Weight Watchers



  • Siobhan108
    Siobhan108 Posts: 80 Member
    I used WW back 15 yrs ago and I did ok but it is very similar to MFP and I found that I only needed to be accountable to one person ...ME . Some people do very well, but remember whatever program you use it is a tool and it is up to you to do the work. This is not a diet, it's a life change and once you figure that out you will be ahead of the game. The key to weight loss is eating less then you burn in a day...so to be successful, in my opinion means learn to be accountable for what you put in your mouth. The average person looses 1-2 lbs a week on this program and in 4 wks that could mean you MIGHT loose 8 lbs. ( more likely 5 ) but you have to decide. Logging is logging whether it's on WW or MFP. Good Luck.
  • p1ppers
    p1ppers Posts: 40 Member
    I've done WW over the years and I agree they set you up to fail. It's a money maker for them, getting paid every week to sit and listen to 30 minutes of who did what right or wrong and here's a recipe to try. They are very forgiving if you stay the same or gain, heck that's another few weeks you add to your goal date. Sure, I lost weight, because I logged what I ate and ate better while I paid to "belong" to the group. But even though that's my take, I joined and rejoined over the years at least 10 times. You can get a good leader that makes it fun to get together and chat and you can get one that is struggling herself and whines the whole time about how we all have to do better in the future. I found MFP with the community page was all I needed, just log your food and exercise and talk to others when you have questions or need motivation. What really irks me about WW is when you lose 5-10-20 lbs, you get a sticker or plastic "reward" and I sit in a room of 30 people and think "really" you just took in $300. in this meeting and the ones that accomplished something significant got a sticker from you? wow, you really give back when your members succeed on your plan. Speaking of which, they love to change the plan every year just enough that a new slide rule, calculater, app, etc will be required to continue figuring out your "points". When I finally quit WW and did MFP, I hit goal. That says it all. Oh, and anyone can go to the WW sight and join the community pages, you do not have to be a paying member to start or join a challenge. That's the only good/free part of WW I did appreciate, even though they lock you out of recipes and diary options, you can still share info with others and work the program from the community page. Whatever you decide, plan to lose your $150. and then hope you don't. Very few in the groups I was in at work ever lost more than 10 lbs, in 10 weeks. Just sayin
  • alibee88

    I've never done WW but that article is a bit harsh... It seems ridiculous that cancer patients or victims of wasting diseases would constitute any meaningful proportion of their "successes", it's such an odd thing to say that it makes me wonder what his agenda is.

    I can understand why it appeals to people. I can see that weighing in public could definitely hold you accountable. If your group is nice it could provide you with a support network.

    OP At the end of the day, it's basically a calorie controlled diet and there's no real reason that the programme shouldn't work. If you like the idea of having meetings with coworkers to discuss weight loss then go ahead.
  • Shelley6591
    Shelley6591 Posts: 156 Member
    I forgot to add when they started the PP program I didn't lose a thing and hated it and bailed. Fruit is no longer free, veg is though. To me it's too much of a diet, MFP is a lifestyle so I think that's why it works and it's free :) I weight myself 100 times a day too so no need to drive half and hour and pay $20 for that ;)
  • kaypea3000
    I have had a similar experience with Weight Watchers. I lost 30 lbs, kept off 25, and am trying for the last bit here. I don't go anymore because it's kind of a drag to do for life, but it helps you get a handle on portion control if you've kind of forgotten what healthy portions look like.
  • I heard it does not work and it makes you fart like crazy
  • chargraves
    chargraves Posts: 65 Member
    It all depends -- a great leader and group participation make for great meetings. I found them useful - getting tips from other people, but I had a wonderful leader.

    This!! A Good leader and group make all the difference. I have been part of the WW program about a year and have lost 94 lbs. I found MFP to be a useful calorie counting tool but I needed more of a plan/ program.
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    It might be important to add that I did WW online last year and did lose weight. I stopped because MFP is free. I think I am going to go for it. Thanks for the input guys!
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    It might be important to add that I did WW online last year and did lose weight. I stopped because MFP is free. I think I am going to go for it. Thanks for the input guys!

    I was just going to say ... I did the Online version of it. Loved it. I didn't think it was necessary to pay the extra money to get feedback from other people when I could find that information online :)

    Good Luck!
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    I did weight watchers several years ago (prior to points plus) and really liked it. 80% of people that loose weight gain it back in with any method of loosing weight, so the fact that weigh watchers banks on that isn't really due to anything but the individual. It is no magic pill. Here's what I liked about it...fad diets don't work, but weight watchers doesn't really fall into that fad category...it's based on keeping a diary and eating what you want in moderation (the same as most of us here on MFP are already doing). In my opinion, this is the only real way to learn anything you can apply to your life that may make you successful long term. Whether you fall into the 20% that succeed in keeping weight off or the 80% that don't is not up to weight waters. It's up to you. WW just breaks your day down into a certain number of points you can consume each day, but it's pretty much the same thing as counting your calories, just with a smaller number. Will you lose 20 pounds if you do the WW challenge at work? Probably, so your work will pay for it and you aren't out anything.

    I liked the support groups because people help and support eachother, sharing there solutions to problems, etc. (much like MFP forums). I liked that I could keep track of how many points I had left, even in my head because I was dealing with easy numbers. I like that it taught me to look at labels.

    Why don't I do it now? Because I essentially get all those things for free here on MFP. I don't have to keep track of calories, cause the mobil app makes it even easier than a points system. I get support from my MFP friends.

    I guess one thing I don't get from MFP is the support of a leader. Each meeting had a topic that encouraged you to examine certain things about your emotions, trends...whatever. I'm more on my own on MFP, but I have read, researched and experienced enough personally that I don't feel I'm missing this element. I was really good for me at the time though and I still carry a lot of the WW lessons with me today.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Any program can work if you stick to it. I don't know if you need or want the group when you have all the awesome people of MFP and good folks on your FL. If it's part of the program, then go with it. Quite frankly, I think you get out what you put into it. I don't think you can give the program all the credit/blame for success/failures.

    I don't know enough about the program to have a strong opinion about this. I've heard success and fail stories. I've considered going on WW or Jenny because I know I was making poor decisions on portions and types of food. I feel like MFP helped to get that under control. The monetary incentive makes it interesting and if it has worked for you in the past, I don't think there's a downside. Best of luck!