Evening snacks

Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
Every night between 8 and 9 I always have a snack and 90% of the time its something sweet.

What do you have for your evening snacks? Im looking for more variety and ideas.


  • BreeJaxon
    Clif bars or fruit? A glass of milk
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    fruit, yogurt, popcorn, a couple crackers with laughing cow cheese, raw veg, sometimes a toast with peanut butter - what ever I feel like
  • anothermop
    anothermop Posts: 187 Member
    I try to be done eating by 8pm but my evening snacks are almost always Skinny Cow ice cream products. They have drumsticks, ice cream sandwiches, and many other products. I think they range from 100-160 calories.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I've found spreading frozen cool whip (the french vanilla kind is fantastic) between 2 graham crackers like an ice cream sandwich satisfies my sweet tooth. The kids like it, too.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Talenti gelato
    Cottage cheese and pickles
    Spicy buffalo wheat thins and pine nut hummus
    Salt and vinegar kettle chips
    Flaming hot cheetos
    Greek yogurt, mostly the Chobani flips
  • QueensGirl83
    QueensGirl83 Posts: 54 Member
    I have the sweet tooth problem too. I found the south beach diet snack bars (especially the peanut butter one) or the fiber one snacks to help me most of the time. Of course there's always yogurt or those yoplait frozen yogurt pops.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    a boiled egg or cooked egg...measured portion of nuts (most often cocoa almonds or cashews)...1/2 or 1 oz cheese (or string cheese)

    I am generally not a snacker but if I have calories left at the end of the day I tend to go with a protein snack.

    And I'm not low carbing it or anything like that. Just find protein based snacks more satisfying to me at night than something sweet.
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    I scam my sweet tooth with low-cal chocolate puddings/ fruit yogurts, something like chobani usually makes me feel satiated!