I just ruined my diet . ways to make me feel better? :(



  • walkingDeadDenise
    Right there with ya. made it worse by getting on the scale. THEN i really wanted to cry. I'm going to use this to try to make tomorrow better. i'm using this as a learning experience...i need to plan my food better so that when friends want to go get 5 guys, I'll eat something else FIRST. Don't feel too bad, we all do it sometimes.
  • FatOldManMN
    FatOldManMN Posts: 1,116 Member
    Not the end of the world.
    Start again tomorrow...:smile:
  • oneloopygirl
    oneloopygirl Posts: 151 Member
    Don't think of your journey as a diet. It's a lifestyle. We all have days we don't eat as well, whether deliberate or unplanned. Some people have cheat days - they pick a day to eat the junk. Others choose to incorporate treats into their daily calorie goals. No matter how you make this work for you, don't think of it as a diet. A diet implies restriction, forbidden foods, etc. That's not real life. Real life means you eat like crap one day for some reason and then you pick back up and go on with your normal healthier routine the next day. Find a plan that works with you. Be realistic with your calorie goals. If you haven't done it already, calculate your BMR. Evaluate how fast you're trying to lose weight. Eat back exercise calories.Make sure you're eating enough regularly. That can help you avoid the binges.
  • oneloopygirl
    oneloopygirl Posts: 151 Member
    OP - you did not get obese/out of shape in a day, and overeating one day is not going to ruin you…

    Log it, own it, and move on ….

  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    I feel like I should just keep eating since I have already ruined my diet

    No, that is the wrong answer. I used to do this, its such a rotten idea. For example, if today I were to go 300 calories over my goal, I would still get a deficit of 450 calories because my goal gives me at least a 750 calorie deficit. What if I went over goal by 750? Well, so I wouldn't have a deficit but I wouldn't have a surplus either, so my weight would stay the same. Even if I went over goal by 900 calories, I would have a surplus of only 150 calories, easy enough to correct for later in the week. However, if in any of these scenarios I just give up and decide to keep eating, I might go over by a lot more, and have a surplus of 2000-3000 calories. If I decide to just keep eating all week and start again on Monday, I could easily pack back on a several pounds in a week.

    If I stay calm though, acknowledge that I made a bad choice, and get back on track right away (as in NOW, stop eating until you are PHYSICALLY hungry again, and then eat a normal sized portion of healthy food), the damage will actually be pretty minimal, even if at first it looks horrible.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Aww... please don't beat yourself up. When I do that, I just end up eating more "to console myself." Think about what you would say if one of your friends called and tearfully said she'd just ruined her diet. You'd tell her it's ok, not the end of the world, and she could always do better tomorrow, something like that. Right?

    So be gentle with yourself, ok? Take a deep breath and throw away the junk food (or at least put it out of sight). If you need a distraction to make you laugh, get a big glass of water and go look at damnyouautocorrect.com for awhile (or icanhas.cheezburger.com if bad language offends you).

    You get a do over tomorrow.

    Throwingbaway food is wasteful.
    And helps foster an unhealthy relationship with food.

    How does throwing away food foster an unhealthy relationship with food? I would think that hanging onto it at all cost would be more detrimental, both mentally and physically.

    You're demonizing food by calling it "garbage" and tossing it out. No food is bad for you unless you're allergic to it or have some other medical issues.

    The only reason to toss food is if it's spoiled or was overcooked that it's inedible.
  • erind2017
    erind2017 Posts: 63 Member
    One day of eating junk is not going to completely mess you up! Just start fresh tomorrow and put today in the past! :)
  • redrose1983
    OP - you did not get obese/out of shape in a day, and overeating one day is not going to ruin you…

    Log it, own it, and move on ….
    LoL yup :P Thanks
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Your calorie goal may be too low for you.
    Reevaluate your goals and pick something less aggressive.

    No food is junk.
    Yes an apple is nutritionally better than a ho ho.
    But everything in moderation will make for a happier you.

    The fact you're in tears over this is not a good sign.
    And you might benefit from talking to a counselor

    give me a ho ho any day of the week….

    Id rather one of those pb/chocolate wafer little debbie bars to a ho ho.

    oooooo I like your style….

    *bows* thank you
    If only I could remember the name...

    Whatevs, I got 3 boxes of girl scout cookies coming soon. I dont need Little Debbie
  • KristinD1977
    I just got back on track today after FOUR days of overindulgence (darn holiday starting with a 6 pack of cupcakes with my kids on Thurs.). Don't worry about it because you can get back on track tomorrow, no sense beating yourself up over it, that will not help!
  • mrsieve
    mrsieve Posts: 36 Member
    I just keep reminding myself that tomorrow is a new day. Throwing some exercise in helps me feel a little better. I blame my bad days on PMS :P
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Ok. Get mad at yourself and learn from it !
    Take a deep breath...and start over. No big deal. One day.
    I lost motivation for two months basically and rarely logged.
    But this week lost .8 of a pound and I am close to goal...
    That,enough said, made me very happy.
    Every day is a new day.
    Never forget that.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Try not dieting. Make a lifestyle change
  • frosty_phoenix
    you just have to keep your head up and work on improving overtime,
  • _db_
    _db_ Posts: 179 Member
    Have a look at my diary. I just had a whole day's worth of calories in a couple of minutes.

    Oh well.

    It happens.

    I'll just get back on track tomorrow. Beating myself up and giving up on my goal(s) won't ever help. Life's a marathon, not a sprint.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    This was my birthday weekend and I had a 2600 calorie day and a 2300 calorie day. Some people may think I failed my diet, but skinny/fit people have high-calorie days or weekends too, they just don't do it all the time. Just because you eat a bunch of junk and go way over your calorie limit doesn't mean you've ruined your diet, it just means you have to be on-track for the next several months until you decide to go party for a birthday or some other event again :)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I personally think diets are too temporary and restrictive to work. They usually lead to failure when people give up and binge after starving themselves or banishing all their favorite foods. Maybe you shouldn't be dieting.

    Make a permanent lifestyle change instead. You can't ruin a lifestyle change with just one bad day. You can have a "bad" day here and there, but as long as most of your days are good, you should keep moving in the right direction. Don't give up, just make the adjustments you need to keep this up for the long haul! :flowerforyou:
  • redrose1983
    Ok. Get mad at yourself and learn from it !
    Take a deep breath...and start over. No big deal. One day.
    I lost motivation for two months basically and rarely logged.
    But this week lost .8 of a pound and I am close to goal...
    That,enough said, made me very happy.
    Every day is a new day.
    Never forget that.
    :smile: Thanks... getting mad at myself its good actually :P and it works too :D
  • redrose1983
    I personally think diets are too temporary and restrictive to work. They usually lead to failure when people give up and binge after starving themselves or banishing all their favorite foods. Maybe you shouldn't be dieting.

    Make a permanent lifestyle change instead. You can't ruin a lifestyle change with just one bad day. You can have a "bad" day here and there, but as long as most of your days are good, you should keep moving in the right direction. Don't give up, just make the adjustments you need to keep this up for the long haul! :flowerforyou:
    Thanks Dear ....
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,989 Member
    It's a popular excuse for sure.