Sooo is low carb considered bad?



  • Kayshay29
    Low carb is not bad and encompasses a large variety of carb limits.

    That being said not everyone is able to commit to a low carb diet for life. The most sustainable and successful diet is the one you can see yourself continuing for life.


    No way am I giving up bread or rice ..........for the rest of my life. I will measure & log what I I can learn portion sizes & control.

    Haha I thought the same thing!! I'm like well what do I eat then.... I guess the positive thing on my low carb journey is I'm forced to eat vegatables or else I would starve. I had spagetthi squash last week and before then never even knew it existed. Cauliflower pizza??? Wha?!?!? Mind officially blown. I'm really taking to heart that any diet needs to be sustanable. I just don't know how else to quick start my weight loss because with my thyroid condition the scale was NOT moving.
  • Kayshay29
    18 months now keto/paleo with weekly refeeds.

    Love my carbs as well, hence the weekly refeeds.

    Weekly refeeds? Please enlighten me :)
  • FindingMyPerfection
    Low carb or diet anything is horrible. I believe that limiting bad carbs (e.g. white refined carbs) and replacing them with healthier ones (e.g. fruits, vegetables, legumes, etc) is a better and more sane outlook to have.

    I personally cannot do low carbs - I feel lethargic, moody and end up unable to fully complete workouts. Fueling your body properly and making sustainable choices is the key to being successful in your weight loss/fitness endeavours.
    Please refrain from labeling food bad unless it is spoiled or rotten.

    Please refrain from telling me how to express my opinion. You are more than welcome to post studies should you disagree with my opinion about refined, processed carbs.
    Define refined and processed, define and post proof they are bad, or refrain from stating opinion as fact.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Low carb is not bad and encompasses a large variety of carb limits.

    That being said not everyone is able to commit to a low carb diet for life. The most sustainable and successful diet is the one you can see yourself continuing for life.


    No way am I giving up bread or rice ..........for the rest of my life. I will measure & log what I I can learn portion sizes & control.

    Haha I thought the same thing!! I'm like well what do I eat then.... I guess the positive thing on my low carb journey is I'm forced to eat vegatables or else I would starve. I had spagetthi squash last week and before then never even knew it existed. Cauliflower pizza??? Wha?!?!? Mind officially blown. I'm really taking to heart that any diet needs to be sustanable. I just don't know how else to quick start my weight loss because with my thyroid condition the scale was NOT moving.

    I don't have any medical conditions (thankfully) homemade pizza .....I make great crust.....with flour. I'm just not a believer in the "all white food is bad."....well except cauliflower.....apparently

    Chinese food is also a favorite....I use tons of veggies ....and rice (love jasmine rice ...mmmmm)....BUT I know the portions are small.

    I don't need a quick start....I need slow & steady as I am over 50 and need to preserve (precious) muscle mass as best I can.
  • FindingMyPerfection
    Low carb is not bad and encompasses a large variety of carb limits.

    That being said not everyone is able to commit to a low carb diet for life. The most sustainable and successful diet is the one you can see yourself continuing for life.


    No way am I giving up bread or rice ..........for the rest of my life. I will measure & log what I I can learn portion sizes & control.

    Haha I thought the same thing!! I'm like well what do I eat then.... I guess the positive thing on my low carb journey is I'm forced to eat vegatables or else I would starve. I had spagetthi squash last week and before then never even knew it existed. Cauliflower pizza??? Wha?!?!? Mind officially blown. I'm really taking to heart that any diet needs to be sustanable. I just don't know how else to quick start my weight loss because with my thyroid condition the scale was NOT moving.
    I did keto for a short time and while I found it wasn't for me, like you said it made me look at other foods. Now I do a moderate carb diet but the knowledge I gained about my self and how I respond to different macro breakdowns is bringing me closer to finding the perfect diet for me.

    This is a process. You have spent a long time ignoring how you respond to food. Trying different things and slowly learning and adjusting is expected.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    Low carb or diet anything is horrible. I believe that limiting bad carbs (e.g. white refined carbs) and replacing them with healthier ones (e.g. fruits, vegetables, legumes, etc) is a better and more sane outlook to have.

    I personally cannot do low carbs - I feel lethargic, moody and end up unable to fully complete workouts. Fueling your body properly and making sustainable choices is the key to being successful in your weight loss/fitness endeavours.
    Please refrain from labeling food bad unless it is spoiled or rotten.

    Please refrain from telling me how to express my opinion. You are more than welcome to post studies should you disagree with my opinion about refined, processed carbs.

    And your sources and studies are where??? How is low carb "horrible"?

    OP - I feel the same as you, I feel much more energetic while eating low carb compared to eating a low calorie diet. I loosely followed Atkins in that when I first started I restricted carbs much more in the beginning and then started adding things in as I lost weight such as more fruits, lower carb cereal (nothing specialty...Special K had a cereal called Protein Plus) , and even some bread every now and then. Yes, low carb is a lifestyle, it doesn't work for every one, and you don't continue with the 25g of carb per day for life as some people seem to think.
  • FitnessChelsey
    If you looking for substitutes for some of your fav higher carb foods check out:

    I've eaten all of the following and love it:
    - Low Carb Cranberry Muffin Mix (great for breakfast) -
    - SuperFlax Bread (tastes like flax but is great when you don't want to eat regular bread) -
    - Mama Lupes Tortillas (can't even tell they are low carb) -
    - La Nouba Marshmallows (great treat) -
  • tashmeen
    low carb helped me go from 60 kgs with 26% bf to 45 kgs with 15% bf in a pretty quick amount of time, and i'm an endomorph so that was not expected haha
  • zivasak
    I find LCHF works for me and is necessary for my hormonal balance. Feeling great, more energy, clear skin, no more depression, improved concentration and mental clarity and losing excess energy. I did a lot of research before deciding upon which lifestyle would be right for me in the long run. Keto suits me.

    This said, I can also appreciate that people are different and they need to find what is right for them.