Not doing anything wrong AND GAINING!!!

I am seriously not doing ANYTHING wrong! not cheating nothing!!! i eat within my calories and exercise 5 times a week! I expected to maintain m weight eventhough i am not eating my maintenance calories i am eating about 1350 up from 1200 i upped my calories and got no result! I expected maybe not to lose but to gain!!!?????


    FUZZBUZZ4 Posts: 334
    I am seriously not doing ANYTHING wrong! not cheating nothing!!! i eat within my calories and exercise 5 times a week! I expected to maintain m weight eventhough i am not eating my maintenance calories i am eating about 1350 up from 1200 i upped my calories and got no result! I expected maybe not to lose but to gain!!!?????
    FUZZBUZZ4 Posts: 334
    Sorry i am complaining y'all but i need to get it out and advice would be great! i love u guys so rry for having to put up with all this complaining!
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories?

    Also, how much of a gain? And could the gain be water weight?
  • CrystalBella
    CrystalBella Posts: 848 Member
    is it your TOM or are you stressed?

    all those things seem to mess with ya body. kinda sucks!
  • rosabella
    rosabella Posts: 194 Member
    What about inches? Weight is so fickle... inches tell a better story for me! :)
  • dancegirl1
    All these comments are right, it could be any of those factors. could be losing the fat but gaining muscle. Ugh...for me, I am not over weight, but I weigh a ton! Because I am an athlete, so I am very muscular. And I'm sure we've all heard it: "Muscle weighs more than fat." Its much more dense. So maybe the gain is a good thing...?

    Sometimes what happens, is when starting a new workout program, your body replaces all the fat with muscle (a weight gain) but then, the body sleeks out and trims down. Perhaps this is it? You did say you were working out 5x a week...

    No matter what it is...don't get discouraged! :)
  • FletcherChic
    fuzz - i totally feel your pain!!!!! i have gained 20 pounds (holy *kitten*!!!) since december even though i have maintained a mostly strict diet (i allow one junky treat - like a box of Hot Tamales or a slice of pizza, one day out of the week) and i workout like a maniac 5-6 days a trainer told me it's muscle gains but it is still VERY hard to wrap my head around the number on the scale...if you can get over the numbers, go by how your clothes are fitting and how your body looks.....20 pounds ago i was a skinny girl but i was still "fat" (no tone - all jiggle and wiggle) that i am up the pounds and i have had to buy bigger pants, my overall look is much more toned and lean...i actually have muscle definition when i had none before....i have stopped weighing on the scale because it brought me to tears....if you can - take pix of yourself now and then again in 6 weeks...measure yourself now and then later....i am sure you will see the reults there, for sure!!!!....hang in there - i know it is very frustrating!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • sax124
    sax124 Posts: 1
    Inches, inches, inches.....Don't worry about the scales. That changes every day for me. I gauge my loss in inches lost only.
  • jamdblake4
    jamdblake4 Posts: 179
    don't get caught up in the weight game if you are getting ready for a show thats one thing, but working out 5 days a week are you weight training?
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    I had the same problem the week before last...I was a few weeks into the program and I gained 4 pounds in one week...and I had no idea why...I think it was a combination of things...I was eating way too much sodium...probably some of it was muscle...but I think the biggest problem was that I was overestimating my exercise calories and then eating them. I just got a heart rate monitor, and it tells me exactly how many calories I am burning...turns out that for some exercises, the exercise database was right on, but with stationary bicycling, my bike calculated my calories burned as much higher than they actually were. If it's in your budget, try buying a heart rate monitor. They can be costly, but I think mine was well worth it...that way you know you are calculating your exercise calories correctly...and you won't be eating calories that you didn't actually burn off...hope that helps...may not be what is going on with you, but I think it was a huge part of my problem...I'll know for sure next weigh in lol
    FUZZBUZZ4 Posts: 334
    I am not eating my exercise calories and i have n HRM so i think calories are pretty accurate.. i dont think i am losing inches my clothes pretty much fit the same.. its good to know i am not the only one going through this.. how did u overcome it?
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I don't want to sound rude but haven't you've been advised before to make sure to eat your exercise calories? It is vital to get enough calories into your body or you will not see a loss, as your body will simply hold onto everything it can get to just keep going.

    How many calories are you eating per day now?
  • kristineh86
    I find that my weight fluctuates a lot. Some weeks I am up and others I am down. I really try not to worry about it if it is only within a few pound range. You never week you may be down even more than you were before you gained weight! Don't long as you aren't doing anything wrong. Good luck :)
  • mjfer123
    mjfer123 Posts: 1,234 Member
    if youre just starting out eating all of your exercise calories your body could be getting adjust from the "gimme gimme gimme" stage and more towards the laid back safety stage. ride it out. It could take between 1-3 weeks... yikes!
    FUZZBUZZ4 Posts: 334
    I don't want to sound rude but haven't you've been advised before to make sure to eat your exercise calories? It is vital to get enough calories into your body or you will not see a loss, as your body will simply hold onto everything it can get to just keep going.

    How many calories are you eating per day now?


    Look i am sorry i am asking for so much advise its just a freakin emotional journey and i feel like i am needing constant reassurance..
    I know i have been postin a lot requesting advice its just nice to now i have a support system
    no its not rude i am just feeling pretty needy at the moment