Gained weight... general help please!!



  • ochibi91
    ochibi91 Posts: 115 Member
    Everyone... I weighed myself again on a whim this morning and I'm back to 116lbs. Haha! I'm so relieved because I'd rather maintain than gain!!

    I read a few more threads on losing those last 10 pounds and noticed some people recommending a tdee of 10~15% instead of the usual tdee - 20%. I'm just wondering, does this tdee - x% include exercise calories?
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    Everyone... I weighed myself again on a whim this morning and I'm back to 116lbs. Haha! I'm so relieved because I'd rather maintain than gain!!

    I read a few more threads on losing those last 10 pounds and noticed some people recommending a tdee of 10~15% instead of the usual tdee - 20%. I'm just wondering, does this tdee - x% include exercise calories?

    Yep. If you're doing the TDEE method, it will account for your exercise activity.
  • happyrelation
    Losing weight and wanting to is not enough.
    Many people don't realize, the success comes a lot from your mind. Where your mind is, is where your body is going to follow.

    You have to eat, breathe, sleep your goal(s) in life.
    Do you have a picture of what you want to look like? Grab a picture from the internet of a body that you want to strive for and paste your head on it. Put this picture in at least 3 places in your home that you see every day. Make sure it's in front of you always.
    Become more conscious of your decisions. What you put in your mouth, what you put in your head.

    I am doing a program just for women that I found at Excellent support as well from other women who have done this lifestyle program.