embarrassed at the gym.....



  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    I love the gym!

    Here are my thoughts - don't be embarrassed by your weights, every one is at a different stage and looking to achieve different things! So everyone is working at different levels. That person jogging slowly next to you might be on a rest day after 6 days of hard core cardio so there is no judgement going on at the end of the day everyone is there to get healthier just like MFP so see them as knew friends, not people who will judge you. I find that a friendly smile in the gym often leads to a great chat, some good advice or just a smile in return :)

    Is there a women's only area of your gym? I always do my weights in this section! then people are working more on the same level as me!

    Try a class, I love spin and Zumba, boxing or yoga. It's a great way to do something different in your work out AND gives you a great chance to chat to people :)

    Finally with the machines ask someone! The trainers are there to help most gyms will do a programme for you for minimal cost and then take you through how to use the machines you need to do it :)

    Remember you are all there for one reason and the instructors are there to help - and have fun! xx
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    My gym is great. Very family like. Most people are very approachable.
  • chrissy_824
    chrissy_824 Posts: 23 Member
    I used to be embarrassed as well and wouldn't complete my strength training as a result. Then I noticed that there were other people just like me and I started to feel better about the situation. When I first started using the machines, I would just watch how people did them and also read the instructions on the machine itself

    I take a notebook with me and write down the machine name, weight, and # of reps. Now that I've been doing it for a few months I no longer write it down b/c I've got a pattern that I usually follow.
  • NCisME
    NCisME Posts: 41 Member
    I get a little embarassed sometimes, but not too often. It normally has to do with using a new machine and not wanting for it to be obvious that I'm using it wrong. At that time, I'll try and watch someone use it first then I'll hop on. If i start to get shy for any other reason I just say "forget it" - I want my work to pay off. I'm there for me

    Feel free to ask anyone working at the gym how to use a specific machine properly. I doubt it would be regarded as a training session - I think gym's regard it more important that thier members not get injured on one of their machines and it turn into a liability issue
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    WOW! Thanks for all the responses! I feel a bit better about it all, glad to know I'm not alone! I will check out the websites. I am definitely not afraid of muscle, or weights for that matter.I don't have the body type to "bulk" up. I just want to be sure I'm doing the machines correctly and well I guess I still have that image the unfit version of myself in my head. Not that even if I were 20lbs+ I shouldn't be in there IDK, self conscious I guess. It's a very small gym. I mean small! We have a single person bathroom, no locker room, no classes, or group exercise, and very limited staffed hours. If there isn't staff working you have to have this card that unlocks the door (think hotel rooms). The plus is that there aren't very many people. Usually when I go there is 1-2 people in the gym mostly using the cardio machines (which Im confident on :wink: ) the down side is not many people to ask. There is a floor workout room and that is where I have been going to do my strength, but there isn't a mirror in there and not to sound conceited, but I like to be able to see what I'm doing :laugh: not look at my self :love: , but to make sure I'm doing it right :laugh:
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    There is a floor workout room and that is where I have been going to do my strength, but there isn't a mirror in there and not to sound conceited, but I like to be able to see what I'm doing :laugh: not look at my self :love: , but to make sure I'm doing it right :laugh:
    That why there are mirrors. Not so I can check my hair, but to make sure I have the right form.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Good advice given here.

    Find what sort of stuff you want to do and google/youtube them! Sooo much good stuff on Youtube. When I first started working out I did bodyweight resistance training purely from youtube vids :)
  • The others are correct - when you joined the gym, they should have someone available to you to show you how to use the equipment - at no extra charge. This is for their benefit as well as yours.

    The other suggestions are great, too - take pictures of workouts you want to try and ask someone to show you how to do them (especially those that really appear to know what they are doing!). Most people don't mind showing you how and you may even find some good gym pals that way.
  • Everyone starts somewhere! You can always ask the owner or the front desk staff to just show you how to use the cardio machines. They can't charge for that - kind of an orientation to the gym. When I first started 15 yrs ago, I got a wt-lifting book which helped. The best thing to do is get some Oxygen, Shape or Fitness magazines, and watch other people - better yet, check out what the trainers are showing their clients.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    If you already know your "routine" then write it down and take it with you in a small notebook. Plus write in it everyday that you go that way you keep an eye on if you need to increase the weights or not. That will keep you on track. Plus if I get confused bout how to use a machine I always ask another member @ the gym. 9 times out of 10 they will be more than happy to help you. And I always ask the men, never the women about how to use the machines. Usually the guys will sooner help a woman out then another woman helpin a woman out. Ya know what I am sayin. Plus this gives you a chance to get to know other people. I don't go to my gym much anymore since I've switched to the P90x but after 90 days of doin it I plan to start goin back to my gym. I use another member at the gym as my "PT" I would always turn to him for advice on how to do things properly. Once you get to know other members at the gym and you go the same time all the time and they go the same time every time then it will be more comfortable and they will start to notice you and help ya out along the way if they see you doing a move wrong. At least that's how it was for me. Everyone is different and every gym is different also.
  • I think the owner or manager of the gym has a duty to educate you on the machines and how they work. You are paying for a service that they need to provide. I would ask the manager, I bet they would love to help you get started.

    Definitely, I know my gym has this option for new signups or even current members to show you how machines are used
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    I've been working out for years and there are still times that I feel a little self conscience as well. Don't let that deter you from pursuing you goals. Take a notbook, magazines, or if you have an iphone take that with ya so you can pictures and explanation of different lifts. Below I've listed a great website that gives sample routines for all fitness levels and also has video explanations of just about every single lift. Good luck!!!

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