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Does/did losing weight change your personality?



  • Nightfall30
    Nightfall30 Posts: 112 Member
    I think I became more confident - I used to think I didn't deserve certain things like being with a man that loves me because I felt like I wasn't good enough - I've learnt better now. I'm still far away from my ideal body and have a fair bit of fat on my body, but I learnt to love myself. I also stopped feeling so guilty if I ate an extra helping or indulged - I've found a new sort of balance in life. :)
  • karmic_fit
    karmic_fit Posts: 24 Member
    Nope. I'm still a reserved, quiet, snarky person.

    Although, now people assume it's because I'm stuck up. Whereas before they assumed it was because I was shy. :drinker:

    ^THIS^ i think there's a lot of pressure on bigger girls to be THE NICE ONE (cause... you sure aren't the cute or outgoing one) but if you aren't... you must be shy... so i guess less change on my part, and more of a change in the perception of others

    I'm only about 30% through my journey though, and i have noticed that i'm actually more anxious now then before, i'm not sure if it's because i'm way more conscious of my food choices or because i've gotten used to moving or what but there's definitely some major guilt going on when i don't exercise or keep my log in the green (even if for the week i'm good) whereas before i wasn't thinking about it, so i wasn't worried about it
  • wertgirlfor
    wertgirlfor Posts: 161 Member
    I'm more confident now, especially with what I choose to wear. I was confident before, but I'm more comfortable taking more style "risks" now that I'm no longer overweight.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    I've been wondering this for the last few weeks, so why not ask in the best place possible?

    Did losing weight change your personality in any way? In any way at all, from happier, more confident (which I hope to become), calmer etc? I'm interested to know. Thanks!

    Nope. I'm still a misanthropic, introverted *kitten*.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    That is a big YES!
    I am kinder than I have ever been, I am friendler
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Kind of. I'm less grouchy but that's in large part because exercising daily plus the weight loss has meant my chronic insomnia has pretty much gone and I'm a much nicer person when I get a decent night's sleep LOL. I am also more confident. I never outwardly lacked confidence but inside would question my own decisions and actions. Now I feel more sure of myself. I think its because I've proved to myself that if I put my mind to something then I do know what I'm doing and I don't need to over analyse my decisions. That's more to do with what I've achieved exercise wise (from unable to climb a flight of stairs without gasping 10months ago to running 9 miles this morning) but obviously the weight loss is also playing a part in it.
  • i lost over 100 lb and i've turned into a complete *kitten*. it's jarring.

    i pretty much hate who i've become but at the same time it's sorta rad because i have way more confidence now. whatevs
  • jemsign
    jemsign Posts: 6 Member
    But don't puppies fart rainbows anyway? So you're full of rainbows and rainbows.
  • I feel a bit more confident. And somehow want to wear clothes that don't fit my entire personality. I mean, I want to wear punk rocker and band tee clothing. I've always loved wearing band tees, but this whole "punk rocker" thing came after I lost 20 pounds. I'm still heading to my goal, and I think it will change me a little more.
  • jemsign
    jemsign Posts: 6 Member
    That's a good question. I don't know if it is the hormones or what but sometimes after I work out I am crazy crabby. Sometimes I'm crazy happy. Thanks for asking. I'm going to analyze my behavior a bit to see why these things are happening.
  • sentaruu
    sentaruu Posts: 2,206 Member
    More relaxed, more confident, and less likely to allow others to treat me like shiz. Once you learn your own worth, you're less likely to allow others to devalue you.
    pretty much this.
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    No, I lost weight because my personality changed, actually. It may sound goofy, but there was a time in my life I believed myself lacking the willpower to quit smoking. Well, I quit because I'd grown to hate it, and because I had to. My employer tests new hires for nicotine, and they will rescind any job offer on a positive test result. Because I'm a pilot I couldn't take Chantix since the FAA will yank your ticket for taking pretty much any anti-depressant, even once.

    "Cold turkey" was the only option, and it was three of the most miserable days of my life. Once it was over I felt invincible! Shortly afterward, I went back to grad school (and am a 4.0 student) and then began the journey to lose sixty lbs in five months. Yeah, those helped with self-confidence even more, but I lost weight because I knew I could, and I never had any doubt. :)

    I guess the only change due to weight loss is Thursdays @ 7am (in the summer) when I hear the garbage truck coming, I'll bolt to run the trash out and not bother putting on a shirt.

    :Edited to correct two sentences and a typo:
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    Did losing weight change your personality in any way? In any way at all, from happier, more confident (which I hope to become), calmer etc?

    I'm definitely a lot more confident than I was, but I've also noticed that I've become.... I don't know, less connected with my (old?) friends. I'm into exercise and eating better, etc., and my friends are... just kind of not with that program, if you know what I mean. They're not necessarily jealous or unhappy for me, but they're definitely not interested in joining me along my path. Which is okay, but I do miss hanging out a lot of times. I find myself in the position of needing new friends that are more supportive. If that makes sense.

    I'm definitely on a more firm track as to finding out just who I am and want to be, and exercise/eating right is a part of that. So, I guess the answer for me is yes.
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    I really find that since I've started to really focus on losing weight that my personality has been changing. I don't know if I am becoming meaner or what but I feel like I don't have patience for the same things any longer. I find that I don't put up with the same things. Like before I was ok with being treated poorly but losing weight has given me this new sense of strength and self-respect that I didn't have before.

    This. Exactly. And said better than I could have expressed.
  • Cookie_4
    Cookie_4 Posts: 152 Member
    Interesting that this thread came up today... I was talking to my friend this morning about how I was afraid that losing weight and finally reaching my physical goals would change the only part about me that I ever really liked... My pleasantly plump bubbly personality :blushing:

    In my case, I'm hoping that my weight loss will not change my personality. I think the only thing that needs to change is the way I see myself :smooched: Good luck to everyone on your way to loving yourself and here's hoping that everyone will be happier!
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    When it was first obvious that I had lost weight, yes. Absolutely. I went from being the fat funny girl to being a little more introverted because I didn't know how to handle all the compliments mixed with digs about how I looked before I lost weight. Example: Wow! You look great! You lost that "pooch" and "shelf butt!" Ummm.. hearing things like that all the time was very hard for me for several months. Now I've settled into my body, and it's pretty rare that I run into someone who's shocked by my appearance (its been over a yr since I lost weight.) Now I can just be my silly self without making jokes about my weight in an effort to mask how self conscious I was.
  • charcoalgriller
    charcoalgriller Posts: 17 Member



  • I feel worse than I ever did a as big person, to some extent I believe I was in denial when I was bigger and sometimes my weight got me down but generally I was confident and happy, always sociable and had a great love life. As I have lost weight (84lbs lost) I find myself more and more self critical and when I look back at pictures I feel embarrassed that I didn't know at the time how bad I looked and what's worse is I now feel that no matter how much weight I lose, that is how I will always look. my partner still checks if I'm 'counting my calories' or 'if I have weighed myself lately' and he panics when I eat anything other than vegetable or fruit. Losing weight has been like seeing the matrix - and now it can't be unseen. I have been dieting for two straight years and I feel like it will never end, like I will never reach goal and like I will always be watched as though I cant be trusted near a cake.

    so yes it changed my personality, I've lost my confidence, I'm less happy, I feel guilty when I eat but find myself doing it as though 'theres no point' and if anything I prefer to just be on my own most of the time.

    Though from the looks of everyone else's comments I'm the exception and not the rule... I would still always suggest losing weight to anyone as big as I was.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I had less insecurity and more self confidence when I was bigger. I'm not really sure why that is.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I find that I'm much the same. Lifting has done a lot more for my confidence than losing weight did. I still have insecurities (sometimes I think I have more of them) and I'm still very much a work in progress. I think that too many people neglect the psychological aspects of weight loss and get blind-sided when they arrive at goal weight and realize most of their problems are still there.