Would like a motivation buddy!

I'm very uncomfortable in my body. I hate everything about being fat - looking in the mirror, going in public, having pictures taken of me - I hate EVERYTHING ! You'd think that would be enough motivation, but it's not! I'm hoping to find someone who has been through the same problems and had success. I need serious motivation and day to day tips on how to not get bored excercising and affordable yet tasteful foods that help reduce calories.

I'm 22, female, and a little over 250 lbs. I'm aiming for 150, obviously not all at once.

Anyone I could get to know on a personal day to day level that will help me?!

Thanks in advance!


  • Dr3aming
  • seawolf86
    Feel free to add me, I'd love to help!
  • Courage1895
    anybody can add me. WE can message back and forth if you need that motivation because I know how hard it is to not reach your goal overnight and sort of fall off track.
  • soozey1
    soozey1 Posts: 102 Member
    You can add me. I know a lot about Nutrition and exercise, I cook a lot and eat good clean food. I just need to stay 100% focused one little slip up costs me very dearly on the scales.
    I think I have had a crack at every diet on the market ;)
  • Joanne190914
    Im doing the insanity workout, I will add you and help you to keep motivated :) Theres lots of support here and were all here for you! :)
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    Hi - you can do this. It is just a mind shift away to becoming the even more extraordinary person you know you really are. You need a big enough why to get started. My suggestion is to sit down until you come with enough reasons why you want to lose weight - Tell yourself failure is not an option, quitting is not who I am. Set backs a reality but these serve to reference points to set you back on your objective, your experiences in the past have been just preparation for you they are not failures they were warm ups to prepare you for now, you have not and will not give up on becoming the best you that you know you can be. Get your why big enough and nothing will stop you. Don't worry about the how yet. This path will reveal - you need your mind to work with you we can help with ideas and tips - today right now is your time to take your first step to who you truely want to be.
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    .... Of course you can add me if you want to. I am happy to pass on my thoughts and ideas of you find them helpful.
  • fanuch
    fanuch Posts: 18 Member
    I don't have any friends yet so feel free to add me. I'm 23 years old and have been doing really well with my weight loss over the last 3 months.

    In the words of Scribe - "I'm 23 and I just wanna be me, Wanna be free, wanna be everything I can be"
  • chasethesky125
    I'd love to help :D I'll send you a request right now!
  • LisaP0921
    LisaP0921 Posts: 34 Member
    Feel free to add me as well! I'm new to MFP and your struggle sounds very much like the one I have been dealing with. I have been successful with major weight loss in the past but have struggled lately with motivation and staying on track. I think building a solid support group around you is the #1 most important tool for weight loss success! Good luck to you!
  • nbdiamond
    nbdiamond Posts: 9 Member
    I know exactly how you feel!!! I gained over 100 lbs with the my third pregnancy. I went from a fit and sexy size 4 to a size 14! I've lost all but 32 lbs of the excess weight. I'd love to help motivate you to accomplishing your goals. Step one: STOP HATING YOURSELF!! FAT OR THIN LOVE YOURSELF NO MATTER WHAT!!