1st Mud Run...Advice?

Hi All,

I just signed up for my first Dirty Girls Mud Run. Three miles of mud, obstacles, and what I hope will be a sloppy good time.

I have never ran one of these and am wondering if anyone has any advice or tips they would like to share. One thing I have been pondering is what type of clothing to wear. I sort of have this horrific vision of the mud sucking down a pair of shorts to reveal a big muddy moon. :embarassed:

If anyone has any words of wisdom, I would love to hear it!



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    wear shoes you dont care about since they will be ruined afterwards , unless they are minimalist shoes since those can be soaked and washed with ruining the padding

    pack 2 garbage bags on with a change of clothes inside, the other for your old clothes. MUD WILL GET EVERYWHERE

    i wore a tank top and capri pants to mine (pics in my profile. i did the before and after) and i was covered in mid afterwards :happy:

    have fun!!
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 697 Member
    Take a couple jugs of water. Even if they have hoses there, you will want to get some of those harder to reach places at your car. Mud will get everywhere. Just sayin.
  • x_cinder_x
    x_cinder_x Posts: 118 Member
    Thanks all! Will do=)
  • dpollet2
    dpollet2 Posts: 68 Member
    Don't wear a cotton t-shirt. It felt so gross.
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    Wear tighter fitting clothes--lycra and technical shirts are easy to clean. Ditto the jugs of water. The hoses had no pressure so I basically gave up and just changed as best I could with no rinsing. It was fun so enjoy!
  • wing5
    wing5 Posts: 13 Member
    use duct tape to tape your shoes/laces down and tape them up and around your ankles :)
  • angelene175
    angelene175 Posts: 6 Member
    Wear shoes that you would normally wear to run/train in. I ran my first two in not so great shoes and ended up with aching legs/feet/knees. I need stability shoes so I used stability shoes. They clean out perfectly and they've been through 4 long ones now.

    Tight clothes. I use compression and moisture wicking. I have absolutely destroyed clothes and am able to get the toughest stains out with oxyclean. You do not want loose pants....they will come down as you fear.

    It is unneccesary to duct tape shoes, unless you want to. Just tie them real tight. I haven't lost one yet.

    Change of clothes, towels, garbage bags are a necessity unless you want to drive home muddy.

    good luck!
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    Just did my first one this past weekend. It was a ton of fun!
    Lessons learned:
    Wear tight fitting pants past your knees.. my knees are pretty banged up
    I agree with 2 garbage bags.. put your clean ones in a bag too. My new shirt from the race got dirty. Bummer
    Would not hurt to wear gloves. Mud is gravelly.
    Take less stuff! You do not need makeup, hairbrush.. none of that. Maybe a ball cap.
    One towel.. you will not get clean.. just less dirty in the rinse station. ALot of people don't even bother. Wait til it dries and rub off most and cover your seats when you leave.
    If you are going to change, take loose items to put on. Water was freezing. I was not completely dry and could not get my pants on. hee hee
    If you wear a sports bra choose one you can get off easily. If they are wet the one piece ones are hard to get over your head
    My shoes and the clothes I wore come out perfectly clean... I rinsed them with the garden hose 3 times then in the washer with oxiclean and detergent ... twice.. no stains.
    Have fun!
  • sammyneb
    sammyneb Posts: 257
    I just ran my second Warrior Dash on Saturday...
    -wear tight fitting clothes, (shorts with drawstring, probably your best bet)
    -don't wear cotton anything!
    -bring a change of clothes and some large towels, makes for a good dressing room if you have friends to hold them up
    -dress for the weather! I got stuck wearing a tutu and sports bra, it was 50 degrees and raining, and we had some nice freezing rain, which left the trails REALLY slippery and the obstacles all soaking wet, made it real challenge!!! but afterwards I was freezing and had to wait forever to get my bag back with my towel in it from the bag check
    -bring trash bag, towels, extra clothes, ziplocks for your cash/id/phone..you will inadvertenly reach for your phone with wet muddy hands :)
    Have fun!!
  • mkmerrill
    mkmerrill Posts: 74 Member
    Remember that mud runs are all about FUN! I wore long socks, shorts with boy shorts under them and a team t shirt. Managed to keep my shoes on when half the team lost theirs.....Just have fun
  • run in as little clothing as possible....the mud/water really weighs clothes down. my first mud run i wore my Nike tempo shorts and they really felt heavy the whole run and irritated my inner thighs. I had to ditch my tee shirt and go in my sports bra, felt so much better!

    Bring snacks in the car, you never know how much traffic you will be sitting in/long registration lines, affecting your ability to run your anticipated wave. You don't want to run while hungry! Being hungry and dizzy in the heat is not fun!
  • JusticeGirl25
    JusticeGirl25 Posts: 703 Member
    Wear tight clothing like others said. I wore compression shorts and a sports bra.
    Don't worry about what you look like before the start of the race.
    Expect to be extremely dirty when you're done with the race. At first I didn't want the mud to go above my head but couldn't help it-I was covered from head to toe in thick mud and it was very humid that day which made it extra tough.
  • HappyElizabeth
    HappyElizabeth Posts: 231 Member
    Does anyone ever wear a sports watch at a mud run? I have a mud run next week, and I've never done anything athletic without my Garmin GPS watch, which is waterproof. I find it really helps motivate me. Thoughts?
  • SimplyDenyse
    SimplyDenyse Posts: 124 Member
    I have my first Mud Run Aug 17th in Houston. Thanks for all the advice here!
  • Thanks for the advice!
  • Ladyhawk_78
    Ladyhawk_78 Posts: 14 Member
    We did the 5k Foam Fest last year and it was a blast - there was a huge downpour two days before so the entire course was essentially a muddy pit. I remember being up to my chest in muddy water at some point. LOL

    That said - I wore some compression type shorts with loose running shorts over them and a tank top. Never had any wardrobe malfunctions. I ran in some Nikes and amazingly they survive to this day as my outdoor walking/running shoes. I just hosed them down, threw them in the wash a time or two and they were as good as new.

    One thing we decided to invest in for this years race is a pop up "changing room" tent. We had to change in the port-a-johns last year and that just wasn't going to happen again. LOL Plus their hose down area was a mist system, which really didn't do anything and was over crowded. So we are getting one of those camping solar showers to hose down with.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Just have fun...they're all about fun and not serious competition. They're a blast.
  • I'm registered for a Foam Fest end of March! Thanks for the tips!