A Noob with a View...

Hi all!

Just wondering if anyone's around to help me out... As well as documenting my food on MFP, I've also started a WordPress blog. I'm hoping to put up a post a day to keep me accountable but above all, to keep me focused! I've been going on DIet Chef for just over a month now but I'm yo-yoing between losing a net of 7lb to just over 1lb because I keep having the odd 'weekend off'. I can't keep doing it so I'm thinking the more people I know who're keeping an eye on me, the more egg on my face if I slip up!

If you get a spare moment for a look and a comment, I'd really appreciate the support :)

Thanks folks!

Keep fit! :)



  • apieceofenergy
    It might be helpful to set certain off-day goals. For me, I have to go hard and intense about it to match my mentality for other things. I decided if I could put the same obsessive behavior I have for completing games 100% to weight loss, it would help me and it has, so I waited 30 days before a cheat, had one day unrestricted, then reset the clock and I'm 48 days into what will be a 62 day stretch!

    Consider what kind of personality you have and plan to suit that! You'll keep progressing.
  • madnut
    madnut Posts: 17 Member
    I'll do that... my thing is that some sort of fecal matter will hit the fan and then I just completely lose it. Pizza. Pizza galore. Congrats on your stretch! I might give that a go. I think it's easier when you can actually see that glorious cheesey slice only 30 rabbity days away... :glasses:
  • apieceofenergy
    I'll do that... my thing is that some sort of fecal matter will hit the fan and then I just completely lose it. Pizza. Pizza galore. Congrats on your stretch! I might give that a go. I think it's easier when you can actually see that glorious cheesey slice only 30 rabbity days away... :glasses:

    XD my real weakness is pancakes man. Pancakes and really ****ty chinese food drowned in sriracha, but I haven't had either a single time in 2014 so far haha. The goal really does give me something to look forward to. On my next cheat I'm buying a bottle of single Barrel bourbon and I'm going to have myself a nice drink, a big meal, and I'm going to spend the time with food, friends, and wine, that kind of thing. I like to make an event out of it and since I go so long between cheats, it's a cheat DAY not a cheat meal XD
  • madnut
    madnut Posts: 17 Member

    XD my real weakness is pancakes man. Pancakes and really ****ty chinese food drowned in sriracha, but I haven't had either a single time in 2014 so far haha. The goal really does give me something to look forward to. On my next cheat I'm buying a bottle of single Barrel bourbon and I'm going to have myself a nice drink, a big meal, and I'm going to spend the time with food, friends, and wine, that kind of thing. I like to make an event out of it and since I go so long between cheats, it's a cheat DAY not a cheat meal XD

    Holy ****, I forgot about pancakes... :'(

    I like the idea of a whole cheat day. EAT ALL THE DELICIOUS THINGS.