Heaviest I've been!!!!

Hey! Looking for some friends for motivation:) reciently bought a scale to keep me on track with a diet and found out that I'm the heaviest I've been since high school!! (Not including pregnancies) looking to lose at least 30lbs, but my goal is 40lb loss. 5'8 190lbs add me if you'd like :)


  • Going through a similar thing (without the kids), so feel free to add me.
  • I'm going through my heaviest, too - I've never had kids, but I'm up to 155 which at 5'6" is my heaviest ever. Really uncomfortable here, trying to get the motivation to work out. February in Connecticut is just...snow, ice, and depression. Blah.
  • I am right there with you!! I am feelign depressed about the weight gain which for some reason is making it harder to get motivated to loose it! Its rather annoying. I did weight watchers for a while and was doing good on it I had lost 15 lbs, and then I started school back up again and didnt follow it like I should and started gaining weight like crazy. I havent been seriously over eating but its annoying me since I have gained 20 lbs since sept. So I say we are all here for each other and we can do this!!!
  • I know how that is , I am at 160 5'6 , so for our height I think we are at the same level . I want to lose 20 lbs for summer I need a motivation buddy . add me :)