What do you consider a 'binge'?



  • olehcat
    olehcat Posts: 92 Member
    I was having difficulty with my type of binges for about a year and a half recently (thankfully I've ended that pattern) and for me, it was getting super excited about eating ALL the foods, planning for it, ordering takeaway food when I wasn't even hungry, and then eating past the point of fullness in order to satisfy something else inside me (boredom, depression, stress). While I was doing it, it felt good, sort of naughty and rebellious, like saying f*** you to healthy eating and dieting. But I would wake up in the morning with awful regrets. So I don't put a calorie amount on it, but for me it was around 2000 calories (above what I normally/should be eating in a day), but it was more the feelings surrounding it that made me label it a binge. Also, I was keeping it secret from people.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I use to consider a binge a period where I ate large volumes of high calorie foods.

    But I now have freed myself from those notions, so I don't consider myself as "binging" on anything. I just east as much, or as little, as I choose and move on. Binging signifies a loss of control, as if food were a drug that is taking over my ability to chose. And I'm just not in that place anymore to see food, or myself, through that kind of lense.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,185 Member
    Is when a person goes on a complete eating frenzy until they can't eat anymore and then either forgot they did or tries to.
  • Jaminjo2
    Jaminjo2 Posts: 31 Member
    Been there done that! I also like to "sneak eat" and for no reason. Food is not scarce at my house and the people I live and work with wouldn't care how much I ate. I guess that means I do care what people see, but not as much about how I feel afterwards.

    WOW! That was deep.
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    So, it's not necessarily a number, but more of a mindset. It's when I'm doing it, I can't stop, and I don't care about the consequences.

    There's more than one person here who's said the same thing, but this is the one that resonates most with me. If I have that piece of cheesecake or extra slice of pizza because I want it, then it's not a binge. But if I find myself stuffing my face with anything, even though I don't need it and don't necessarily want it, then that's definitely a binge.

    Luckily, not so much any more - I'm better at self-control these days.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Unplanned eating, in stressed or unfavorable circumstances, resulting in regret.
    If I did the same thing in the context of friends, family and fun, I would call that a FEAST (and have no regrets).
  • Jkn921
    Jkn921 Posts: 309 Member
    A personal example for me would be fast food then chocolate/crisps/those types of snacks afterwards in big quantities. Now that I think about it, that hasn't happened :D
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    Also, I was keeping it secret from people.
    yes, the secrecy part of it has been key for me in the past. which only skyrockets the feelings of shame.
  • I would consider a binge as maybe 500+ calories with in an hour or less.
  • Binging to me is where you know you should be making the healthy choices but are negligent and eat until you over filled.

    Unless this is planned. I plan a cheat meal / day / eat whatever I want (within reason) every 25-30 days. I really try to plan them on days that I go out to a theme park or know that I will be getting an extra calorie burn that day. Yesterday my wife & I went to Animal Kingdom (since we live close to Orlando) and my pedometer tracked that I walked almost 20,000 steps which is quite a lot for me.

    I didn't "binge out" but I did not track everything I ate. I had a cheesburger & fries, two slices of pizza, and a few bites of a cupcake without guilt. I don't feel bad about it this morning and I'm going to keep on trucking.

    If you're good 95% of the time and diligent, focused and patient the other 5% will not make that much of a deficit in your results.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    I would consider a binge as maybe 500+ calories with in an hour or less.
    LOL. no.
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    Before I started seriously getting my weight/health under control I would consider a binge a day I would just eat/drink whatever with no care of what I was consuming. Now I would consider a binge- eating at a "maintaining" caloric intake for my current weight.

  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    At least 1000+ calories over maintenance.
  • action_man
    action_man Posts: 21 Member
    For me the definition of binge is being out of control, compulsively eating or being in a trance with no consideration for taste, food quality or pleasure. I would say that mindset, combined with eating a comparatively large amount of food in a relatively short period of time, would constitute a binge.

    Exactly this. I think a lot of people like to confuse binge eating and over-eating either to make their lives sound more dramatic or to punish themselves for accidentally eating too much. If you ate your maintenance calories, that's not a binge. You at a normal sustainable amount of food and the only thing wrong with that is you've stalled your weight loss for a day. Binge-ing implies a lack of control.
  • JMel86
    JMel86 Posts: 124 Member
    I consider it a binge when I eat an entire something within a couple of hours that is meant to serve more than one person (large pizza, pan of lasagna, pie, etc.) Thankfully that doesn't happen much anymore.

    Me too. I haven't had a day like this in a while but this is a binge for me.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,519 Member
    For me, binge is when I eat an "entire" something. I ate an entire box of chocolates the other night. There was definitely a compulsive component to it.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    A dozen krispy kremes. A tray of baklava.
  • ab_1203
    ab_1203 Posts: 88 Member
    A binge for me is just not caring at all and just eating whatever comes to mind when you feel like it without thinking of the consequences. Ive been through it before, eating 5000 calories in a day and I dont think id be able to do it every day, it makes you feel very uncomfortable.
  • katielauren2001
    katielauren2001 Posts: 171 Member
    Eating crisps without thinking of calories.

    Or just eating bad foods all day, without thinking of any consequences.
  • chantels1
    chantels1 Posts: 391 Member
    I may be out of the norm, but I think of weight loss and fitness as something I want to maintain, so I eat anything I want but I eat it in MODERATION! I also make sure to keep within my calorie goals. So a binge for me would be eating more than a serving size of something, but only if it put me over my day's calories. I regularly eat pizza, but it is not a binge for me unless I eat so much that I go over my goals.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    eating excessive amounts of food that have little or no nutritional value - I used to do this frequently but now I find that I don't crave the junk anymore really - but some days there is just delicious food around so exceding my calorie goal is now considered a binge for me.
  • Soufre
    Soufre Posts: 236 Member
    I may be out of the norm, but I think of weight loss and fitness as something I want to maintain, so I eat anything I want but I eat it in MODERATION! I also make sure to keep within my calorie goals. So a binge for me would be eating more than a serving size of something, but only if it put me over my day's calories. I regularly eat pizza, but it is not a binge for me unless I eat so much that I go over my goals.

    I feel the same way. I still eat pizza and burgers but I keep it within my calorie goals. Also, when I binge eat, I don't log and I don't care. Then I regret it later.
  • Binging for me usually involves secrecy. Since joining MFP and making a general decision in my life to be smarter about food, I've avoided binging for the most part. I do enjoy myself at parties where there is an array of yummies, but I don't consider that a binge because I try to keep it moderate and don't eat to the point of guilt or sickness. I just like the foodz and don't want to be stuck thinking about that one thing I wanted to eat but didn't.. that is where my binges come from, wanting something and not giving it to myself, then something snaps and I go overboard after dreaming about it for several days.

    An example of a binge for me would be buying a 2 pound bag of twizzlers, box of 12 peanut butter bars, or a huge costco bag of snap pea crisps, or getting not just one but a collection of candy bars, knowing full well I do not need or even necessarily want them (compulsive action) and just face-stuffing them over the course of a an hour or more (alone, of course) and then hiding the empty bag under other trash so no one will notice it, or walking down the street and disposing of the bag in a public trash can to entirely get rid of the "evidence." I would even mentally pretend as I went through the checkout lane that I'm getting all this stuff for other people since I already felt guilty/self-conscious.

    I used to binge in this way a lot, especially when I lived alone, wasn't holding myself accountable, and didn't worry about people seeing my trash. Heh. Now I am my own witness (diary!) and this self-accountability/transparency helps tremendously. Even if I don't tell anyone about it, I will still put it in my diary if I eat it.
  • A binge for me usually involves feeling ashamed, keeping it a secret, but most importantly, feeling out of control. I don't think having a huge pizza on a night out with friends is a 'binge', binging is most like uncontrollable eating that makes you feel bloated and poorly afterwards.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    I would consider a binge as maybe 500+ calories with in an hour or less.

    I hope you meant to add an extra zero in there because oif not that's really sad.
  • ajlandon
    ajlandon Posts: 115 Member
    Eating so far past the point of satiety that my stomach hurts, feeling like I've lost control, usually triggered by emotional distress, usually ending with regret and shame. The content doesn't matter (I've binged on everything from cake to plain greek yogurt to sticks of butter to peanut butter to rice - I'm going for the full feeling). The calorie content tends to be 3500-6000 in an hour or two. Smaller binges of 700-1000 are basically 3500-6000 cal binges I've managed to interrupt.
  • RoseGoldDinosaur
    RoseGoldDinosaur Posts: 133 Member
    When my stomach hurts, and I keep eating. Usually with absolutely no regard for how the food I'm shoveling in my mouth will affect my future self.
  • Eating a calorie excess that is going to take me for than 3-4 days of eating at a moderate restriction to compensate for.
  • feeling like I can't stop eating, even past the point of fullness. Usually happens within a short time frame and usually trying to do so without anyone else seeing/knowing about it. It's emotional too, lots of anxiety leading up to the binge (will I, won't I? What will I eat?...), numbness during the binge, disregarding all consequences, and then severe guilt, shame, self hatred and depression afterwards (not to mention the physical sickness/pain from eating so much at once). Binges for me are usually in the 800+ calorie range (this is on top of my regular eating for the day). I've had binges well over 2000 cals before....these suck, though I know I am not the worst case out there. I've heard of people eating 5000+ cals in a binge.
  • My opinion i would consider binge is when I have a full not open jar of peanut butter i'm in the kitchen constantly eating.I slide down the refrigerator constantly eating the peanut butter. Yet I have not notice i'm sitting on the floor. Until i start scrapping the jar and i'm left alone with an empty jar and the maddness of knowing I just ate over 2000 calories in one sitting. Yes I have experience this PEANUT BUTTER is my favorite.