weight gainers?

so I am trying to gain some weight, but I also workout. I have a nice definition. but way too small! I get about 1900 calories a day. 5'7 but only 95 lbs
its killing me.. my legs and arms look too small and I feel like I cant continue to gain muscle or get cut....could this hault in muscle definition happen with lack of calories?
someone suggested to take weight gainers, but I was interested in how much fat they could make you gain if not working out as much as most do...
if any one has some pointers on gaining weight but not stomach fat.. that seems to b how I get it... it doesn't seem to distribute...?
im no good at this, could use some help or tips...
also if anyone is willing to answer any question I may have down the road or stuff like that maybe message me? it would be greatly appreciated! thanks yall :)


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Weight gainers are just a way to get more calories in.

    You're severly underweight for your height. Where you gain a little bit of fat should be the last worry at the moment. I can't see your food diary, but according to my calculations 1900 is a good starting point for you to gain mass.

    You can't spot choose where you will gain fat vs lean mass, just like people can't spot reduce fat.
  • KickingButt
    KickingButt Posts: 75 Member
    yea, thanks.. and yes, I had gotten very ill when I lost so much weight, and I am a very hard gainer :/
  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    You can save money and make a more nutritious weight gain drink yourself by mixing milk, coconut milk or almond milk with various ingredients. Here is an example:

    2 cups Almond milk
    1 scoop protein powder (your choice of brand and flavor)
    1 banana or any other fruit
    1-2 TBL spoon almond, peanut or cashew butter

    You can even add oats to this mix.
  • KickingButt
    KickingButt Posts: 75 Member
    thanx! sounds good too!
  • Be careful however, ive worked with quite a few people from elite athletes to gym goers who use mass gainers. Very often they compensate on there normal dietary intake. If your going to take mass gainers make sure you maintain your intake of whole foods from a balanced diet.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    You can save money and make a more nutritious weight gain drink yourself by mixing milk, coconut milk or almond milk with various ingredients. Here is an example:

    2 cups Almond milk
    1 scoop protein powder (your choice of brand and flavor)
    1 banana or any other fruit
    1-2 TBL spoon almond, peanut or cashew butter

    You can even add oats to this mix.

    Or just eat cake. You can add in whey protein to most cake recipes if you feel you need proteiny cake.
  • its all about your calories and macros mate.

    start getting in about 2400cals for a start (then inscrease by 200 every week/second week as necessary) n you'll start seeing a huge difference in a first few months

    coming from another hardgainer who used to be 110lbs a year ago


    not sure but im guessing itd be the same if you're a girl

    train hard n diet hard, results will come ahah
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    just eat a lot more of real food ….

    eggs, chicken, steak, ice cream, cookies, cake…you really should not have a hard time eating 1900 cals a day…

    I know I have no issue getting to 2400 to 2500 a day and could usually eat more, if I could!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Very little to no cardio, a caloric surplus of 10-15% above TDEE or 0.5lb/week gain. Get adequate protein and fat intake, and take part in a relatively heavy strength training routine.

    at the end of the day if you are having trouble reaching your calorie goal, take a jar of peanut butter and a spoon and go to town. Full of calories.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    You can save money and make a more nutritious weight gain drink yourself by mixing milk, coconut milk or almond milk with various ingredients. Here is an example:

    2 cups Almond milk
    1 scoop protein powder (your choice of brand and flavor)
    1 banana or any other fruit
    1-2 TBL spoon almond, peanut or cashew butter

    You can even add oats to this mix.

    trying to gain weight, why would she want almond milk, low cal, opt for 2% real milk instead
  • bluetuesday5
    bluetuesday5 Posts: 99 Member
    They are crap. Just an excuse for companies to cut their protein powder with cheaper sugars. Eat real food, and drink milk if you have a problem hitting your calories eating real food.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i think you need to look at what you're eating... i am on net 1800 cals and thats with low fat dairy and very little peanut butter!!!

    full fat dairy, nuts, seeds, nut butters, salmon, beef, lamb... lots of buttery mashed potato... once you have hit your protein minimum and got some fruit and veg in, you can then fill the rest of your cals with whatever you like .
  • OverDoIt
    OverDoIt Posts: 332 Member
    Up your Mass MHP (good)
    CNP Professional (better)
    Porterhouse steak (best)
  • KickingButt
    KickingButt Posts: 75 Member
    its all about your calories and macros mate.

    start getting in about 2400cals for a start (then inscrease by 200 every week/second week as necessary) n you'll start seeing a huge difference in a first few months

    coming from another hardgainer who used to be 110lbs a year ago


    not sure but im guessing itd be the same if you're a girl

    train hard n diet hard, results will come ahah

    thanks, I did increase to 2400 now. tried that banana girl diet these past 4 days... felt good at first, but don't understand how that much sugar can b good! and no protein and very little fats... so im going back to what I was doing.. 4 days cant do much harm right???!!?
  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    You can save money and make a more nutritious weight gain drink yourself by mixing milk, coconut milk or almond milk with various ingredients. Here is an example:

    2 cups Almond milk
    1 scoop protein powder (your choice of brand and flavor)
    1 banana or any other fruit
    1-2 TBL spoon almond, peanut or cashew butter

    You can even add oats to this mix.

    trying to gain weight, why would she want almond milk, low cal, opt for 2% real milk instead
    The concoction is just an example. I stated she can use milk, coconut milk or almond milk.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    its all about your calories and macros mate.

    start getting in about 2400cals for a start (then inscrease by 200 every week/second week as necessary) n you'll start seeing a huge difference in a first few months

    coming from another hardgainer who used to be 110lbs a year ago


    not sure but im guessing itd be the same if you're a girl

    train hard n diet hard, results will come ahah

    thanks, I did increase to 2400 now. tried that banana girl diet these past 4 days... felt good at first, but don't understand how that much sugar can b good! and no protein and very little fats... so im going back to what I was doing.. 4 days cant do much harm right???!!?

    What is the banana girl diet and why did you do it?
  • KickingButt
    KickingButt Posts: 75 Member
    its all about your calories and macros mate.

    start getting in about 2400cals for a start (then inscrease by 200 every week/second week as necessary) n you'll start seeing a huge difference in a first few months

    coming from another hardgainer who used to be 110lbs a year ago


    not sure but im guessing itd be the same if you're a girl

    train hard n diet hard, results will come ahah

    thanks, I did increase to 2400 now. tried that banana girl diet these past 4 days... felt good at first, but don't understand how that much sugar can b good! and no protein and very little fats... so im going back to what I was doing.. 4 days cant do much harm right???!!?

    What is the banana girl diet and why did you do it?

    its a high carb low fat vegan diet. mainly fruit throughout your day with some veg... etc...
    I tried it because I am vegan and it looked good and the girl that is leading it looks amazing... buuuuutttt,,,,like I said im not sure what the long term would b if I continue it because its soo much sugar,,, especially bananas!
  • Being that underweight, you should be getting a MINIMUM of 2,500 calories every day. This is the amount non-restrictive individuals maintain on- but considering you lost weight from an illness, you should honestly try to aim for 3,000 to help repair what the sickness and being less than your optimal weight have left you. Contrary to what the other posters have said (they're probably used to advising people trying to bulk), macros really shouldn't be a concern to you right now. Just focus on calorie dense foods and easily digestible foods (yes, processed foods are GREAT for an under nourished body!).
  • KickingButt
    KickingButt Posts: 75 Member
    Being that underweight, you should be getting a MINIMUM of 2,500 calories every day. This is the amount non-restrictive individuals maintain on- but considering you lost weight from an illness, you should honestly try to aim for 3,000 to help repair what the sickness and being less than your optimal weight have left you. Contrary to what the other posters have said (they're probably used to advising people trying to bulk), macros really shouldn't be a concern to you right now. Just focus on calorie dense foods and easily digestible foods (yes, processed foods are GREAT for an under nourished body!).

    thanks iv upped my intake, but I still eat healthy... considering im a vegan I have to watch the things I eat