Glandular Fever?

I recently had Glandular Fever. I have followed all the doctors advice, and it has actually been months (Early October) since I was first really unwell.
Since then I get run down/ exhausted and every little cold or illness going. I've got back into exercise and fitness relatively well, with not too much loss of times/ PB's.
Anyway, yet AGAIN I am feeling really run down and glands are up. I'm taking it easy and avoiding exercise until symptoms clear as advised. I've basically been told by the doctor that there is no set time for this to go on- it could be 2 months, it could be more like 2 years!!
I was just wondering if any one had any experience with Glandular Fever and how long you continued to get bouts of being unwell?
I'm so fed up of being unwell- also I'm pretty sure I've turned into that complaining person people hate.. but I'm stubborn and frustrated!


  • arabellaflagg
    arabellaflagg Posts: 28 Member
    I had GF last March (2013) and I hate to tell you but I'm still having problems. I am pretty sure I got some post viral syndrome , doc agrees but there's no specific test, still have muscle pains and tiredness.

    Hopefully, you will recover quicker but do know the virus which causes GF is called Epstein Barr and can be a *kitten*, it's linked to fibro, ME, POTS and even more severe conditions so for some of us it's more than just a sore throat and a few days in bed.

    I took 2 weeks off work last march when first diagnosed, went back to work and like you felt ill again so doc recommended another week off. So you need to listen to body and take it easy. In the long run I'm finding light exercise helping to give me more energy and good diet with a multi and fish oil is helping with muscle pain. I'm also taking eccinaechea and zinc (tablets dissolve in water) to help boost my immune system. Also look into a herb called astragalus . It's for the immune system (don't take if you have auto immune disorder!) and it really does. Garlic in your food for immune system too.

    And finally (I'm rambling) look up epstein barr supplements/recovery for extra tips I may have forgotten. And I hope you start recovering soon.
  • coral_b
    coral_b Posts: 264 Member
    Thank you. I've actually woken up this morning with full blown tonsillitis again. I've been having berocca for a week to help, but you're right.... it's completely floored me and I know in myself I'm really not 100%. I'll avoid the gym until symptoms clear then maybe try doing 3 days not the 4- 5 I've been doing. My doctor hasn't really been much help, his solution was pretty much rest and suck it up. I will look into the things you mentioned and hope for some improvement. I'm very fed up of being that person that is always ill and tired. Guess it's time to accept it's going to be a longer recovery than I wanted. Hope you feel better soon too!
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Unfortunately resting and being on a low-fat no-alcohol diet are both part of the recovery process. Your dr is right, rest and suck it up is what you need, for it not to last 2 years :(
  • You really do need to follow Drs advice and rest up and take it easy. GF can be very nasty and after effects can unfortunately last for years. I am a haematologist and help diagnose GF so know how nasty it can be. Rest rest rest!