New and fed up!

I'm Kelsey and I have PCOS . it's a tad difficult to lose weight. It seems every time I lose a couple pounds a couple more show up. I lost 15 pounds using weight lose pills and wearing a tummy clincher while working. But now that I have a less active job all that weight seemed to reappear rapidly. I've tried exercising it doesn't seem to help. I've read many reviews about this sight and I hope to accomplish my goal by September.


  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Good luck Kelsey. There are plenty of successful stories on this website. Have a search through, may give you the motivation you need. :flowerforyou:
  • silenceinspace
    silenceinspace Posts: 142 Member
    Start here:

    A tummy clincher either made you look smaller by compressing you, or made you lose water weight from sweating.

    There are no known effective and safe diet pills.
  • Hi Kelsey:
    I've been using this since late December. I'm down 12 pounds. I wish I was down more, but I'll take it! What I'm finding is that I need to exercise more than I thought I needed to - and, frankly, up until recently I really didn't have the time to devote to it. For me, that means 60 minutes of activity a day. It probably could be less if I did something like a "shred," but I don't enjoy those type of workouts, so it's 60 minutes.

    What's working for me:
    1) I have a workout buddy
    2) I get exercise every day, but I listen to my body. Today, for instance, I started my 30 minutes on the stairmaster, but I could tell my legs were too tired for it. I switched to the bike.
    3) I log my food and try to stick to net 1200. I eat my exercise calories. Eating isn't my issue, though. Age is. I'm 42 and my metabolism just isn't what it used to be.

    Hang in there. Time passes no matter what - you might as well lose some pounds, even if it's slow.
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    Eat less calories than you burn. Its the tried and true method. Everything else is smoke and mirrors.

    Read the link below (sexypants), buy a food scale, and have patience.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Hi! I just wanted to say welcome and let you know that there are many women on this site with PCOS who have been successful watching calorie intake and starting a fitness routine. I have PCOS and have had no issues with weight loss and have found that my PCOS symptoms have improved with a healthier diet and regular exercise. It may be a little more work to lose with PCOS, but it isn't impossible. Don't let it turn into an excuse for giving up.
  • yve115
    yve115 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone, Im Yve..and also new. I am starting my blog with pictures from start to finish to make me accountable. I have read other peoples blogs and its very motivating. It will be nice to start this journey with others. :happy:
  • Bocch
    Bocch Posts: 191 Member
    Hey Kelsie,
    Looks like you might need professional help. This site is good for your moral support but you need a more informative website due to your condition. You might need to see a doctor or a nutritionist. There are recommendations for vitamins and diets but if you do not seek the proper professionals it's like self medication for a sever case of the flu.
    A very small recommendation would be that you should eat more proteins then carbs. However that is not the sole answer. No, you are not gaining weight from sitting at work and working out 3 hours in a gymn might not do the trick either. Nutrition with a good healthy life style is the way to go.
  • Hi! Welcome! I had a pretty gnarly case of PCOS as well, a few years back. my hormone levels were so out of whack I would pass out at random and sweat excessively for absolutely no reason [it made for a couple really awkward dates]. it was pretty gross, and painful, and frustrating.

    BUT! eating healthy TOTALLY helped, it took a while but the slow and steady process of just taking care of myself in general definitely helped turn things around for me. also, I took a couple supplements that helped balance me out.... i'm not a doctor or anything like that, so please read up on everything before you try anything out but there was something called DIM [it's derived from veggies like broccoli] that i swear by. I know a lot of other women who had success with it, as well. it's targeted for estrogen, and while PCOS is generally a testosterone issue, just balancing out my estrogen levels helped the testosterone levels stop freaking out as much as well.

    PCOS IS in fact curable. different methods have worked for different people, but you're on the right track by starting with healthier eating habits and getting regular exercise. :) good luck! and PM me if you need any help with anything!!