Hello. I'm back. 11 lbs heavier than last time

Hi, my name is Kelle. I'm horrible at watching my calories, but I'm going to try again. Being fat makes me sad.


  • hkied
    hkied Posts: 46 Member
    I am right there with you, I try and do well for about 5 days then the weekend comes and my hubby brings home the treats, I feel like I have no support in my home so its me against 4 kids and a husband. friend me and maybe we can get it together!
  • SonyaKou
    SonyaKou Posts: 33 Member
    I hear you. I am my own worst enemy. I get psyched for about a month, lose a couple pounds and then get distracted for a few months and come back 10 pounds heavier! lol
  • kellesee
    kellesee Posts: 53 Member
    :-( ...I know the feeling.
  • NattieRose80
    NattieRose80 Posts: 32 Member
    I hear you loud and clear. All of 2013 I was battling with 5 pounds; when I think of all the emotional stress I put myself through for five lousy pounds it drives me crazy!
    I too don't always track calories on the weekend because my husband like to FEED ME... UGH! Makes Monday even worse because I am always starting over... So glad to see I am not alone!
    I just started Zumba, and that has really been helping. You Can Do This (All of Us Can!)

  • Glakhmed
    Glakhmed Posts: 35 Member
    Keep your head up! Find ways to keep yourself motivated. Remember, slow and steady is best.
  • flutterbye811
    flutterbye811 Posts: 86 Member
    I think the hardest part of the process is trying to get your mind around the fact that it's not a diet, but a lifestyle change. All foods should be allowed (with moderation, of course!). What is your weight loss plan/calorie intake/exercise routine looking like? Do you have a food scale/heart rate monitor?

    It took me many, many attempts/years to discover a more realistic mindset regarding this but you can get there if you look at this journey/goal in the best way possible- it'll be a challenge, but as long as you realize that change takes time and that slow and steady wins the race then you will succeed! :happy:
  • judy49650
    judy49650 Posts: 19 Member
    Me too! I am concentrating more on the psychological, and the reasons why I eat in the first place because it's not just hunger! These guys have some good ideas http://cutthefatpodcast.com/ I also find this magazine usefulhttp://www.psychologies.co.uk/self/your-tips-for-new-year-success.html
  • flutterbye811
    flutterbye811 Posts: 86 Member
    That's great information Judy, thanks for the podcasts! There is also fat2fitradio.com as well, they are no longer creating podcasts but the information from start to finish is really informative and focuses on the "slow and steady" method of calculating your BMR and TDEE to get the most appropriate amount of calories you should consume daily- I feel it really does work and doesn't deprive you!

    I also have to concentrate on the psychological reasons I want to eat and if they are truly for hunger reasons or boredom ones- it helps refocus me on my greater goal. :) Good luck to everyone!
  • LJDaye
    LJDaye Posts: 69
    I lost 45 pounds and was doing so great. Then I moved across the country and got lazy. I started eating like crap and gained back 25 of those pounds. This time I will do it!
  • kellesee
    kellesee Posts: 53 Member
    Nattie, I'm going to try it too!
  • kw1452
    kw1452 Posts: 113 Member
    I lost 10 lbs last fall then gained it all back over xmas. Now I'm back at my starting weight and trying all over again. Its frustrating, but just keep at it. Maybe we can lose it and keep it off this time!
  • Sarahsomething14
    My husband does the same thing. I lack motivation at home also. If it wasn't for my 3 year-old always pushing me I wouldn't be where I'm at today. I do at home videos but it's kind of hard to do it everyday when I have a six month old who is teething
  • dena1663
    I am in the same boat. I am trying this again....I hope I don't fail again!
  • needachange343
    Hi I think a lot of people including me can relate to that. It's hard to stay motivated. That's what I'm working on right now. I'm trying to get back on track. But it's hard to avoid eating the bad stuff. But I thought joining mfp would help. And listening to other people, knowing they are dealing with the same problems is comforting.
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    Keep your chin up. Don't give up! You can do this. <3
  • judy49650
    judy49650 Posts: 19 Member
    Your not on your own. I start today.
  • judy49650
    judy49650 Posts: 19 Member
    Very true.
  • NzBuilt
    NzBuilt Posts: 235 Member
    I hear you lets do this add me if ya like or any body else i log daily.....