Does anyone know how to watch TV without eating?



  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    Find something else to do with your hands. I started addressing and stuffing some envelopes for my sister's real estate business in my free time, and I found that it drastically decreased my snacking. I would do it while watching tv and the snack food stayed in the box. You could learn to knit or crochet. Or do sudoku. Whatever.

    An easy hobby that anyone in the family can pick up and work on while watching tv is working on latch hook rugs. The kits are pretty inexpensive and even pretty young kids can do it. You can just get one and whoever wants can pick it up and work on it.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Someone mentioned taking a sip of water every time you felt the need to reach for food when watching TV. Since you're not really hungry, you shouldn't eat. Can't go wrong with drinking water.
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    That's easy, don't watch TV, problem solved. Go for a walk, or to the gym, besides, there's not much worth watching on TV anyway, except The Walking Dead.


    One of my favorite shows to watch when I'm working out is "America Eats."
  • anabet88
    anabet88 Posts: 36 Member
    If I'm sitting down to a movie or a marathon netflix with my husband its green tea and air popped pop can eat a large bowl for little calories and it keeps me full and satisfied. Sometimes it fills me up so much I'm done eating for the evening. My new favorite topping is sprinkle on smoked paprika YUM with a little pam butter spray.
  • dariazeoli
    dariazeoli Posts: 35 Member
    I've started to march around the room when the tv is on. It keeps me moving and distracted from wanting to munch.
  • GummyHuman
    GummyHuman Posts: 193 Member
    I know this may not sound very helpful, but you are in control, not someone else.

    Really it comes down to this. ^

    Eating too much or snacking too much has never been my problem (mine was more of an eating high cal unhealthy crap problem) but I was a 3 pack a day smoker way back in my 20's, so I do understand the problem. I did a few things when I quit smoking that I think helped a lot. I quit cold turkey and never went back.

    1. I told myself that I wouldn't accept any of my own BS excuses.. no matter what. There's no "just a little" or "just this once" in quitting smoking, so I prepared myself to be strict.

    2. I avoided my smoking triggers if I could (like booze and other smokers ...and after dinner TV watching!) for a few months.

    3. I replaced the physical habit with something less damaging. I got into sculpting which kept my hands busy. And when I couldn't avoid the triggers or keep my hands busy (like while driving) I would hold a pen like a cigarette. I also chewed a HELLUVALOTTA gum! Smoking, much like snacking, is a large percentage habit, not need for nicotine (or food).

    4. I visualized the bad stuff that happened when I took a drag of a cigarette; the smoke filling my lungs, caking up the walls with tar, burning holes straight through. I have a pretty good imagination, so this looked super gory in my head.

    I think all of these can translate to snacking.

    #1 and #4 were just mind tricks, while #2 and #3 were things I could actively DO to help stay on track. I liked having both bases covered.

    In the end though, it's just a choice you're making every day.
  • mz_tashae_007
    mz_tashae_007 Posts: 61 Member
    That's easy, don't watch TV, problem solved. Go for a walk, or to the gym, besides, there's not much worth watching on TV anyway, except The Walking Dead.


    The Walking Dead is amazing I love that show:love::love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
  • thevoice1973
    thevoice1973 Posts: 55 Member
    I see we are in the same school of thought Gummy. I stopped smoking the same way and have solved a lot of my "unsolvable" problems by no longer accepting any form of rationalizing a momentary weakness. Accept it for what it is, your primitive brain trying to trick the conscious part into doing something for short term pleasure. After a while, that part stops trying to tempt you into "bad" behaviors !
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    play videogames with a controller
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    No eating in the living room.
    At the table in the kitchen only.
    A hangover from bringing up the kids!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Cross stitch, its how I quit smoking. Keeps hands busy, requires a little concentration, cant eat because you'll get your material greasy or stained. I'm not sentimental or a crafty person, but I've made things for people and they love them. cross stitch and TV and you dont eat.
  • Try drinking tea.
  • louisedavies311
    louisedavies311 Posts: 110 Member
    I know its not for everyone but I knit, crotchet or sew when watching TV in the evening I don't even think of food x
  • JBnyc99
    JBnyc99 Posts: 100 Member
    That's easy, don't watch TV, problem solved. Go for a walk, or to the gym, besides, there's not much worth watching on TV anyway, except The Walking Dead.


    Would have been my exact reply, if only I got here sooner. :)
  • RadioactivePirate
    Learn to knit, then you can watch TV and knit.
  • mohawkRN
    mohawkRN Posts: 40 Member
    If you're having a hard time breaking the habit, try air-popped popcorn or a low-cal popcorn like Boom Chicka Pop. You could also try pretzels, a handful of roasted almonds, ants-on-alog, or a sliced up apple. Check out the recipe for Nuts and Bolts Trail Mix at I frequently eat that while watching TV.
  • mohawkRN
    mohawkRN Posts: 40 Member
    Try drinking tea.

    I like Stash Licorice Mint or Yogi Egyptian Licorice Mint. They're sweet enough on their own that they don't need sugar.
  • Schlackity
    Schlackity Posts: 268 Member
    I don't watch much TV because I feel like most of what's on is garbage. My husband watches a lot of TV though, and I find that when the TV is on, I zone out.....I usually spend some time on MFP updating my food/exercise for the day, clean up my emails and then I either read or do needlework or crosswords. If my hands and mind are busy with something, they don't have much time for food.

    The other thing that I think helps is not to watch TV while I eat dinner. We sit down at the table, as a family, and talk to each other. I realize that not everyone does this because of schedules but it has helped me a lot.

    And once some of this insane snow and ice is gone, I will be outside walking, which I am really starting to miss (I never thought I would hear myself say that!)
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Knitting or cross stitch, or paint your nails, can't dip your hands into a bag of crisps when you've got wet nail varnish.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Nope! This is why I play on the internet instead of watch tv. Keyboard & mouse keep my fingers busy and my mind is more engaged.
    15 minutes in front of the damned box and I am reaching for food!
    TV is also one of the reasons most of my training is done after work. Keeps me off the sofa and away from the clicker!