Not Loosing weight!

I got back on the band wagon 01/27/14, I have been doing very well with my calories and exercise, the first two weeks I lost 8.5 pounds. The third week I did equally as well with both calories and exercise. I have been going to the gym 4 days a week and burning at least 360 calories each time, sometimes as much as 520.

At the end of the third week I had not lost any weight, I assumed that it possibly was because of my period. Now I am on week four, no period and no weight loss! What is happening?

I have been adding my exercise into my diary, which in turn adds calories into my available calories for the day. I never use all of those calories; yesterday I burned 518 calories and I only used 168 of those extra calories. So my total calorie intake for the day was 1368, meaning my total "net calories" for the day were only 850. I do measure my food and drink a ton of water. I have not drank carbonation for over 6 months so I do not think it is water weight.

I am starting to think that maybe I should not add any of my exercise calories back into my daily allotment? I am getting very discouraged. Please help.


  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    You lost 8.5 pounds in two weeks? That is crazy! And I think a little impossible for you!

    Calm down! Weight loss takes TIME.

    Chances are, you didn't really lose those 8 pounds and you maybe dropped water weight. If that's the case, over those two "non-losing" weeks you could have actually lost some body fat.

    Who knows, the body is a weird thing. You can also try eating back only half your calories, as MFP often overestimates burns.

    Edit - It also seems like your net calories are way too low.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    You might be eating too few calories. Your net calories should hardly ever be under 1000! I know sometimes it happens so never say never, but you really should be striving to eat 1200 Net every day.

    You dont appear to be too heavy by your profile picture, so you need to be patient and eat some more food. Why Net 800 when you could probably Net 1300 and still lose weight?
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    So in less than 4 weeks you dropped 8.5 lbs?

    Weight fluctuates for many different reasons, and just because you as you said do everything right doesn't mean you will drop weight this week, it might drop next week.

    Now with that being said, are you weighing your food with a digital scale or with measuring cups? Are you logging everything? Now if all your estimates are correct which they probably are not, netting under 1000 calories is not the way to lose.

    Weigh your food, log accurately and have a REASONABLE calorie deficit and have patience.
  • sarahdominguez84
    You might be eating too few calories. Your net calories should hardly ever be under 1000! I know sometimes it happens so never say never, but you really should be striving to eat 1200 Net every day.

    You dont appear to be too heavy by your profile picture, so you need to be patient and eat some more food. Why Net 800 when you could probably Net 1300 and still lose weight?

    Most days my net calories are just under my 1200 calorie goal, which was set by MFP. And I carry my weight well, I am heavier then I look, I have about 55 more pounds to loose.
  • sarahdominguez84
    So in less than 4 weeks you dropped 8.5 lbs?

    Weight fluctuates for many different reasons, and just because you as you said do everything right doesn't mean you will drop weight this week, it might drop next week.

    Now with that being said, are you weighing your food with a digital scale or with measuring cups? Are you logging everything? Now if all your estimates are correct which they probably are not, netting under 1000 calories is not the way to lose.

    Weigh your food, log accurately and have a REASONABLE calorie deficit and have patience.

    No scale just cups, however the majority of what I eat is "cup" or serving size measurements if that makes sense. And yes I log everything, I'm kind of crazy about it, and if I am unsure of the exact amount I always log more then I actually ate just to be safe.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    So in less than 4 weeks you dropped 8.5 lbs?

    Weight fluctuates for many different reasons, and just because you as you said do everything right doesn't mean you will drop weight this week, it might drop next week.

    Now with that being said, are you weighing your food with a digital scale or with measuring cups? Are you logging everything? Now if all your estimates are correct which they probably are not, netting under 1000 calories is not the way to lose.

    Weigh your food, log accurately and have a REASONABLE calorie deficit and have patience.

    No scale just cups, however the majority of what I eat is "cup" or serving size measurements if that makes sense. And yes I log everything, I'm kind of crazy about it, and if I am unsure of the exact amount I always log more then I actually ate just to be safe.

    You need to invest in a digital scale they are very cheap $15 - 20 at walmart or amazon. Your diary isn't open so can't give much advice. But the biggest thing is you have to be patient you've been at this less than 4 weeks and have dropped 8.5 lbs, you didn't put the weight on over night, it's not coming off over night. I would recalculate to lose 1 lb a week and have PATIENCE

    To really help read these 2 threads that should help you a lot, and Good luck!
  • aniwde
    aniwde Posts: 4 Member
    My thought for today - loosing 1 lb per week for 1 year is 52 lbs lost !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    I think you should just be patient then! When I lost 50 lbs a few years ago...a lot came off right away, I believe like 20. Then I stalled for a while. Once I stopped worrying about the number on the scale, I realized how small I had gotten.

    Get a tape measure and start measuring as a better way to tell how your body is adjusting to your new diet.