Starting again. Need friends for motivation.

ATK57 Posts: 302 Member
Hey everyone! Used MFP before and lost 40 lbs. Then I went back to school and with school came stress and I gained most of the weight back. I got a job which is commencing in May, so I want to lose as much weight as I can before I start. I plan on being active on here from now on and nothing keeps you going better than support from friends.



  • imjolly
    imjolly Posts: 176 Member
    Welcome back. I did the same thing; lost weight on MFP then stop using and gain some back. I realized this is a life commitment for me. Good Luck!! I agree friends are a must so you don't feel like you are the only one logging in everything you eat.
  • JulieMorelli
    I'm into my second week back since 2012? Anyhoo, I have a goal of 20 lbs. to lose - 30 would be ideal but I'm shooting for the lower number first and could use weight loss buddies too...friend me if you like :wink:
  • ATK57
    ATK57 Posts: 302 Member
    Thank you for the add!
  • QuixoticPanda
    QuixoticPanda Posts: 40 Member
    We are almost the same weight even though you are way taller! l'll request you.
  • j_sweets
    I'm back too after gaining my 20lbs loss back over the past 4 years. So happy to have found a community in MFP! Happy to be added to anyone's list of friends here.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    any one can feel free to add happy to support!!!
  • Getfit2lookgood
    Getfit2lookgood Posts: 33 Member
    Welcome back everyone who's been out for awhile!
    Add me for support
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: glad you have come back! I am sending you a friend request because I think together we can support & encourage each other through this journey!
  • redhearted
    I have my ups and downs. I have lost 33 lbs and need to go 20 more to feel done. I give daily support no matter what.
  • ATK57
    ATK57 Posts: 302 Member
    Thanks everyone! Appreciate the support!
  • ATK57
    ATK57 Posts: 302 Member
  • jojocinda
    How do you get friends on mfp I've only used it to track my food and exercise
  • ATK57
    ATK57 Posts: 302 Member
    How do you get friends on mfp I've only used it to track my food and exercise

    You click on people's profile and send them a friend request. I just sent you one! :)
  • soozey1
    soozey1 Posts: 102 Member
    I would love some friends to help motivate me. I keep falling of the fitness wagon, so to speak and really need to get back on.
    I find it so difficult to loose weight. I diet and exercise and eat clean food, well most of the time, sometimes you just need that extra motivation.
    When the scales say, not today Sooze. Try harder.
  • brieskie
    I've never really got into MFP yet.. I've been on idle for a few months but now really trying to give it a go. Would be great to have some more people on my feed for inspiration! Happy for any friend requests
  • CitiZoo
    CitiZoo Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome back!! :flowerforyou: I'm kind of new here, just over a week. I hope to find more success here with pals than I ever did on my own.
  • ATK57
    ATK57 Posts: 302 Member
    Thanks for the adds everyone and good luck with your goals!
  • ATK57
    ATK57 Posts: 302 Member
  • sandralissa
    Hello. Im new. I need help n motivation. Need to lose 71lb for my health status. Hope u guys will help me.
  • ATK57
    ATK57 Posts: 302 Member
    Hello. Im new. I need help n motivation. Need to lose 71lb for my health status. Hope u guys will help me.

    Invite sent!