Does running get easier?



  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I find running very very hard, never been any good at it, always a massive battle of mind over legs and lungs and don't really seem to improve :(

    Slow down!

    To the OP........yes it gets easier but it takes time, patience and consistency. You probably made the right decision going back to week 2 when you switched to running outside. Don't worry about repeating weeks, your goal is to run injury free and have fun!
  • MysteriousLdy
    MysteriousLdy Posts: 306 Member
    Ever before, I kept telling myself,I cannot run or jog..but when slowly I kept force myself doing it ,that I must do it,no matter what it took..I did it successfully. I joined 5km walkathon ,just so I wont stop myself in halfway,earned few encouragement medals for joining the charity walks/jog. I could finish 38-40mins for 5km (aiming at less than 35mins,if possible for 5k)
  • theycallyoumister
    theycallyoumister Posts: 222 Member
    Yes! :smile:
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member

    Third off, and this is the tricky part: Do you actually LIKE running? I know you say you feel the accomplishment of the finish. But do you like it while you're doing it? Not everybody likes running. Some people absolutely detest it. Running can be like licorice - you either love it or you hate it. If you're struggling because you like it but stink at it, then that's one thing. But if you're struggling because you simply don't like it even though you keep trying? The odds are if this is the case then you're never actually going to like running.

    I completely disagree with this! I was a running hater my whole life! Not only when I couldn't do it, but when I was in boxing doing crazy jump rope drills and found i had the lung capacity to handle running i thought it was stupid and a ridiculous waste of time. So i ran 5k here and there with my boxing friends as a warmup before class but hated it.

    Eventually I had a baby and as a single mom of a new baby with a full time job, I could not fit exercise into my life and lost all of my fitness, became overweight and pretty unhealthy. Two runner's in my life suggested I pick up running to get healthier because I could do it with my daughter in the jogger, no sitter required. Eventually I realized it was the only thing i could fit in so i did it. I started c25k. I hated every second of it. I was bad at it, it hurt my tired body and i had to focus on distracting my brain every time I was out there. Also, the added stress on my body was making me susceptible to every infection my daughter brought home from daycare. I had strep throat 3 times in 2 months! So i hung up my sneakers until spring. When i tried again, i still hated every minute of it, but decided to prove to running that I could do it. June of 2012 after over a year of trying, I was finally able to run 5k in 40 minutes. So i thought I'd train for a half marathon. In August of 2012 during HM training I ran a 5k in 29:52 while pushing my daughter in the jogger. And that's when running finally won me over. I've got my 5th half marathon coming up next week!

    So long story, but the point is, you can trick your mind into liking anything, even running.

    And to the OP, does running get easier? No! But you get better at it! :-)
  • from experience the type of shoes you run with makes a very big difference
  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    It does get easier - you also need to remember there will be good runs, not so good runs and all out awful runs... that won't change... keep on going!

    I can't run right now due to injury - I was up to 10km - I went out yesterday after a week off and couldn't even do 1km - that's very frustrating but not giving u =)
  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    My story is more like RunnerElizabeth's. I started trying to run almost 10 years ago as a means of crosstraining for cycling and Olympic lifting. For me it never got easier, never was enjoyable, at most I was able to distract myself with obsessively tracking my distance and pace improvements using various techno gadgets.

    I would go long stretches where I'd just say "screw it" to running, but I'd always circle back because it felt like the one thing I couldn't master. It has only been in the past 9 months that something clicked for me and now I'm pretty obsessed with running. For years I couldn't run a 5K without stopping to walk, but today I just got back from a run where I ran 7 miles without stopping to walk even once (total outing today was 8.7 miles, but there were a few walks at the end there). Next Saturday I'm running my first race--a 15K--and I'm pretty excited, and feel confident I can do it, even if I have to walk some of it.

    Running will get easier for you, and with any luck, you'll even come to enjoy it more. Whether or not that will happen quickly is anybody's guess however. If you are benefiting and can get yourself to push through the pain/difficulty, it will be worth it.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    The more you run, the better you get at running.

    Sounds obvious, but there it is.
  • Jollybeard
    Jollybeard Posts: 38 Member
    I agree with the general sentiment here. Running does get easier over time -- physically, anyway. What remains hard is the mental toughness it requires to get out on the road or the treadmill and stay there for the miles you have planned. Whether it's cold, or raining, or snowing, or hot, or hilly, or humid, it's easy to find a hundred reasons not to go running. But the feeling you get afterward is always worth it.

    Early on, the best strategy is not to push it too hard. Short intervals of running followed by walking is best. And when you run, don't worry about pace. Build up your endurance for distance and then work on speed when you have the stamina to take you as far as you want to go.
  • The more you run, the better you get at running.

    Sounds obvious, but there it is.

    lol, thank you although that doesn't exactly answer my question...
  • BarbellBlondieRuns
    BarbellBlondieRuns Posts: 511 Member
    signficantly :)
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    It will get easier before you lose the weight but at the same time losing the weight will make it easier.

    Running was impossible for me just 18 months ago. Now I'm pretty good at it for an old guy. ;-)
  • fithealthygirl
    fithealthygirl Posts: 290 Member
    yes, it will get easier than you will want more challenges to make it harder again. ;) plus you do get faster as you lose weight too.

    This is so true! I finished C25K a few months ago and now I'm doing the bridge to 10K. It's amazing how much progress you will make in a short time!
  • kalch
    kalch Posts: 45 Member
    First of all, im back here on MFP and happy to be.
    I started back on track a couple months ago, and part of my health kick was to train for a 10k here in Toronto for end of May.

    When I first started running I couldn't run more than 2 or 3 minutes at a time in early january.

    Yesterday, for the first time in my life, i ran for 30 minutes straight on a treadmill at 1% incline.. i run slowly, but I still ran for 30 minutes. I ran at 4.2 on the treadmill, and i think in 50 minutes on the treadmill i went almost 3 miles. Not very far, but still 30 minutes straight.

    Once I can get to 60 minutes straight, it might be warm enough outside to run, and I can do that. And once I hit 60 minutes straight in about another month, I'll start picking up the pace a bit. Right now, i was just happy to run for 30 minutes straight. Trust me, if I can do it, ANYBODY can do it. It will take time, but you'll have a little smirk on your face each time you run an extra 2 or 3 minutes straight. Definitely do walk/run training and extend the run part.

    Keep it up.

  • carriespence1
    carriespence1 Posts: 70 Member
    try putting the treadmill incline at 1 or 2 (level) that will mimic outside conditions and make outside running easier. I Used to be a sprinter in school and could never run a whole mile. I did this app wit a real struggle at week 7 and 8-redid both weeks. Now i adore it.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    i love this. i ran for 12 mins out of 45 mins on saturday. i was so excited for the first time in my life i ran for 3 mins straight 4 times. i have never even been able to run for 1 min. but i just know that i need to run. i feel it in my body like i have to. it looks like so much fun and i just want to run. my leg kinda hurts today but nothing will stop me from achieving this desire i have to run!!!
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    As long as you do it consistently, it gets easier! It used to be a struggle for me, especially on the treadmill. Now that I have spent the last 6 weeks actually committed to running 3 times a week as opposed to PLANNING on running three times a week, it's so much easier! So much easier that it keeps me committed to running three times a week. I don't want to go back to feeling like running is hard again.
  • MissMeMandaLee
    MissMeMandaLee Posts: 18 Member
    Great advice runners! I am building endurance, slowly but surely. I use the treadmill now(Midwest winter!) and although I can go for longer, I still have to stop and walk in between. I do 4min running, 4 walking until I hit 20 mins of running. Is this a good plan?
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Does running get easier? No, we just become more adept at embracing the suck. :)

    #3 Rule: have a training plan and stick with it.

    Challenge hills-- not the other way around.
  • zchastain
    zchastain Posts: 55 Member
    Running gets easier the more you practice but there are still good runs and bad. Last weekend I had a 6 mi tempo run where my legs felt like lead but this morning I ran 7 mi and felt nearly weightless. It's those runs that you slog through the tough ones for.

    Edit: I also got started using C25K, hated every moment of the first 3 or 4 weeks then took off. Now I run half marathons and can't imagine my life without running!
  • Keep running and it will keep getting better :smile:
  • beckytcy
    beckytcy Posts: 135 Member
    Yes, it will get easier. I used to hate running. I dreaded it. Now I look forward to it and it is one of my favorite hobbies. I promise you will learn to enjoy it. Just don't try to do too much too soon. Gradually build up to the 5k. Good luck! You can do it!!
  • Yes it will get easier if you keep it up. What i would say is just find a nice pace and as you lose weight and keep up your routine you will slowly begin to speed up and go for longer. Just take it easy because if you push to hard you might injure your self then there will be no running.

  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Yes, it gets easier. The first time I ran, I could run to the corner (about 100 yards) before I had to stop. I did a 10K on Saturday. Some days my legs feel heavy and stiff, and some days when I run, I think that I could run for a 1/2 marathon easily. Don't be discouraged when it is hard. It does get easier.
  • Yes - it does get easier. I used to say that I would only run if someone was chasing me, and if he was cute - I might let him catch me. OF course - that was before I was married! :)

    About 6 weeks ago I started a Learn to Run a 10km. Its a slower paced program - total length is 13 weeks, with a mid program variation if you chose. But it progresses slowly. I have altered it a bit and am up to running for 8 minutes, then a 1 minute walk - for a total of 52 minutes (including 5 minute warm up and a cool down). The amazing thing for me is that I CAN DO IT!!

    You can definitely do it - keep it up, don't give up!!! Each week will get easier - you will see!
  • Lifelink
    Lifelink Posts: 193 Member
    The more you run, the better you get at running.

    Sounds obvious, but there it is.

    lol, thank you although that doesn't exactly answer my question...

    "Does it get easier?"
    "The more you run, the better you get at running."
    "Doesn't answer my question..."

    If you get better, then it gets easier. If it's easier, you've gotten better. The correlation is there, thus your question has been answered.

    How many people do you need to give you the same answer before you believe it for yourself anyways? Now get out there and run, dammit.
  • I was inspired to begin running after I picked up Chris McDougall's "Born to Run." Now when I run, I remember to enjoy the run and smile. I used to hate running and never thought I would be any kind of distance runner. However, after 9 months of solid training, I ran my first marathon. I'm now training for my second marathon.
  • Yes running does get easier. Try intervals, where you begin running a certain distance and then walking a portion of it after and keep increasing until you can run full distance. It really helps