Calorie goal? Plz help. Confirming I at good spot. Thx

So, I am female, 30, 5'4" CW 190
Starting weight was 212 when I started being more cautious of what I was eating. Started using MFP (again) jan 1 @ 208
Goal was at 1200. Now at 1250. Feel fine w that....I go over some days but most are good, my activity level is moderate. Doing c25k 3-4 times/wk (on wk 4) and going to try to start adding in some weights/resistance to help w skin getting tighter.
My TDEE is 2535, BMR is 1535
I have been losing on average 1lb/wk sometime more, sometimes less
Thoughts? Thinking I okay to stay at that for now??
I am asking for input --- new to this --- please be kind


  • MissjessA193
    MissjessA193 Posts: 11 Member
    We have a really similar situation! I am 32 and 5'3". I was 209 when I started using MFP again Jan 6. They had me at 1200 calories also. ( I had mine set to lose 2 pounds a week and at sedentary because I have a desk job) The 1200 calories wasn't bad for me, I was loosing about 1-2 pounds week, but I have been reading lot on here and its seems like 1200 calories inst a great idea for long term. So after reading lots of posts, as of yesterday I changed my goal to lose 1 pound a week and MFP upped me to 1470 calories.

    According to the scooby website lots of people post about on here my BMR is 1574 and my TDEE is 1888.

    I am starting C25K week 4 this week. I have also been looking into adding weights, I have never done weights before and its intimidating!

    Sorry I can't really answer your questions,-- I'm new to this too- but I thought I'd say Hi and welcome. I'll be following your post to see what kind of input you get :)
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Are you eating any of your exercise calories back? If not I would eat back at least half and you'll continue to lose weight but you'll have more fuel and hopefully preserve a bit more muscle mass. Congratulations on your loss so far
  • astairs_1983
    astairs_1983 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Jess! Congrats on your loss so far! C25K is great! Did it before and did a 5k last year but stopped after an injury do getting back into it now! Ya, lots of varying opinions on 1200 cal but my thoughts are if it's working and I feel fine (energy, etc) then it must be okay. If I were losing 2lb or more a wk consistently, I wouldn't do it and I will increase a bit as I get smaller and exercise more. It's confusing.....that's why I need input. Not even 100% sure what TDEE even is!! Lol
  • astairs_1983
    astairs_1983 Posts: 8 Member
    Are you eating any of your exercise calories back? If not I would eat back at least half and you'll continue to lose weight but you'll have more fuel and hopefully preserve a bit more muscle mass. Congratulations on your loss so far

    Thx. So far my energy level and etc has been good! I eat back my exercise calories sometimes but not all. It all seems to even out I would love to see even bigger loses quicker but at the same time, I am trying to make a lifestyle change I can stick with, not just a I know slower is better
    I just don't understand all the TDEE, BMR, MFP, and how it's all so different!! Lol