
I've always had problems in the bathroom (trying not to give too much information away!) and found that probiotics really helped. I bought some that had something like 30 billion good bacteria in each capsule and didn't need to be refrigerated (a bonus for me!). But they were pretty expensive and not easily accessible for me at the moment (currently living in Chile). One of my friends had some kefir that she said contained lots of the good bacteria too and she's given me some.

I've been doing the fermenting/straining thing for about a week and a bit now, and I gotta say that it seems to be working just as good as the probiotic tablets. My favourite way of having the strained bits (I don't think you eat the curds?) is either just plain with some additional milk, or with my yoghurt, fruit and seeds for breakfast, all kind of mixed together.

I was wondering if anyone else has tried it, how you've eaten/drank it, and what you do with the additional curds that grow as you keep going through the fermenting/straining process.


  • funkygas
    funkygas Posts: 191 Member
    Anyone out there actually used/had kefir that can help me?
  • craigheon
    craigheon Posts: 173 Member
    I buy it direct from the grocery store. Comes in different flavors, and you don't have to worry about doing your own fermenting/straining. Problem solved! It's really good tasting, and great for you too! I usually buy the Helios brand, but I've also tried Lifeway, and both are fantastic!
  • funkygas
    funkygas Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately buying it already strained isn't an option here in Chile.

    What benefits have you personally seen?
  • asiak88
    asiak88 Posts: 8 Member
    I've never done kefir and I usually buy it. But my parents used to make soured milk from unpasteurized milk and we ate/drank all of it. We just had to mix it together. Also I know my friends bought some kefir starter kit and makes her own that way.
    I've never thought about benefits of kefir or soured milk, as it's such a common food product in my culture.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I've used it..

    it helps

  • funkygas
    funkygas Posts: 191 Member
    If you do the straining process, and the milk stays a white colour, does that mean the kefir has gone bad?