Lactose Intolerant

I know eating things like cottage cheese are a great way to get in protein and a healthy snack. Unfortunately I am lactose intolerant so no cottage cheese, greek yogurt, etc. for me.

Besides fruits with nut butter, veggies with hummus, or nuts, what types of things can I have for a quick and filling snack?


  • Ashtonsmommy21
    Ashtonsmommy21 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm lactose intolerant as well and I haven't found anything besides nuts that provide a good amount of protein and are easy for snacks. There are some protein bars without dairy I think they're called Lara bars. I haven't tried them but I hear they are good.
  • RhysWill_I_Ams
    -Pitta bread with Salsa/home made Guacamole
    -Boiled Eggs (weird but great source of protein and filling)
    -Chopped up carrots and Bell Peppers with a dressing of honey, mustard, salt and olive oil
    -Protein Shakes
    -Beef Jerky (go for good quality-its ridiculously high in protein but low fat)
    -Protein bars (they have lactose free ones in health shops)

    Hope that helps! :)
  • mom2sons02
    mom2sons02 Posts: 111 Member
    Have you tried Lact-Aid? I love milk and was so sad when I realized that was causing all my digestive issues. I love milk, and cheese, and yogurt. I take one or two before anything dairy, and I have no issues anymore!
  • hotjodels
    hotjodels Posts: 118 Member
    Have you tried Lact-Aid? I love milk and was so sad when I realized that was causing all my digestive issues. I love milk, and cheese, and yogurt. I take one or two before anything dairy, and I have no issues anymore!
    this is exactly what I was going to say. I love cheese, and if it wasn't for lactaid, I would be sad. I don't buy lactaid brand, I buy whatever the family dollar brand is called and they work just as well. : ]
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    We have Lacteeze here (sounds similar to Lact-Aid), and it worked for a little while, but stopped working for me completely about 3 months ago - that was not a pleasant experience! And all I had was once measly little ice cream :grumble:

    Thankfully, here in Australia we have a growing number of lactose-free or dairy-free alternatives. I can buy lactose-free milk, cheese, yoghurt & ice cream.

    Other than that, I eat a lot of nuts & eggs and the occasional protein shake (using dairy-free protein powder). I also cook up a batch of chicken, cut it into pieces and freeze it in 100g servings. Throw one in the microwave and it's good for a quick sandwich, on a homemade pizza, in noodles or pasta or with rice etc.

    In all honesty though, if I didn't have the lactose-free alternatives I think I'd be very sad! lol
  • KaiserNiner
    KaiserNiner Posts: 19 Member

    Same :p

    Luckily we have a major brand here sells a lactose free milk.

    *Soy milk* is also great alternative - almost identical calorie, fat, protein content.

    I bulk those out into smoothies with a whey based protein powder and various extras to vary the flavour.

    As I don't eat meat, that protein powder along with various legumes provide bulk protein within roughly 3000 calorie daily intake.

    I'm hazy on the exact chemical and protein names, but whey doesn't seem to cause drama for me at least - where any milk or yogurt has an obvious impact within twenty minutes.

    Of course, Soy based protein powders are available too.

    Good luck!

    A healthier body is just around the corner!
  • Adomke89
    Adomke89 Posts: 35 Member
    Lactaid helps a little bit when I want to have the occasional ice cream cone but for everyday things (like if I were to have a yogurt every day) I still get queasy. I'd actually say it's more of a sensitivity because I can have things like cheese about once a month. When I go several days in a row eating lactose it when all hell breaks loose lol.