Is it safe to eat 1,000 calories a day and no more?



  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I ate under 1000 calories nearly every day and I lost weight gradually, going from a dress size 14 down to a 10, and the only exercise I got was through work (lifting and carrying in a stockroom) and sex. Might not have been the healthiest way to lose weight but it wasn't harmful to me nor did it affect me in any negative way apart from the occasional rumbling tummy. So I wouldn't say eating 1000 calories is drastically bad, just needs to be managed well and it isn't really a diet for long term as then I imagine it could cause problems.

    Uh, why have you resurrected a thread that is over 2 years old ?
  • minigirl99

    I can't go up to 1200 calories...I don't know why... I seriously feel like throwing up whenever someone tells me they can eat like 2100 calories because whenever I try to eat more I feel nauseous

    I'm thinking it's because you may not be drinking a lot of your calories, I only drink water and that's the way I've been since I was a kid, I love pop I'm just too lazy to get some to be honest... so drink high calorie drinks (healthy ones! maybe those milk and nuts milk things...I have no idea what I just said but I hope you get it)

    What I do because everyone assumes I'm starving myself and threatens to kill me if I don't go over 1200 is I eat chocolate, and drink the fattiest milk I can find, that usually adds an extra 500 no problem

    The other thing is, I think short people just eat less, I'm just under 4,11 and honestly if I wanted to I could just eat one big high calorie meal and be done for the day (maybe I have a slow metabolism??)

    I have no idea if this helped, I wanted to start my own thread and then I saw this one and got overexcited...

    EDIT: uhh, nevermind I didn't realize this thread was old...
  • Dreamingallday
    And I responded to a post that has been over for over 2 years...
  • KowboyKraka
    KowboyKraka Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 6'2" male and weigh 225ish. I am actually on a 1000 calorie diet. I have plenty of energy and all my blood pressure and glucose levels are fine. If you are over weight then I think it is perfectly fine. If you are overweight then you have the stores to give your body what it needs to survive. That's the whole point of going into ketosis. Your body will start producing ketone bodies which is essentially your fat stores and your body will start feeding off of them for energy. In return you will start losing weight. Like I said before, I am on a 1k diet, but I am also keeping my carbs under 20 a day and my sugar levels very low. I am trying to get back down to my high school weight and what the medical field feels is an acceptable weight. At 225 I am considered obese (umm yeah ok). My weight is supposed to be between 145-190 for me to be in the normal range. A guy that is 6'2" should not even come close to weighing 145. 190 is acceptable. Anyway back to the point, eat your 1k calories as long as they are healthy. Proteins and Fats, keep your carbs as low as you can and try to avoid sugars. You will lose the weight very quickly. Do some research on the Ketogenic and the Atkins. I am doing a mix of them since they are pretty close to same thing. Once I am where I want to be weight wise I am switching over to clean eating, but if you must put a name on it then, Paleo.
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    I am 5'-2" and have been losing while averaging anywhere from 1200 to 1400 calories per day. Generally in the 1300 range and I can't imagine living on less food!

    Same here, except I'm 5.3.5"!