Does anyone know how to watch TV without eating?



  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    That's easy, don't watch TV, problem solved. Go for a walk, or to the gym, besides, there's not much worth watching on TV anyway, except The Walking Dead.



    Seriously, when you sit in front of the TV and eat, do you do it mindlessly? If so, maybe doing something else with your hands will help. I usually have some knitting, crocheting, sewing or beading handy in a bag. I start doing that while I'm watching TV. That way, my hands are busy and I can't eat.

    There are drawbacks, though. Eventually your family will have all the afghans and sweaters they need (LOL)! If the crafting thing doesn't interest you, what about keeping some light weights near? You can watch TV and tone at the same time. After a while, your muscles will be too tired to lift the food to your mouth! :laugh:
  • streamgirl
    streamgirl Posts: 207 Member
    Knit. It actually works really well. Also, as some have said, I put my elliptical in front of my TV, so most of the time I make myself get on it to watch TV.
  • Nicholec2003
    Nicholec2003 Posts: 158 Member
    Get a treadmill or something, and work out while you watch TV. You could try sipping water, hot tea, hot chocolate, sparkling water, or something while you watch; or eat carrots sticks, celery, broccoli; or chew gum.
  • thevoice1973
    thevoice1973 Posts: 55 Member
    I know this may not sound very helpful, but you are in control, not someone else.

    Don't eat while watching TV, plain and simple. As someone else pointed out, take TV away from the food equation. If you need to eat, do so at the table, then return to watching TV after.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I don't watch TV in the kitchen.

    Also - I found other things to keep my hands busy, like crafts or sketching. Sometimes, I just don't even bother with the tv.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I knit and crochet so I'll often do that while watching TV. I will admit, I also like to color. I get the more "grown up" coloring books at the craft store and color or doodle while watching TV. Or I'll just put my laptop on my lap and mess around online while watching. I can't just sit and watch TV for some reason. I can't even sit through a church service, I have to doodle the entire time. My husband laughs at me for doodling possible tattoo designs (I'll get one someday!) while I'm sitting in church.
  • sebailey3
    sebailey3 Posts: 12 Member
    I am the same way. My hands need something to do, so have have taken to doing cross stitching or knitting. Something to keep them busy and my mind off food because if my hands and mind are focused on something constructive then it gets in the way of eating. LOL I know it sound silly coming from a 26 year old...cross stitching and knitting what are you 80?
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    That's easy, don't watch TV, problem solved. Go for a walk, or to the gym, besides, there's not much worth watching on TV anyway, except The Walking Dead.


    Just watch The Walking Dead exclusively. Watching people get torn apart tends to suppress my appetite.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Find something else to do with your hands. I started addressing and stuffing some envelopes for my sister's real estate business in my free time, and I found that it drastically decreased my snacking. I would do it while watching tv and the snack food stayed in the box. You could learn to knit or crochet. Or do sudoku. Whatever.


    Sounds goofy but I play solitaire on my Kindle.....anything to keep your hands busy will work. I used to snack too.....those darn commercials!
  • Cracken99
    Cracken99 Posts: 39 Member
    I found that eating dinner later helps me with my night munchies. Because I now workout right when I get home, I start dinner at 6 and we eat at 7. My munchies come on around 9:00 and I save 150-200 calories for some Chick a boom popcorn (3 cups is 90 cal) or a 1/2 c ice cream. I also do a sweet hot chai tea, but in the summertime I like Ice cream. I also love to do needlpoint and knit, but a true muncher knows you will find a way to eat even doing those things. Basically I just allow for it so no guilt. no nothing...its just a planned snack.

    Before MFP I would eat ALOT at night, as in a whole peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I am so much more in control now with my night eating.
  • theresap1031
    theresap1031 Posts: 13 Member
    I have my Kindle with me and during commercial breaks etc. I web browse and play a game so I distract myself.
  • theresap1031
    theresap1031 Posts: 13 Member
    LOve Walking Dead I could still eat during it though .
  • NessaWilde
    NessaWilde Posts: 53 Member
    When I'm watching tv I usually go with a huge mug of tea to curb the munchies.
  • jlmuise25
    jlmuise25 Posts: 45 Member
    WATER!!!!! Grab a bottle of water whenever you go to watch TV. Or chew some gum.
  • shira324
    shira324 Posts: 156 Member
    I'm a pop culture addict and LOVE tv, can't cut it out of my life. I also have attention issues, so I'm usually playing games on my phone or folding laundry or surfing the web while the tv is on, which is a nice distraction from eating. I am trying to drink more water, so that helps, but I agree that I have to plan my day with 100-200 calories for tv snacking. I like the 100 cal bags of popcorn, they're pretty satisfying. As well as skinny cow chocolates, I make myself eat them very, very slowly to make them last longer. It's all part of the challenge of changing your lifestyle and being conscious of your food intake.
  • callyart
    callyart Posts: 209
    Take up sewing/knitting

    Problem solved!
  • MrsCurvyFab
    MrsCurvyFab Posts: 46 Member
    i either play on my ipad or do random excercises while watching tv especially during commercials. just whatever comes to mind 10 at a time. i usually dont really sit down to watch tv unless its dinner time, or my husband is watching one of our shows together.
  • thatgirlkellib
    thatgirlkellib Posts: 150 Member
    eat dinner at the dinner table, have quality convos with the family ...once dinners done have tv time, your full, if you get hungry drink something warm, (your bored)
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    Take up crocheting or knitting :) Keeps your hands busy and you can`t eat.
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    Try to keep busy while watching the show or movie. You could jog in place or exercise, organize/clean your room, get your chores done, do homework or work, etc.