10 Pounds by Christmas! Whose with Me?!



  • Happy__Feet
    I'm in!
    CW: 280
    Christmas weight goal: 270
    We can do this together!

    Monday morning weigh-in:
    -2 lbs... sweet success! :love:
  • rautaty
    rautaty Posts: 44 Member
    I am in too!:) I'll post every 3-4 days:)
    I have 128 pounds and 5'3. I'll try to lose 6, because at my weight it's very hard and dangerous to loose too much too fast.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Ohhhhh, ya'll would be so proud of me!
    I took the left over pecan and pumpkin pie (extra large halves), sliced them into servings sized for the fam, and put them into the deep freeze :bigsmile: and I only licked my finger once :devil:

    Today was a great workout day.
    60 oz water, thus far....the next 20 oz w/supper :drinker:
    Zumba a full hour.................................160 heart rate avg.

    After laundry & vacuum, I'm at 12k steps.

    Off to make supper for the fam :happy:
  • lindasain
    lindasain Posts: 163 Member
    Hi I am down two pounds when I went to the doctor only 8 more to go for Christmas.. I will do my weigh in on Friday.. I have been logging everything i put in my mouth.. Thanksgiving was too bad but i was working but did have to cook a thangiving dinner there... but was so busy with everyone I work with special needs adults .. so I am back on track...:laugh:
  • LizzyTish327
    LizzyTish327 Posts: 18 Member
    I know I'm way late but I'm in too!

    SW: 286.5 (this past Sunday's weigh-in)

    I'm working hard this week and hopefully it will show on Sunday!!

    We can do it :) Imagine how good we will all feel if we can actually LOSE weight during the holidays! I know I'll feel like a million bucks...I may have 100+ to lose but 10 will be great during the holidays.
  • jennblack23
    down 2.4 lbs..i usually weigh in on mondays, but this week i gave myself a couple extra days..lol..but i will weigh in again on monday..2.4 olbs down, .only 7.6 to go..i can do it!! ..good luck to everyone..great to hear all the success you guys are having :)
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 294 Member
    Well it is Wednesday Dec. 1st and I am here to weigh in :smile:
    Last Wednesday I was at 410
    Today my scale read 408.5 !!
    Next weigh-in will be Wednesday Dec. 8th

    ~Strong Heart♥
  • Fit2_T
    Fit2_T Posts: 317 Member
    I ate well on Thanksgiving and then gained by overeating on Saturday (made cookies! Yum!). So now I am back to where I started. No one to blame but me.

    SW 165.7

    CW = 165.2

    Goal weight 155 by Christmas.

    Good job everyone!:happy:
  • canieatnomore
    Crapy week....at least I drunk all my water! I hope Friday at least I wont be heavier!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Great gym workout....

    Already past 70 ounces of water :drinker:
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    It's been crazy at work and at home. I barely been able to drink my water for the day. I have done it though for 3 days now! We'll see what the scale says tomorrow morning!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Zumba...gotta love it!

    90 awesome ounces of h2o...YIPPIE :drinker:
  • harls
    harls Posts: 88 Member
    SW: 164.5
    CW: 161
    GW: 154.5
  • westplatte
    I'm in. I even passed on the Almond Rocha at work today, and took the cheese and egg off the salad I had. It was taco salad bar in the cafeteria today (one of my favorites) I requested the smallest bowl they had and just ate a little bit, instead of the boat they usually serve it in. I also did not mound it.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Fit2_T
    Fit2_T Posts: 317 Member
    SW 165.7

    CW = 163.8 --> 50 pounds gone!!!!! :happy:

    Down 2 for December!

    Goal weight 155 by Christmas.
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member

    Started Challenge - 274.4
    this week's weigh in - 269.8
    Lost 4.6 lbs! only 5.4 lbs to go by 12/24

    Here's to drinking more water and I might start excerising more!:tongue:
  • harls
    harls Posts: 88 Member
    Good job everyone! Looks like we're really making progress.
  • AllietheLOSER
    AllietheLOSER Posts: 19 Member
    SW: 197
    CW 195
    GW: 187:
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    WTG everyone looks like we are on the right track. Today I went to my daughter's school they were having a fund raiser called donuts in December. Yes, I ate a donute but it's counted in my calories and I walked to the school and back. Unfortunately, I now crave sugary goodness!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    westplatte :smile:
    I'm in. I even passed on the Almond Rocha at work today, and took the cheese and egg off the salad I had. It was taco salad bar in the cafeteria today (one of my favorites) I requested the smallest bowl they had and just ate a little bit, instead of the boat they usually serve it in. I also did not mound it.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    !I know how difficult that was, great choice......just wanna send out a HOOAH to YA for your great decision!