The Little Black Dress Challenge.....shake it off by New Yea



  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    Hi Deb,

    Am I on your team?
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey girls! Ok, I think we've come up with the teams! Me or Jolene will be posting them so stay tuned. I'm continuing to have my Shakeology but I think I've put my back out or something; today is my rest day so hopefully I'll be back at it tomorrow!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey girls! I posted a pic of a 30 day recipe card for Shakeology on my profile. It's for the chocolate but it might be too small to see unless you can copy and paste it to your own computer. Anyway, let me know if you can see it ok or save it ok and I'll post the one for the Greenberry flavor.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Well, Shakeology down but no exercise today; my back is totally out of whack! I have no idea what I did but it hurts!!!! This sucks because I so want to push play and do my Turbo Fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But, I need to rest because this weekend I'll be working out live with Tony Horton!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooo excited!!!!!!!!! If you're in the Portland, OR. area, come by and check it out! It's FREE to register! Let me know and I'll send you the link!

    Hope you girls are drinking your Shakeology!!!!

  • mandy2128
    :~) I think i need to do a 3 day cleanse with this!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Drank my Shakeology already today. Best part of my morning!

  • toberlili
    OK all you lovely ladies, here is the team breakdown,

    2. Rhonda
    3. riveraphx
    4. telochik

    1. Mandy2128
    5.Samantha T01

    If you notice your name missing on this list, please contact toberlili or ddavies919. we will be happy to add more names. we will have you guys check in everyday, this is because we want to be accountable for eachother. If you notice a teammate MIA then lets go round them up, lol, this is for fun and we hope all of you enjoy building frendships:wink:

    everyday put a message on the post, tell us what ever is on your mind, you can share what kind of shakeology recipe that you tried, what workout you did, if your boss reeeeeally got to you, kids drivin you up the wall, lol, but just be sure to check in.

    Also this friday we want you to step on the scale. you DO NOT have to post this, this will be between you and your leader. then two weeks from friday we want you to step on the scale again. We have a shakeology recipe calender for thirty days, ask your team leader if you are interested and they will send it to you.
    We also have eat clean info and the top two tiers of michies ladder, these are foods that can boost weight loss. so if you are interested in that, please contact your leader as we would love to send it to you. we hope you have fun, and if you need the fire lit under your hiney, let us know :laugh: the same goes for any questions. have fun my lovelies:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    Hi guys,

    I am really hoping that Shakeology is as good as I've heard, I am currently in a rut...actually more like a big hole. Once I lose motivation it is very hard to get it back. It starts with me eating something bad, because I've been too restrictive combined with me hanging with friends that are not dieting and just go with it. Anyway this goes on and doesn't stop until I am utterly disgusted with myself. I have gained and lost over 30 lbs, ten different times. I am trying to be strong again, i want to do this so bad.

    Thank you in advance for being supportive.
  • toberlili
    Hi guys,

    I am really hoping that Shakeology is as good as I've heard, I am currently in a rut...actually more like a big hole. Once I lose motivation it is very hard to get it back. It starts with me eating something bad, because I've been too restrictive combined with me hanging with friends that are not dieting and just go with it. Anyway this goes on and doesn't stop until I am utterly disgusted with myself. I have gained and lost over 30 lbs, ten different times. I am trying to be strong again, i want to do this so bad.

    Thank you in advance for being supportive.

    I know exactly what you are talking about. it does take alot of planning when you are faced with situations like that. if you are like me (a MAJOR chocoholic), then shakeology will really help you alot. prior to going out with friends, you can have a shakology and this should keep your cravings down. tomorrow me or debra will send you some ideas that have helped us. and no matter which team you are on, we are all here for eachother. We are here to help you be strong:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Tee_S
    Tee_S Posts: 10
    Hello! This is a friendly challenge for all you ladies who would like to get a jump start on your resolution and look your best in your New Year's Eve outfit! Please join us (myself and my fitness pal, Jolene) as we'll be using Shakeology to help us get there! Just replace one meal a day with Shakeology. It's a chance for those of you who have used Shakeology, and those of you who would like to try it to jump on the bandwagon and have fun in the process. If you don't know about Shakeology, shoot us a message and we will give you the info! Already using Shakeology? Fantastic! You are all ready to go!

    We will build two teams between the two of us. So, as you post your interest in joining, we will assign you on a team, either with myself or Jolene. If you're already one of our pals, then you'll be on our team! Then, once we start, we just ask that everyone post their daily accountability and share their experience!

    As we get the teams set up, we'll send you a helpful reference guide to help you eat clean while doing the challenge. We'd like to see how many of you girls are interested and then we'll send each of you info on how to get your Shakeology and then we'll come up with a start date. The challenge will be a month long. If you'd all like to start after Thanksgiving and really boost your resolution, that's fine! We're game! So, who's in?????

    Hello, count me in!!! I totally want to join!
  • mandy2128
    woohoo!! :) Im going to have my shakeology for breakfast with the new silk chocolate peppermint. It might be a bit too much chocolate, but it could be good. :) Im so ready for this!
  • bethlumino
    This couldn't have started at a better time for me, i joined myfitnesspal and started out strong....but have fallen right back into old habits!!!!!!! So i am committed and motivated about this challenge!!!!!!! I need the 3 day cleanse if someone can send it to me!!!! Thanks ladies!!! Good Luck
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Chocolate shakeology mixed with a cup of unsweetened chocolate almond milk in a shaker cup is my every day morning snack. Keeps me going until lunch!

    Glad to be part of this challenge. I'm 4.5 lbs away from my goal weight so this should be a fun way to keep pushing!

    If you're not already one of my friends on MFP, feel free to send me a request. We can all use extra support!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Morning ladies!!! Who's had their Shakeology today? I have!!!! I can't drink it slow enough! lol Had a great workout today too, Turbo Fire 55 EZ and got a great burn!

    Tee: I sent you some info on Shakeology! It's like gold!!!!!

    Mandy: Ok, that just made my mouth water!!! I haven't seen that flavor! Let us know how it is! Sounds yummy!!!! You can also add just a hair of peppermint extract to your choc shakeology and it's like a thin mint cookie in a cup!!!!

    Beth: Here's a link to a video that explains the 3 day cleanse!

    Sharon: As always girl, you're bringing it! How exciting that you only have 4.5lbs to go! Woo hoo!!! I know you'll do it!

    Well, stay focused girls and eat clean while on this challenge, it will only help! Keep moving and grooving!

  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    Well I didn't have my shake this morning, I woke up so late!!! I also went to bed really late, so that is part of the problem. So now I am here at work (on time) and will probably eat some whole wheat toast with sugar free jam.

    I went to WebMD last night and took a weight loss survey/quiz. I said that I want to lose 3 dress sizes and that I would like my reduction of calories to be 70% exercise and 30% calories. I am trying to change it up. In the past I would be very restrictive with my calories, 1200 a day, and barely have enough energy to exercise. As a result I have noticed I lose muscle.

    This time I am trying something different. 1) shakeology 2)going to the gym everyday and pumping iron 3)only reducing my calories by 300 daily.

    Any tips, questions send them my way. I am reallly trying to have a master plan here, so anything helps.
  • mandy2128
    The mint chocolate silk milk is really good! I put half a cup in the shakeology and half of a cup of nonfat milk. It was good! :)
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi girls! Well, I drank my Shakeology today! So, one thing down. However, no time for a workout! Grrrrrr!!!!! And I'll probably be MIA over the next few days but know that I'll be getting my butt kicked by the man himself, Mr. Tony Horton!!!!! I can not wait!!!!!!

    riveraphx: Girl, I hear ya! And that's why we're all here to help support & motviate each other. We're human, we all struggle! I think that's why they (whoever they refer to it as a journey, because you're always traveling that road. I've actually caught myself a few times this week eating something I shouldn't be, thinking well, I'll just work it off tomorrow. Noooo!!!! Wrong way to think. I shouldn't have even picked it up in the first place. So, hang in there. You can do it, we believe in you! The Shakeology will help, I know it will! Keep up the good work girl!

    Mandy: I'm gonna look for that silk milk this weekend! Yummmoooo!!!! How is everything going with you?

    Hope all the other ladies are doing good! We can do this!

  • toberlili
    Hello, my lovelies, how are all of you.....I went with my favorite reeses pieces shakeology today, chocolate shakeology with a spoonful of all natural peanut butter (crunchy) and that is it, yeehaw!

    so how is everybody doing, are we surviving the work week, I am BARLEY, lol

    @riveraphx, you can take shakeology anytime of day, I like to take it at the time that i used to get cravings the most. It is hard, we all understand that, and this is the beginning of a healthy road for us all. The support doesnt stop at the end of this challenge, we will help you anytime you need it.

    to everybody else, you are doin good, keep it up. is anybody doing workout during this challenge? which ones are you doing?
    :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    keep going girls :wink:
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Turbo Fire and a daily dose of Shakeology is my ticket to losing the last 5 lbs before the end of the year!

  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    Hey guys,

    How is everyone? Man what a week! Today I worked, I hardly ever work on Saturday's, but I wasn't able to work on Thursday or Friday, because I had a final and needed to study then take the final. So needless to say I needed the hours.

    I know that we don't have to publicize our weight, but I feel compelled to share it with you all. It was really scary, but I just had to see. I estimated I weighed 155, turns out I weigh 147. I know it sounds like yay I didn't gain as much as I thought, but truth be told I am very disappointed with myself. In the last 5 years I have gained 35 pounds, and in the last 4 months I have gained 17. I am feeling very desperate, that maybe I need to be hypnotized or something.

    Well thank you everyone for reading my rant. Best wishes everyone and I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.