BMI, low calories and doubts!

Hello there!
I've been using MFP for almost a year now and it's been very helpfull. I started using it 'cause I wanted to lose a few kilos while starting to exercise. I lost the first 3 kgs in three months and after that I stopped going to the gym. The 'problem' is..I continued losing!
I'm 21, 5'25 and now weight 51.5 kg ( around 113 lbs I think!) .
From what I was told at the gym, I shoul eat aroung 1350 kcal a day, I eat healthy, loads of veggies and fruit.. but I find it hard to go over 1000 kcal a day without ending up eating some nasty snack. Looking at my macros , it seems like I eat many carbs (could be from all the fruit, or the fact that I eat 0 gr Whole wheat pasta every other day) and too little fats
I want to maintain and stop losing, but I'm afraid of getting it all back and eating "bad" food just to incrase my daily intake.
I didn't even get my period last month so I'm getting worried.

* being Italian, my "bad food" is mostly gelato!

What can I do? I also tried adding nuts to my salads or snack, but it won't do!


  • Brooke4206
    Brooke4206 Posts: 140 Member
    I don't have any advise, but I just wanted to tell you that you're not alone. I weigh 108 and am trying to up my calorie intake to net at 1650 because I lost my period last month as well. I'm also scared to up it because I don't want to gain, but I know it's best for my health. :/ I also feel like i'm constantly eating huge meals because I burn about 600 a day and with mfp you eat those back.
  • fitboricua
    fitboricua Posts: 40 Member
    I guess you need to see your Dr to check that everything is ok with your health. Normally you shouldn't keep loosing weight if your eating enough calories to maintain your weight. I am not expert this is just what I would do.

    Hope everything is ok!!!
  • antowhatever
    I don't have any advise, but I just wanted to tell you that you're not alone. I weigh 108 and am trying to up my calorie intake to net at 1650 because I lost my period last month as well. I'm also scared to up it because I don't want to gain, but I know it's best for my health. :/ I also feel like i'm constantly eating huge meals because I burn about 600 a day and with mfp you eat those back.

    That's exactly how I feel, even if I stopped working out except for some abs-leg-butt workouts at home once or twice a week!
    I guess you need to see your Dr to check that everything is ok with your health. Normally you shouldn't keep loosing weight if your eating enough calories to maintain your weight. I am not expert this is just what I would do.

    Hope everything is ok!!!

    Thank you, I really hope everything is ok too. I guess seeing my dr is the best thing to do. I'm ok with my weight right now, but people keep telling me that it's too low..I just wanna find an healthy way to maintain, but I guess 1000 kcal a day is not that good!