Water questions

MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
First does anyone drink water over night? I used to when I was heavier and still woke up through the night now Im sleeping pretty much straight through. I drink so much during the day I wonder if my body feels dehydrated with the lack of water intake for 5-7 hours?

I know i drink alot of water do you ever wonder where it all goes.


  • saychzzz
    saychzzz Posts: 69 Member
    I keep a glass by the bed and if I wake up I drink some. If I sleep through I don't worry about it but drink a glass when I first get up. What you drink rehydrates all of your cells which are made of primarily of water and excess is pee'd out. I wear contacts and the first place that I feel a lack of water is in my eyes if I don't drink enough. That's a very strange feeling!
  • I think it just goes where it is needed...to our cells to replenish them..we loose a lot of water throughout the day...
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