SICK of being fat!

Hey, my name is Cheri and I am 26 years old. I have fought with my weight my whole life. I have gone from 205lbs to 150lbs and now I am back up to my heaviest at 218lbs. I am sick of it and it's time for me to get in shape. I am hoping that this will do it for me.

Any success stories would be great for encouragement!

And does anyone else blog on here?


  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    There are LOTS of success stories... I just started a few weeks ago... and getting off the ground is tough... BUT hook up with a group of friends to support you and set S.M.A.R.T the tools that are here and focus on creating healthy eating habits, and increasing your activity level and before you know it YOU will be a success story... GOOD LUCK... stay disciplined and YOU can become the example we all follow.
  • cheriannab
    cheriannab Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks so much for the advice!
  • I recently got back into eating healthy and decided to get back into the gym because i have reached the highest weight I have ever been in my entire life so I DECIDED TO MAKE A CHANGE im just hoping I can continue to stay focus because I really want to see the results of my hard work..I got tired of watching the youtube weight loss vids and decided to get up and get busy.I pray that all of us using this site reach our goals and much more!
  • scalderon114
    scalderon114 Posts: 1 Member
    Ugh same here girl :( it very upsetting that I have to loose so much eight in order to feel healthy :( i am so impatient and need to learn that everything will take time!
  • aplatt41
    aplatt41 Posts: 88 Member
    Welcome!! Having friends on MFP is awesome! Your more than welcome to add me.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    just stay motivated, stay focused on what you want, and learn how to have self control. yes, you can have a donut, but not the whole dozen. no, you should not eat until you have to unbutton your pants, you need to learn to stop before that point...
  • cheriannab
    cheriannab Posts: 14 Member
    I added you as a friend, looking at your profile I can tell you are a great motivation. Thanks so much for the advice!

    If anyone would like to add me, feel free.
  • JohnaRae411
    JohnaRae411 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in the same boat! I have finally had enough. I'm 5'7 and 209 lbs. My highest was 215! I would like to get down to 150-160! I have a long journey ahead! You can add me if you like, we can do it together :) Good luck!
  • McKenzieLeigh
    McKenzieLeigh Posts: 113 Member
    My starting weight was 214 and I think I was in denial about how fat I really was for a long time. I have always been "heavier" but people always told me I carried it well. I am not making this change for me and myself only! My goal weight is about 150 also! Feel free to add me!
  • Ruth4111gut
    Ruth4111gut Posts: 289 Member
    HELLO!!! Having friends on MFP is awesome! Your more than welcome to add me.
  • Hey girl. I am in the exact boat and I am sick of it! Today is day one and I sure hope I can do something to make a change. I desparately need to make a change. I am 216 lbs and 5'6". I have fought my weight all of my adult life. I feel awful. I am married and have two children. I want to be a good role model for my children and I want my husband to be attracted to me. He says he is but in my mind-how can he be-physically. So, here I am!
  • I started in May of last year to lose 100 lbs. I am now down over 50lbs and feel wonderful. I was down 60, but had a little bit of a slip up. The key is if you fall off track, to pick yourself back up and get back at it as soon as you see it. You can do it and will if you are ready. You can add me as well. I blog more on my Facebook fan page, more than I do here. If you want to check it out you can:

    I have a wonderful support group at home and online. It is so important. You go girl! You can do this, it is going to be tough, but keep at it and you will achieve what you set your mind to.