Bunch of questions from a newbie

Hi there!

For many years, I have had the worse diet ever. I did not care about my health because I had in mind that as long as I was skinny, I was still in shape.

After going through a tough time, last year, I finally decided to start eating healthy and exercise. Three days ago, I went for the gym for the first time (it's an addiction). But I had a question.

I currently weight around 51kg and I am 5'7. Since I go to my school's gym, it is not open on week-ends and I want to go 5 days/week. I really want to get fit, but in the healthy way.

Here's my questions:
Since I want to gain a muscle mass, do I need to gain a lot of weight? If yes, how much lbs/KGS? My metabolism burns around 1k8 calories/days by itself so I was wondering how much calories I should be eating, each day.

I would like to know if there is such thing as eating too much carbs when it comes from fruits. I tend to eat a couple apples, 2 or 3 bananas per day, some berries, kiwis and a bunch of other stuff. As I have been trying to keep a food log, I always end up eating more than 200g of carbs per day mostly because of the fruits I eat... And since I have heard that it's not good to eat too much carbs, is it okay?

Also, I have this question about proteins and protein powder. When it comes to my protein intakes, I have heard so many different opinions. I am not so sure of what to listen anymore.
In order to reach my goal shape, should I be buying protein powder? (I can't hit past 110g/day and I usually stay around 90g, that's why I am wondering) Have you got some brands to suggest? (Possibly some less expensive. I am a student so I don't see myself paying 100$ a month for supplements. Not right now anyways!)

To sum it up, how many fat/carbs/proteins per day should I be eating in order to get some definition and a muscle mass gain?

Thank you for your help!


  • Inhave a protein powder i love! Message me if youd like the link.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,589 MFP Moderator
    This link might be helpful http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/974888-in-place-of-a-road-map-2k13

    and if you go to scoobysworkshop.com the talks a lot about body building

    I can't say I really know enough to feel good giving you advice but you could probably learn a lot if you look into some of the weightlifting threads on here and buddy up with some of the other female lifters around the site, men are good too of coarse.

    best of luck to you!
  • iAmStarStuff27
    iAmStarStuff27 Posts: 109 Member
    Set a calorie goal with varying percentages of calories coming from carbs, fat and protein. alternate bulk/cut on a daily/weekly/monthly basis (whatever suits you). When you're lifting you up your percentage of calories from complex carbs and when your cutting you lower it. It will take some experimenting.

    I think it's a bad idea to ask "how much weight do I need to gain when I'm building muscle?". slight weight gain is the side effect of a caloric surplus during a bulking phase. Simply 'adding weight' is not the right approach.

    FR if you want to talk more.



    From article - "How much should you eat during bulking and cutting periods? To answer this question, you first need to discover your caloric maintenance level. Log everything you eat, and find the calorie level that keeps your weight the same for a 2 week period.

    Once you know this number, eat at least an additional 1,000 calories per day on a bulk."