Anyone got FitBit Flex that can help me?

Makoce Posts: 938 Member
Did a bit of searching online/the forum for answers to a few questions I have but none are specific enough for me.

Setting up my fitbit flex today, plan to sync to to MFP.

Questions --

1 - If I sync it to MFP, I'm doing the TDEE method of maintenance right now. Will it add back calories and what should I do about this? Just ignore them? If so, should I just not sync the two and just use both apps separately?

2 - Do I log food and cardio exercise on MFP and leave any walking/etc for FitBit to calculate? How do I log cardio without it doubling up in the time that I do it, thinking its steps. Should I take the FitBit off when I do the elliptical/treadmill?

3 - Is it true you have to log mundane tasks like driving into your fitbit so it doesnt log it? :(

Anything else I should know that isn't necessarily on the "manual" from personal experience?



  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
  • Bookbat1
    Bookbat1 Posts: 1 Member
    I sync with the Fitbit force. It is much easier to log foods on MFP. When you sync your calories burned while "stepping" from fitbit will go to MFP and vice versa. I do not log normal activity. Only purposeful activity.
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Well what about that I have it set to my TDEE number? And my cardio calories?
    Unfortunately my questions are still unanswered :(
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    When setting up the two accounts, make sure that your food goals and activity levels match up for both sites, that way the adjustment FitBit makes to MFP will be very minimal, if at all.

    Secondly, when you have MFP connected to Fitbit, enter all your food and workouts on MFP only, this will then sync to FitBit. Also, when you enter your exercise, it will ask what time you started the workout and how long it lasted so that it can sync up with FitBit properly and not double post workouts. (NOTE: The time option only appears once your two accounts are linked, so you won't see this without linking them).

    You do not have to log mundane activities for FitBit Flex. I believe it's only the FitBit One that has issues with people driving. I've never had that problem with the Flex.
  • I have one. I use MFP for tracking food and water, determine my calorie counts, etc. but I do not enter any exercise because that comes from the fitbit. Logging cardio on MFP would be like double dipping.

    Strength or resistance workouts do not record on the fitbit flex. Cardio does, as long as your fitbit arm is moving too (don't hang on to the treadmill with the fitbit arm).

    I have never had any issues with riding in a car adding to my steps.

    Oddly enough, rocking in a rocking chair will add steps! The only way I have figured out to avoid this is to take it off. Tried just putting it in my pocket, but it still recorded steps.

    I love my Fitbit Flex!
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Logging cardio on MFP would be like double dipping.

    Strength or resistance workouts do not record on the fitbit flex. Cardio does, as long as your fitbit arm is moving too (don't hang on to the treadmill with the fitbit arm).

    I use the Arc Trainer Elliptical at the gym, though.
    My arm doesnt move at all the whole workout.

    I guess though Im contradicting myself because if Im set to TDEE I shouldnt be logging exercise calories to begin with, right?

    But Im just asking for the sake of knowing... if I was to switch back to MFP way of doing calories, how I would log cardio
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    1 - If I sync it to MFP, I'm doing the TDEE method of maintenance right now. Will it add back calories and what should I do about this? Just ignore them? If so, should I just not sync the two and just use both apps separately?
    If you're doing a "TDEE" method of maintenance, then a Fitbit should be absolutely perfect for you. Set both accounts to "maintain." MFP will give you an initial goal. Sync the 2 accounts. Make sure you have negative adjustments enabled. Based on your activity, it will transfer calories over to MFP. Presto! You have your TDEE and that's what you should eat that day. If you're looking to eat the same number of calories every day, then just watch your average net calories to make sure you're not veering too far over or under your actual (well, not actual, but more accurately estimated) TDEE provided by the Fitbit.

    2 - Do I log food and cardio exercise on MFP and leave any walking/etc for FitBit to calculate? How do I log cardio without it doubling up in the time that I do it, thinking its steps. Should I take the FitBit off when I do the elliptical/treadmill?
    Log food on MFP. For cardio, you have 2 choices. 1) You can just let the Fitbit calculate it and do absolutely nothing other than continue to wear it and let the accounts sync. I find that for step-heavy exercises (like treadmill or elliptical), it's pretty tootin accurate. 2) You can calculate it yourself and "override" what Fitbit gives you. To do this, just enter the exercise into MFP the way you normally would. The trick is to make sure you get the start time and duration EXACTLY right, because what Fitbit does with that info is over-write the calories it calculated for you for that time period (as opposed to just adding them into your day), and if you don't get that time period just right it will over-write the wrong time and your calories will be inaccurate. It doesn't matter if you take it off or not. Tip: if you choose this route, wait a few minutes for the accounts to sync before you get all worried that it's not counting your exercise properly.

    3 - Is it true you have to log mundane tasks like driving into your fitbit so it doesnt log it? Only if you're incredibly anal. I've personally never noticed more than a few steps counted during a drive of an hour or so. Most of the time it was 0, so I stopped even checking. If you're driving for a REALLY long time, maybe you could do it, but for your average every-day driving around, I wouldn't bother.
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    I have one. I use MFP for tracking food and water, determine my calorie counts, etc. but I do not enter any exercise because that comes from the fitbit. Logging cardio on MFP would be like double dipping.

    It's not double dipping because MFP asks for the specific times that you worked out to avoid that.
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Thanks so much BarbieAS, how do I turn of negative adjustments :)?
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Should I have my MFP set to sedentary for maintenance?

    Because right now Im eating 1500 calories which is my sedentary maintenance, but Im in the process of upping to 1600 next week and then 1700 the week after to be at my maintenance TDEE including exercise so Im a little confused on that with what to do as far as calories with the two apps...or how I should do this. Ugh
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    Should I have my MFP set to sedentary for maintenance?

    Because right now Im eating 1500 calories which is my sedentary maintenance, but Im in the process of upping to 1600 next week and then 1700 the week after to be at my maintenance TDEE including exercise so Im a little confused on that with what to do as far as calories with the two apps...or how I should do this. Ugh

    For negative adjustments, go to Settings - Diary Settings - and then about the 4th thing down is negative adjustments. You want to make sure that box is checked, because if you're just trying to maintain you probably want the negative adjustments to come over to MFP along with the positive ones. (Basically, if you burn MORE in a day than MFP's estimate of your TDEE - which in your case will also be your calorie goal, since you're maintaining - Fitbit will credit you with exercise calories so you can eat more. However, if you burn less in a day, then it will take calories away, as long as you have negative adjustments enabled. You will likely want this in your situation, if you're trying to average out to maintenance.)

    For sedentary or whatnot, it really doesn't matter if you're using the Fitbit (and you have negative adjustments enabled). The Fitbit will credit you with the appropriate amount regardless of your settings and your goal will end up the same no matter what (again, as long as you have the negatives on). The only difference is you might have a personal preference (just based on your eating habits, how often you can sync your Fitbit unit, etc) on how many calories you start with vs how you get credited during the day. As you use the site for a few days you can figure out what you like and play with the settings.
  • CharityLisa
    CharityLisa Posts: 1 Member
    Hi just looked for negative adjustments enabled in my setting but this option isn't there? Could please explain thanks x
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Hi just looked for negative adjustments enabled in my setting but this option isn't there? Could please explain thanks x

    scroll down it's on the left above diary sharing settings

    "Calorie Adjustments:

    Enable Negative Adjustments
    Change Handling of Partner Adjustments
    If you have linked your MyFitnessPal account to a device or app that measures your total calorie burn (Fitbit, Bodymedia, etc.), check this box to allow negative calorie adjustments from that partner to appear on your exercise diary. Otherwise, only positive adjustments will be allowed. "
  • I was confused on this as well. The other day, I logged my cardio with the time and it added calories burnt in addition to the Fit Bit upload of calories burnt. For that reason, I felt like I was double dipping.

    My thought was - won't the Flex capture all calories burnt? So is it really necessary to add what you specifically did and when? For instance, I rode my stationary bike the other day. The calorie count was lower on Fit Bit than what was reported on the bike. So I trusted Fit Bit. Is that the right thing to do? (only differed by 10 cals)
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    If its a step based activity, leave it to Fitbit. You don't need to log treadmill, walking outside, etc. Perhaps with the exception if you're doing something really strenuous. If you're running on the treadmill at 12% incline it doesn't KNOW you're doing the incline so your actual will be a good bit higher than what it reads. Slight incline though probably doesn't make much difference.

    If its not step based activity (like biking, you pedal instead of taking steps) then Fitbit in all their wisdom doesn't know what you did. They don't have spy cameras watching you. :) Log that as an activity. Just pay attention to your start/end times. Go to Fitbit and log 1:30pm-2:00pm for example, biking and enter info (pace, distance) so it can have an idea of your exertion level. That way it can replace what it logged as steps from 1:30pm-2:00pm and more accurately assign a calorie burn for what you actually did in that time. The logged activity will override the false steps.
    I was confused on this as well. The other day, I logged my cardio with the time and it added calories burnt in addition to the Fit Bit upload of calories burnt. For that reason, I felt like I was double dipping.

    My thought was - won't the Flex capture all calories burnt? So is it really necessary to add what you specifically did and when? For instance, I rode my stationary bike the other day. The calorie count was lower on Fit Bit than what was reported on the bike. So I trusted Fit Bit. Is that the right thing to do? (only differed by 10 cals)
  • I'm doing the 21 day fix program, how do I get the flex to calculate the calories for the cardio and weight lifting portion of the said I only burned 100 calories, and that is totally the flex the right one to calculate calories if your nit stepping alL the time?
  • spazp
    spazp Posts: 1 Member
    I am recovering from ankle surgery and for right now, can only use the recumbent bike for exercise. My arm does not move at all. I have even watched the iOS FitBit app, and confirmed it's not tracking my leg movements, because my arm is still. HOWEVER< it still shows that I have 30 active minutes afterwords. Am I double dipping if I add the cardio to MFP? It seems the FB is not picking up this specific activity in terms of steps.
  • jdstephens2014
    jdstephens2014 Posts: 2 Member
    Why does my fitbit flex say I have burned 359 calories when I first wake up in the morning? And I am so confused about the calorie deficit. Can someone please explain what it means?
  • bluntlysally
    bluntlysally Posts: 150 Member
    you people complicate things too much!!!!

  • truemar1963
    truemar1963 Posts: 14 Member
    I love my flex...but I find it records steps when I am Knitting.