birth control vs tubal

not sure where this should go. i am 36 and have been on depo off and on for several years. i have one child 17 years of age. i know for a fact i do not want any more. just was wanting some feed back on tubals, from some ppl who have had them. etc...mentral stuff, bloating, whatever you feel i should know.


  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    It has been 32yrs. but I had my tubal. It was a little 2 inch incision. I had a lot of soreness but nothing major. That was on May 20th and I was on the job June 1st. I recommend it.
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    My cousin had one a few weeks after her last son was born and I remember her up and doing things a couple days later. I don't think the recovery time is too long but I guess it depends on the person.
  • wifeyplus6
    I had the Essure procedure, I would reccomend it. It is for people who are ABSOLUTLY sure they don't want more children. It will sterilize you. It CANNOT be undone. It is more effectice than having your tubes tied/cut. As a tubal, as it was explained to me still leaves a minute chance of pregnancy, although very remote. The Essure is an out patient procedure. It takes about 15 minutes. You do need to have someone take you home after, as you will have had pain medicine. My dr. does it in his office. I didn't have have pay for another hospital procedure. You would need to make sure that you have a Dr. who knows what he's doing. (OBGYN) I did have cramps that day. And some cramps off and on for the next three months. THe cramps were not daily though. (it was while the scar tissue was growing over) I took regular pain medicine like Ibuprophen or Tylenol. That took care of the pain. (it was managable) After 3 months you go in for an ultrasound and they check to make sure your all sealed off. And then your good to go. It has been 2 years since my procedure and I have absolutly no ill side effects.
  • pkd1
    pkd1 Posts: 170 Member
    I had a tubal 3 years ago i have a scar on my pelvic and in my belly button were they entered from, it was a peice of cake no down time ,just cant life more then 10 lbs for a week or so but i highly recommend it... also if your on the pill its costing you money every month, with a tubal its a one time fee (haha)
  • wifeyplus6
    I also wanted to add that you can go back to work the next day. There is no 'recover' time. I went home and had my normal day. I just couldn't drive home because of the pain medication given to me for my apointment.

    good luck on whatever choice you make!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I would definitely recommend a vasectomy. :wink: After all, you had the babe, he should have the snip.
  • swtally80
    swtally80 Posts: 278 Member
    I have a tubal. I started having severe cramps afterwards and have talked to other ladies who have had this problem. I also started to have some more intense mood swings. It is a quick simple procedure, maybe a day of pain meds and not wanting to do much. However, if I could go back I would not do it again, the change in my cycle is horrid.
  • fayfay12345
    I have no idea who told this person that a tubal is like a C-section. I was back to work in 2 days after my tubal. There is nothing to it. It was the best thing I ever did. Seriously. I had medical complications with my last child and was told not to have any more children. It is well worth not having to worry about getting pregnant. Now a days women are getting pregnant later and later in life. No way not for me.
  • Audi68
    Audi68 Posts: 113 Member
    I had a tubal and was back to work in no time but later in life I wish I wouldn't have done it. I met the man of my dreams in my late late 30's and really wanted to have a child with him but was unable to, he would of been a great father. You never know what lies a head of you in life.
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    I had a procedure called Essure done in June of 09. It's non-reversible sterilization and it was the BEST choice I ever made. It's not surgery (no incision, it's done pelvicaly) and I could have been back to work the next day (if I hadn't already taken a week off). The doctor implants a small coil into each fallopian tube and your tubes grow around them causing them to block completely. I still have TOM and that was a plus for me (I'm not ready for menopause!).

    I don't know much about any other insurance plans but i know UHC covered it 100%. It may be a good option for you.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Tubal ligation is done thru the navel, it does not require any abdominal surgery, so the muscles are not cut. It takes only few days to recover. It is not like a C Section at all.

    It is recommended that anticonceptives be taken for a couple of months to make sure that pregnancy does not take place until the procedure is sate.
  • sheenabe
    sheenabe Posts: 61 Member
    I hade a tubal two years ago. It was simple day surgery, with a small incision by my belly button. I was back to work the next day. The only side effects that I have noticed is my PMS kind of came back full force and it took me a while to recognise WTH was happening. I had been taking depo as well, so pumping myself full of hormones that when I didn't have them anymore I didn't recognise who the true me was. I am fine now and my husband now knows when to back off and let me be. I am completely happy with my decision no regrets and no pregnancies!!!
  • kmard81
    kmard81 Posts: 212 Member
    The main thing you have to consider is that you'd be having surgery for a tubal - which equals recovery time and everything. Having a tubal is very similar to having a C-section; you'd have 6-8 weeks of recovery and your stomach muscles would take a major hit.

    There are other, newer, options. There's a product called Essure where they insert a spring like device into your fallopian tubes through your uterus and it grows scar tissue around it which prevents eggs from coming down and attaching. This is a hormone free option as well. I myself am considering this once my husband and I determine whether or not we are having more children.

    I do have to disagree that it is similar to a c-sec. A c-sec is MAJOR sugery and is a long recovery. It was about 4 weeks before I could carry my baby in the carseat. With a tubal, they enter through a small incision in your belly button, only about an inch long. Motrin is prescribed for pain afterwards.
  • OGFleabag
    OGFleabag Posts: 137 Member
    I had a tubal 10 years ago. I don't know anything about the Essure, but the tubal was a wonderful option for me. I know for a fact that I don't want more kids, I don't have to worry about scares, and if I become pregnant, than I will assume that he/she is the next President, Ghandi or Mother Theresa, and will gladly bear the awesome child.
    I had 1 small incision inside my bellybutton, about 1/2 inch, no external stitches, they prescribed vicodin (sp?) and I have no idea why, very little discomfort and was taking care of a baby when I got home. My periods actually improved, less cramping, more so because while they were in there, they zapped a cyst. Moods seem the same as before.
    My tubal was only clamping of the fallopian tubes, no cutting, or burning. still as effective, if not more because of minimal scar tissue, according to my doc.
  • RiverWild
    RiverWild Posts: 52 Member
    My tubal was 21 years ago, it was 2 days tops to recover even back then. I have had no ongoing issues and no regrets.
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    There are other, newer, options. There's a product called Essure where they insert a spring like device into your fallopian tubes through your uterus and it grows scar tissue around it which prevents eggs from coming down and attaching. This is a hormone free option as well. I myself am considering this once my husband and I determine whether or not we are having more children.
    I don't know how I missed this when I posted earlier today. I had it done about 17 months ago and it's been great! They recommend a "back up" method for the first 90 days and then you have a contrast dye x-ray done (I won't lie, it was pretty uncomfortable & caused major cramping for about 6 hours) but I was 100% blocked at 90 days and haven't had to think about it since.
    Best decision I've ever made. Well other than that beautiful little boy I gave birth to :love:

    Edited to add: I recently had to have lower back/hip/pelvic x-rays done and the doctor comapred me to a golf club as the coils are made of titanium alloy & stainless steel.