Losing Weight and bereavement / grieving / mourning

SW: 240
Last official Weight: 221
Shot back up to: 232
Weight this morning: 226
(all in LBS of course)

Father passed monday of Lung Cancer / Pneumonia / Sepsis. Saw him about 45 minutes before he passed, and he passed as soon as we walked through the front door coming home.

I know that it's stress and I've been eating just to eat (My body shuts down the hunger / thirst when I'm super stressed) Also, it gives me cotton mouth.

Do you think the weightloss is temporary ? Not that I really care, seeing that this is a LIFEstyle change; but still.


  • keepongoingnmw
    keepongoingnmw Posts: 371 Member
    I am sorry for your loss. Hopefully you can honed your father by getting healthy. I don't know the answer to your question just wanted to say sorry
  • SaucyPackRat
    It's entirely possible. Stress can play havoc with your regular routines and if you're routines are thrown off due to the details of dealing with the aftermath and details of your father's death, you're not going to be eating the way you did before he died at all.

    I think that in a few weeks, once the more stressful parts have been dealt with, you may want to start getting yourself back onto your regimen. I know that people deal with grief in different ways and I certainly don't want to recommend rushing that process, but it's possible that you could get the Voice of Self-Doubt confused and conflated with the Voice of Loss and that could possibly cause you some harm.

    Do you have a regular dietician? You may want to consult with him/her about this as well.

    ETA: Also, I'm sorry for your loss.