Chamomile Tea-For Panic Attacks/Anxiety??



  • thejess
    thejess Posts: 33 Member
    i've tried chamomile but i find sometimes it doesnt cut it. when i can't control it for whatever reason i take a liquid valerian supplement. it's sold in most vitamin/supplement sections. talk to your doctor though!
  • Oh gosh, I do feel for you. I have a severe phobia which used to cause panic attacks during the night too.....but I've taken lofepramine for the past 13 years, it 99.9% sorted it all for me. I took Zoloft for a while (sertraline over here) but couldn't get on with it.

    In amongst the excellent advice above, I want to add a bit of emphasis to one you may have missed - LAVENDER OIL!!! A few drops on your pillow or whatever you sleep in, it works wonders, I promise you!! You can also get lavender sleep balm to rub on your temples. Yes, you will smell like an old lady, but you will get a more peaceful night. :smile:

    Oh, and try a deep breathing or relaxation podcast to go to sleep to. Seriously.....I used to be a really panicky, anxious person who could barely get through the day, let alone the night. All these little things have worked for me.

    Best of luck to you, you have my deepest empathy. Feel free to add me, its handy to have a fellow panicker around when you're havin a rough day. :wink:
  • Hey There!!

    I have suffered from this in the past as well and honestly the subconscious mind is such a *****!! haha!! Sometimes it takes a few weeks for you to discover the root of why you are getting night panics. I get them a few times a year and when I do, I basically just shut down as much as I possibly can in life and try my best figure out WHY I am getting them. The main thing that you MUST do when you do end up waking up in the middle of the night or find yourself drifting off and get a shot of adrenaline is to immediately say to yourself "its okay, I'm okay I am not going to die just relax" and then start immediately focusing on your breathing. If you say to yourself "oh no!! I'm getting another panic attack!" which is a common response then you will make the situation much much worse!

    I do not recommend sleeping pills. People with severe anxiety can fight them off and you just end up waking up groggy and more anxious the next day!
    Deep breathing - definitely the 4-7-8 rule that someone posted about! I just saw that on Dr. Oz :)
    Increase your vitamins! Magnesium, VtD, B-complex and DHA and just a general multi vit is good too
    Prayer meditation or just meditation
    Cam tea is awesome!! Sleepy time tea has Valerian root in it that is proven to decrease anxiety.
    Keep yourself busy the next day! Even if you don't sleep or only get a few hours... if you focus on that then you will have a terrible night the next night and the cycle will continue. But you MUST acknowledge that you are feeling anxious. If you try to stuff it down it only makes it worse. State the negative and counteract with a positive. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (google it!) takes a LOT of work but it definitely works!
    Green Tea instead of coffee or energy drinks. I know your instinct is to drink more caffeine if you are tired but just deal with being tired for a week or so and your body will eventually get regulated.
    I think someone mentioned HIIT training. Very awesome but do only in the morning!!
    NO ALCOHOL!!! it will make your anxiety so much worse!!
    Be patient :) This is the hardest thing for me to remember when I am in the throws of anxiety. We constantly tell ourselves that we will always feel this way when in fact its just not true. Your going through something that needs time to work its way out of your system.

    You will be okay :) I promise! Good luck!! :)
  • Not only Chamomile tea but also there other varieties of teas which are known to help fight depression and anxiety, One good resource is this:
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    blue scullcap = 'nerve tonic'. not sure about its indication for anxiety, but it was recommended to me by someone who was taking it for 'stress'. i take it for nerve pain. i would recommend checking w/ Dr. before taking it, although i've never heard of any side-effects or contra-indications.