Bad gym buddies?

Mon - Fri I go to the track and gym with one of my friends. At first I thought it would be awesome, we could help each other and motivate each other to do better.

But she's horrible! Most of the time she only wants to sit down and talk and when I try to tell her we need to get to work, she complains. She uses any number of excuses for why she can't work out hard that day. There are too many people watching (her favorite excuse), she hasn't eaten enough, she ate too much, it's too hot outside, her water isn't cold enough, her muscles hurt from the day before, etc etc etc. I could go on and on really.

I've tried working out without her while she just sat there but then she got all crotchety with me. So then I tried talking to her to tell her maybe we should exercise separately and she said she would come with me regardless.

What can I do? I really can't handle wasting time like this. We're supposed to be motivating each other but it's actually just me dragging her through the motions while she complains, and it's really making working out a bad experience for me.


  • Quinn_Baker
    Quinn_Baker Posts: 292 Member
    Just go without her. If she shows up, work out regardless of what she does. She has no reason to get angry with you; you're there to workout and if she wants to join you, great! If not, tell her that's fine too but you need to do it with or without her.
  • bub_snig86
    bub_snig86 Posts: 2 Member
    Something like this happened to me a while ago. I was going to the gym with a friend int he same hope of motivating each. Other etc. and all she wanted to do was doll herself up and get checked out by the PT's. I understand he whole it makes going to the gym a chore and I felt stupid walking in ready to workout and she would look like she was ready to go out to a nightclub but in gym gear. I would then go and do my ow to i g and she'd be stroppy with me as I left her all alone. And she would always say I can't work too hard or my make up would run.

    After about a month of this I basically had enough and put down the law and said I go here to workout and lose know the days I go and the times. If you want to come TO WORKOUT sure join me. If not then don't complain or whinge. People go to a gym to EXERCISE not to try and pick up a PT.

    She came to one workout after that but after she realised that I was serious, she left the gym and surprisingly chatting to a guy on a treadmill that I'd seen every time I was at they gym, we both decided to be each other's workout buddies.

    Hope that helps
  • m0radell
    m0radell Posts: 26 Member
    Something like this happened to me a while ago. I was going to the gym with a friend int he same hope of motivating each. Other etc. and all she wanted to do was doll herself up and get checked out by the PT's. I understand he whole it makes going to the gym a chore and I felt stupid walking in ready to workout and she would look like she was ready to go out to a nightclub but in gym gear. I would then go and do my ow to i g and she'd be stroppy with me as I left her all alone. And she would always say I can't work too hard or my make up would run.

    After about a month of this I basically had enough and put down the law and said I go here to workout and lose know the days I go and the times. If you want to come TO WORKOUT sure join me. If not then don't complain or whinge. People go to a gym to EXERCISE not to try and pick up a PT.

    She came to one workout after that but after she realised that I was serious, she left the gym and surprisingly chatting to a guy on a treadmill that I'd seen every time I was at they gym, we both decided to be each other's workout buddies.

    Hope that helps

    That's exactly part of it! This girl stares looking at herself in the mirror for a good 20 minutes before she even leaves the locker room! Thanks, I'll man up and tell her :)
    Just go without her. If she shows up, work out regardless of what she does. She has no reason to get angry with you; you're there to workout and if she wants to join you, great! If not, tell her that's fine too but you need to do it with or without her.

    I just feel so bad when she gets angry haha. But you're right, I'm there to workout and I will have to tell her I will get my workouts done with or without her!
  • SavageAbbey
    At first my friends were all motivated about working out. A couple of months ago there were four of us and now it's a scarce two. Me and my bestie. But lately she has been going less and less. I have found that its easier to go it alone and concentrate.
  • IWILLBelieveAchieveInspire
    That's why I prefer to workout by myself. ;) I don't want to worry about anyone else but me. That being said I do have a friend at my gym who is a 'talker'. She is a really nice person and I do enjoy talking with her but just not during my workouts. She will often come up beside me while on the treadmill and start conversation. Even if I'm 'trying' to run she will start talking to me. I can be doing weights and she will start talking to me mid reps even if i have ear phones in. I stop say hi and try to get back into my reps but she just doesn't get the hint that i don't want to talk when i'm lifting or doing cardio. Some people are just clueless or they have so little interest in being at the gym they figure they will chat away the time. I just say go without her. If she shows up, say a quick hello and move on by saying, "gotta go workout" talk to you later. Hopefully she will get the hint. I have even said to my friend, I don't like talking while working out and she still does it..some people just don't get it!