I just ruined my diet . ways to make me feel better? :(



  • madalynbartl
    I know exactly how you feel, but you should give yourself a "free day" once in a while. Last week I went to the movies and I couldn't resist eating popcorn (so bad for you...) So I just declared "free day!" and didn't worry about counting calories. I got to enjoy eating gummy bears and popcorn with my kids, which was what I needed after 3 weeks of minimal calories. The next day, I was back at counting calories and eating right. We all need those days once in a while and believe me, one free day is not going to cause you to gain 5 lbs.
  • jenschroll
    jenschroll Posts: 162 Member

    tomorrow is a new day :heart:
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Your calorie goal may be too low for you.
    Reevaluate your goals and pick something less aggressive.

    No food is junk.
    Yes an apple is nutritionally better than a ho ho.
    But everything in moderation will make for a happier you.

    The fact you're in tears over this is not a good sign.
    And you might benefit from talking to a counselor

    give me a ho ho any day of the week….

    Id rather one of those pb/chocolate wafer little debbie bars to a ho ho.
  • Katdavis123
    Aww... please don't beat yourself up. When I do that, I just end up eating more "to console myself." Think about what you would say if one of your friends called and tearfully said she'd just ruined her diet. You'd tell her it's ok, not the end of the world, and she could always do better tomorrow, something like that. Right?

    So be gentle with yourself, ok? Take a deep breath and throw away the junk food (or at least put it out of sight). If you need a distraction to make you laugh, get a big glass of water and go look at damnyouautocorrect.com for awhile (or icanhas.cheezburger.com if bad language offends you).

    You get a do over tomorrow.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    One day of excess eating won't ruin anything. (See my last Saturday as an example.)

    Are you trying to adhere to too much of a calorie deficit? Are you weighing and measuring all of your food? Are you using reasonable estimates for calorie burns?
  • redrose1983
    Thank you everyone for giving me motivation and positive thoughts :)
    Thanks to all of you who lifted me up with your kind comments. I will not give up
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i don't know whats wrong with me today i ate a lot of junk :( I am in tears right now because I have been trying hard just to always mess up. I feel like I should just keep eating since I have already ruined my diet :cry: :brokenheart:

    if you drop an egg, are you going to through away the rest of the carton?
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    You didn't ruin anything. Make yourself feel better by doing better tomorrow.

    Whenever I overindulge, I stick by the argument of "you didn't get fat eating half a pizza, you're not going to ruin all your hard work now if you eat half a pizza".

    Very sage advice!

    ETA: I ate raw cookie dough three nights in a row. The last night, I ate so much of it I felt sick.:sick: Now I don't even want anymore.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Aww... please don't beat yourself up. When I do that, I just end up eating more "to console myself." Think about what you would say if one of your friends called and tearfully said she'd just ruined her diet. You'd tell her it's ok, not the end of the world, and she could always do better tomorrow, something like that. Right?

    So be gentle with yourself, ok? Take a deep breath and throw away the junk food (or at least put it out of sight). If you need a distraction to make you laugh, get a big glass of water and go look at damnyouautocorrect.com for awhile (or icanhas.cheezburger.com if bad language offends you).

    You get a do over tomorrow.

    Throwingbaway food is wasteful.
    And helps foster an unhealthy relationship with food.
  • AlfredoSloth
    I ate a ton of garbage (not literally) when I was watching the Super Bowl. I felt like crap afterwords, but I told myself that I'd go back to my healthier lifestyle the next day. Like people have already said in this thread, everyone falls off the wagon at some point.

    Don't give up after making one mistake. Your dedication to being a healthier person will pay off in the long run.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Don't be on a diet. That's too restrictive and something you can ruin. Just be eating more healthy and know that some days life will get in the way.... I ate a bunch of pizza today. Am I proud of it? No. But life goes on and tomorrow I'll do better.
  • redrose1983
    i don't know whats wrong with me today i ate a lot of junk :( I am in tears right now because I have been trying hard just to always mess up. I feel like I should just keep eating since I have already ruined my diet :cry: :brokenheart:

    if you drop an egg, are you going to through away the rest of the carton?

    awww No :P
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Thank you everyone for giving me motivation and positive thoughts :)
    Thanks to all of you who lifted me up with your kind comments. I will not give up

    That is a relief to hear.
    Keep fighting the good fight.
    And do listen to those who suggest maybe your calorie deficit might be too steep.
    It is best to set to lose 1Ib a week as opposed to 2Ibs a week, makes it a little more sustainable and easier to adhere to.
  • redrose1983
    Everyone falls off the wagon at some point. As long as you can find your triggers, you can work to avoid them. I hope you continue your diet and that you reach your goal. Don't give up. Anything worth achieving doesn't come easy. :)
    Thanks :)
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Aww... please don't beat yourself up. When I do that, I just end up eating more "to console myself." Think about what you would say if one of your friends called and tearfully said she'd just ruined her diet. You'd tell her it's ok, not the end of the world, and she could always do better tomorrow, something like that. Right?

    So be gentle with yourself, ok? Take a deep breath and throw away the junk food (or at least put it out of sight). If you need a distraction to make you laugh, get a big glass of water and go look at damnyouautocorrect.com for awhile (or icanhas.cheezburger.com if bad language offends you).

    You get a do over tomorrow.

    Throwingbaway food is wasteful.
    And helps foster an unhealthy relationship with food.

    How does throwing away food foster an unhealthy relationship with food? I would think that hanging onto it at all cost would be more detrimental, both mentally and physically.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    There's no way to ruin a diet. Tomorrow is another day. You'll do better then.
  • jrniven
    jrniven Posts: 74 Member
    I mess my diet it up all the time. It happens. Stick with it. You will get better at making better choices when it comes to food. Eventually one day you will wake up and realized you have not only hit your goals, but passed them.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    You didn't ruin anything. This isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change. If 90% of your eating is awesome, then 10% can suck. Just get back on it and start new tomorrow. A little flib in the journey won't affect your outcome.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Your calorie goal may be too low for you.
    Reevaluate your goals and pick something less aggressive.

    No food is junk.
    Yes an apple is nutritionally better than a ho ho.
    But everything in moderation will make for a happier you.

    The fact you're in tears over this is not a good sign.
    And you might benefit from talking to a counselor

    give me a ho ho any day of the week….

    Id rather one of those pb/chocolate wafer little debbie bars to a ho ho.

    oooooo I like your style….
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP - you did not get obese/out of shape in a day, and overeating one day is not going to ruin you…

    Log it, own it, and move on ….