is the person to settle the disagreement. Go see one.
  • NWindsor2014
    Going into feminist stuff, in case it helps, remember what society / fashion / common thought considered a beautiful woman has changed down the ages. This idea helped me. The earliest ever sculptures from stoneage times were of what we would think of as obese women with huge breasts. I think people made these because food was hard to come by, when people didn't know how to farm or hunt, and it was their main purpose in life to learn how to get lots of great food so their women would be well looked after, and able to carry healthy children, make lots of healthy milk for their kids. In the age of enlightenment, people were depicted in upper class art with round faces, a slightly rounded belly, chubby arms. This again is because this was a sign of having plenty. Of having wealth. Of being healthy in life. As opposed to being poor and starving ("Let them eat cake"). Roll forward to before the recession in the 1990s, and anorexically thin / flat chested / looking a bit like a man became fashionable in some circles of the avant garde fashion industry. And slim, more curvy and feminine became fashionable in the mainstream media. And big boobs in The Sun etc... Variety. Some people say that tall, anorexic, flat chested women became popular in avant garde fashion because a lot of the people in charge are gay men. (I am not homophobic, but it is interesting). I think it could have been trying to show a move towards gender equality, as well. We have all heard Big is Beautiful. True beauty is inside.

    The last thing is the most important to remember: true beauty is inside. This life is amazing. There is so much out there. Our body is our temple. Like a car taking us for a rollercoaster ride in life. So looking after our car's mechanics, keeping it working at its best, will help us really enjoy the ride :) A well-fed, well-rested and exercised body really helps our mind be happier :)

    I read an interesting article this week by a journalist who said she really felt she may be a man inside, and so maybe she starved herself when younger because she didn't like her breasts and uterus. If this applies to you, then there is great NHS help out there for people who genuinely feel they have been born into the wrong body. Google Gender Dysphoria if you wanna find out more. But I am guessing you are just thinking you have to look some way to impress partners. Well someone who truly loves us will stay with us until we get old and die, so true love needs to love a person even when they get wrinkly, boobs sag, etc ;) The best bet is to look for a partner who will treat us with ultimate love and respect, and we them. But there is lots of time yet, for studying and learning about life.

    I hope this helps and isn't too random.
  • babalaba
    I liked the first part of what you said and really happy you took the time to write that out
    but the second is waaaay too extreme ! I LOVE being a girl and obsessed with fashion as well..My reason for staying thin is to just be able to wear whatever I want and look good in it ...For example the zara models in the lookbooks are my idols. Idk i don't know what my obsession with this is
    but everyone is urging me to gain weight but i feel its the only thing I have control over in my stressful life
  • babalaba
    Yeah thank you for you answers everyone...
    I realized I think I need a therapist
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Yeah thank you for you answers everyone...
    I realized I think I need a therapist

    I think that will really help you, it's a very positive step. Best of luck to you. :flowerforyou:
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Stick around and update us on how you're doing. We're here to help!