Moms - When do you find the time?



  • ell0324
    ell0324 Posts: 12 Member
    Right now I'm on maternity leave, so I work out when my 2 year old naps and put my newborn in his swing. Before I got pregnant with #2, I woke up around 5:30am to workout before work, and I'm thinking that'll be the only time I have when I go back to work too.
  • BonnieFife
    BonnieFife Posts: 104 Member
    I'm a Mum of 3 (10yr old, 3 yr old & 8 mnth old) i work part time & No i dont have much spare time on my hands, everything i do or anywhere i go its me and Kid lol i have no me time. I get little or no help from my OH so what i do is i get up really early its usually 545am & do my BFBM workout or 30DS if im up a little later. Once ive finished i get my kids up & get them all set for school and nursery, its a non stop day from then on till after tea. I do this 7 days a week its crazy but if thats whats going to get me in shape then im prepared to do it. Im not up as early on the weekends as the kids arent at school but i still do my workout early then that gives me the rest of the day to do whatever.
  • mamapierce3
    mamapierce3 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 38 yrs old almost 39 this year, and a mom of 3 awesome active boys (7, 5 yo. twins). Both my husband and I compete for early morning workouts because we both work full time M-F(9-5). I usually go from M-F 5-6am and he goes from 6:10- 7:15am. Right now, I am struggling because one hour isn't enough time to burn extra calories to reduce the extra 10 lbs I found during the holidays. I also started to notice my hormones are off:( I hate to think I am getting older but I do have to acknowledge it's happening and had to switch up my routine up. Things that I am doing differently is getting to the gym 20 min earlier(4:40 ugh!), started a compounded testosterone cream a month ago(has increased libido and some muscle tone) been consistent w vitamins and B-12 meyer's cocktail injections and staying away from pasta's, dairy and grains because it makes me bloat. Most of all just eating organic and clean. So far I have been feeling great and my relationship w my husband has gone from a 8+ to a 10++. I always have to keep a training goal ahead of me so I signed our family up for a Spartan Run April 5! Wish me luck! I know I am in my prime and hope to have another 40+ healthy years ahead.
  • mamapierce3
    mamapierce3 Posts: 2 Member
    Awesome work Mom! You are definitely a Rock Star!
  • kayla1025
    kayla1025 Posts: 104 Member
    I am a mom of 3 kids, 3, 7, and 9... I also work full time 8hrs mon-fri... and plus 30min commute on top.... I will sometimes wake up at 5:30am and get it done before the kids wake up and if not its about 9pm after mom/wife duties are done and the kids are in bed...sometimes earlier... BUT I tried going to the gym and just doesnt work... Ive been doing at home videos usually 30mins to an hour depending on tiredness... YOu can do it...some days it doesnt get done...and it is what it is but just try your best push yourself
  • chickenpie
    chickenpie Posts: 64 Member
    wow i'm so impressed with some of the mums here.. real dedicated superstars!

    this frustrated me for ages.. i'm a full time working mum of two... i was running 3-4 times a week but it took so much co-ordination with kids after school activities etc.. and often meant I made dinner & put grub on the table for family to eat whilst I went running, then came home & ate really late and lonesome so i ended up giving up

    It wasn't til I re-discovered MFP and came across 30ds that i realised that dvds really were a viable fitness option... mornings don't work for me so my routine is now kids in bed, do dvd, have shower & watch bit of tv with husband.. and i love it, love the convenience etc

    totally agree with previous posters who mentioned being mega prepared and having slow cooker/pre cooked meals etc. it seems like a chore but def worth it & once you get in a routine it really works

    good luck in finding a routine that works for you...

  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    I have 3 young boys, one is a baby. I'm only working part time now, but there are 2 things that make working out possible for me.

    1) we own a treadmill which makes running much more likely to happen.
    2) I've started doing body weight exercises from "you are your own gym", at home with free weights

    Both these can be paused and I don't have to go anywhere to workout. I can manage 30 minutes just about any day.
    I do look forward to a time when I will have the time/childcare to goto the gym and get into some more intense weight training, but for now this works well enough.
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    I also work full time and have two kiddos. I do it at 5am before work. If I wait until after it would never get done.
  • SolanumSunrise
    SolanumSunrise Posts: 244 Member
    I am a single mom of 3 working both a full time and a part time job. My first year I onlyt worked out from home, either using a dance or exercise game on my Xbox or a 20-30 minute workout on youtube. There are lots of 20-30 minute workouts to be found and you might want to check out Fitness Blender or BeFit channel. Personally I was more consistent doing my workouts in the evening rather than getting up early, but find whatever is easiest for you to stick to. I planned for 6 workouts/week and usually got in at least five. Some days I really didn't feel like working out but would always tell myself I could last for 20 minutes and was always glad I did. I was often interrupted by the kids, but just hit pause and then kept going. Once the kids got accustomed to me working out they didn't interrupt as often and sometimes joined in.

    Don't neglect to include resistance training in your exercise routine because you want to keep as much muscle mass as possible which will mean more of the weight you lose will be fat, which is what you want. I didn't have access to a gym or money for exercise equipment so I got a book on bodyweight strength training and did three 20-30 minute bodyweight strength workouts/week. I used Body By You, which is like You Are Your Own Gym but tailored to women and has easy progressions. Nia Shanks also has a good program called Beautiful Badass.There are also good bodyweight strength programs to be found online for free, I think has one that is fairly popular. I started at the easiest level on almost everything but by the end of six months I could do full squats and floor pushups. Don't let your starting level bother you, just keep looking forward.

    Most importantly, I counted calories and stayed at a deficit. I didn't lose very fast, but it was consistent and over time it really does add up.

    Now I have access to a gym and lift weights 3x/week and I love it but most of my progress was at home with no gym and no equipment.
  • I go walking for a few hours everyday, when the kids are in school, or at night when they sleep at 8. u must make time and let the house know its "your time"
  • I've FINALLY found a morning routine that works for me. I've found that having me time first thing in the morning, which includes quiet coffee and devotional time, then workout is the ONLY time that always works out. On weekdays, its getting up at 5:00am, because I have to be out the door by 7:15. I spend 30-45 minutes doing either a dumbell workout or a REFITrev workout with dvd or youtube. There are tons of workouts online that you can do from home. Everything imaginable and FREE.
  • I have 2 boys under 3 and either do it in the morning after they are fed and changed and having some tv time or play time. I usually do a 30min workout or 30 high incline walk on our home treadmill and they love being my personal trainer. I have a hrm so my nearly 3 yr old presses the heart rate button on the treadmill for me and thinks hes doing a proper job for me and loves it. My 1.5yr old claps and laughs or stomps his feet to copy me so it keeps both boys happy. I dont work and its hard being a stay at home mum and just being at home with housework and child duties. So I NEED that bit of workout time each day for myself
  • On week days I have to get up at 4:30 and start my workout no later than 5:00 because I have to be out of the door with my 2 girls by no later than 7:15 also. It took some getting used to but I'm usually up before my alarm goes off now. I use the Turbo Fire DVD's plus we just bought a treadmill. I've also just signed up for a membership at the gym and I do Zumba 2-3 times a week. When hubby is home for his 21 days he keeps the kids so I can go but when he's gone for his 21 day hitch I have to bring them with me....good think the gym has a membership. I also don't let myself talk me out of a workout. It used to be a big issue with me but I just can't let that happen anymore. Losing this 50 lbs is just too important.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm, 28, single mother to 5 year old twin boys suffering from Cystic Fibrosis. I work full-time as well as attend University (online at night after work). I also act as "nurse" to my twins and do over an hour of physiotherapy (for both) a day, sometimes more.

    I wake up every morning at 5:30, roll out at 5:45 and I work out at 6:00am. Then I get them up at 7:00, get myself ready, them ready, physiotherapy (time #1 for the day) and off to our days.

    It's crazy and hectic, but it works for me, and as crazy as it sounds, it actually keeps me SANE.
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    Either go the the gym in the evenings once my husband is home. Im usually back within an hr. They can and will survive without me. LOL. Or I get up early like around 5 to workout before the day gets started. I prefer getting up earlier because it gives me a fresh start and makes me feel energized.
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    I am a mom to three, work 50+ hours a week, and find the time. It's all about scheduling your life. I love working out in the mornings and I also find time at night as well...sometimes I just do it in the middle of the day. Bring a bag and go for a run to break up the monotony. Scheduling my workouts has kept my sanity. Plus, it helps when the kids are a little older. Mine are 15, 11, & 10 and are able to stay home together. Although I will encourage them to join me - especially in the summer - for runs or bike rides or hikes. Good luck to you!
  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    I am not a parent, but is there a chance you can play with your kids? Run around, play tag, shoot hoops...
  • jessykab74
    jessykab74 Posts: 167 Member
    I am a single mom to two kids (13 & 9) currently one is in hockey and the other is in Basketball. They are in sports are year round. I also work 50 hrs a week. I work out in the early morning. At first it is hard to get up but after two weeks it gets easier. There are a couple of reasons that I do this~ #1 I find my motivation to just get it done for the day is way better. I am not awake enough to talk myself out of it. #2 Also it doesn't take any time away from my children or family time.

    I also know that I have to do this for me! I have to make the time for me! For to many years I but my needs last. After doing this for awhile now I find that I am overall a better mom. Because I am now having my needs met we are all much healthier......emotionally and physically.

    If you want it bad enough you will find the time! :)
  • monkeywizard
    monkeywizard Posts: 222 Member
    It takes patience, teamwork & dedication. Work with your husband and come up with a schedule. My wife and I have 3 kids, a 4 year old son, & 18 month B/G twins. My wife is usually awake at 4ish in the morning so she goes to the gym when it opens at 5. She also tries to go at lunch. There are also times when she goes with a friend right after work, but it depends on my schedule. I go right after work on days when I have spin class, then days when I don't, I go after the twins are in bed (so I can help feed & bathe and such).

    It's not easy, but work with your husband and see if there is some agreement you can stick to & still meet requirements. & like others said, you have to make the time.
  • abbylg1983
    abbylg1983 Posts: 177 Member
    I asked the same question about a year ago and got a lot of helpful answers. Right now, it's pretty easy because my husband can take my daughter to daycare in the mornings. So, I get up between 4 and 5 am and go to the gym. This is really nice for me because my daughter is sleeping still so I am not missing any additional time with her. I pack both my lunch and gym bag the night before, so after I wake up, all I have to do is throw on gym clothes and brush my teeth, and I'm out the door. My morning workout varies, but I have to be done by 6:30 am to get to work by 7. I shower at the gym.

    In a few months, my husband's schedule will change and he will no longer be able to take our daughter to daycare and I will have to do it. Once that happens, early morning workouts will no longer be an option. I am hoping to be able to take a longer lunch at least three days a week and do it then, but my job is pretty busy and most of the time I end up working through lunch so we'll see how that works out.

    You can also get in some decent workouts at home with limited equipment. Try doing step ups on your staircase for 10-20 min straight. Do squats and lunges with dumbbells. Try push ups and planks.

    For me, the best situation is working out early mornings (but that does take some planning ahead- everything has to be packed the night before), but once that is no longer an option, I'm confident I'll figure out an alternate way to get it done.