Stubborn Sweet Tooth

I have a horrible, horrible sweet tooth. It can be very detrimental some today. Any tips on how to control it...what to eat to satisfy it, but not go overboard? Advice, tips would be greatly appreciated. I'm getting frustrated.


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Fruit is good natural sweet tooth tamer. I like to have a square or two of really good quality chocolate when the sweet tooth really hits hard.
  • SergeantNarwhal
    SergeantNarwhal Posts: 116 Member
    I've heard that often craving sugar indicates a need for more protein! This works for me at least, if I am craving something sweet I try having some walnuts, almonds or a little tuna and crackers :) If you are still craving something sweet try a high protein yet sweet combo like yogurt or dark chocolate covered nuts.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    I try to embrace my sweet tooth and allow myself to have sweets, but just not too much. Things like cookies or candy I have a hard time regulating. But I will make instant pudding with 1% milk and pour it into individual mugs/coffee cups/ramekins over crushed graham crackers. If I make it into 5-6 different servings, I can get under 200 calories per serving. Then I take my time and enjoy it. Also, I buy lower calorie ice cream and have it in a small bowl or coffee cup and take my time to enjoy it.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I have a horrible, horrible sweet tooth. It can be very detrimental some today. Any tips on how to control it...what to eat to satisfy it, but not go overboard? Advice, tips would be greatly appreciated. I'm getting frustrated.

    My nemisis too.

    Leave room for something sweet at the end of the day. Too late in the day to start a binge. Breakfast cereal is in low sugar, and lunch ends with fruit.

    I leave room for my favorite....chocolate. Ghiradelli Dark Choclate squares are individually wrapped. The dark chocolate gives me more chocolate flavor....less sugar. 100 Calorie packs like Oreo Crisps....cookies & chocolate (2 birds....)

    Afternoon tea ....Chai with milk & sugar (you really don't need a whole lot). Rooibos tea (red tea) is very mild and needs no sweetener. Celestial Seasonings African Vanilla Red ....mmmm

    At night (in front of the TV) .....I'll drink a diet soda.........slowly. Otherwise, ice water with citrus slices & ginger....or mint leaves... or maybe a couple of strawberries (smashed of course)
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    I get plenty of sweets. Most mornings I have a mocha with my breakfast. I have an espresso machine and I make it at home for 177 calories. I have fruit with my lunch most days. And I have a couple cookies after dinner several nights of the week. I eat my cookies slowly and savor every bite.

    Right now I am a month out from my next half marathon. Long runs = extra treats. I had homemade chocolate chunk peanut butter cheesecake this past weekend (and the weekend before).
  • gneeleanie
    Man, I feel ya. I bake a lot too, so often times I have sweets in the house >_>

    Last year though I made a rule for myself that if I wanted any kind of dessert, that I would have to make it myself from scratch. Now I don't buy any store-bought sweets other than chocolate, since I can't be bothered to make that myself from scratch :P

    I find that a small piece of good quality chocolate does the job for me. Dark chocolate is the best option, but I indulge in a milk or white chocolate truffle every now and then. But you have to stop after one, if you eat more than that it's probably not a good idea.
  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    I love sweets, so I have dessert every night, usually 75-150 calories. That might be 3-4 mini doves, a cookie, an actual serving size of breyers, etc. I pre-log it to make sure it fits, and knowing I have that treat waiting keeps me from unplanned snacking. After I eat dessert, I brush my teeth, turn off the kitchen light, and remind myself that I can have more- tomorrow.

    If there's like, surprise birthday cake I eat a piece and don't sweat it, but that's pretty rare. It's worked for me for a year, good luck.
  • mjudd1990
    mjudd1990 Posts: 219 Member
    Do you eat a lot of artificial sweetners? These tend to make you crave actual sugar. Yet another reason to cut them out of your diet if you haven't already.
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    Fruits. Or just don't buy sweet stuff and you won't eat them. I'm terrible with chocolate. Like I just can't have one or two pieces, I have to eat at least half of it. So I just don't buy it, its better this way for me than feeling guilty
  • narwhalicorn
    If you don't mind the taste of natural licorice root, I highly recommend the Ayurvedic Anti-Strain Herbal Tea from The Tea Table. It has a naturally sweet flavor and is a great way to end the day. You can drink tons of it and it'll always be 0 calories. ;) 4 ounces of it can last me a few months too.

    Here's the link:
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    plan something sweet for each day when I buy my meals for the week then I don't have a problem with splurging.

    Special K Chocolate Cereal
    Dark Chocolate covered Pretzels mixed with dried fruit, sunflower seeds or nuts
    I keep sugar free candies to suck on like cough drops as needed.
    Flavored drinks. Soak fresh fruit in water to give it flavor

    Or burn an extra 200 calories and splurge on a bowl of Ice cream. (my favorite)

  • lois1585
    lois1585 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks, everyone for your suggestions. I don't typically eat a lot of artificial sweetners because they don't agree with me. However, I've been using Crystal light individual drink packs for the last several days.

    My downfall is chocolate. Dark chocolate is my favorite, so I'll be investing in some good dark chocolate. I love fruit and usally have a lot on hand at home. My latest treat serves 2 purposes - my chocolate craving and the 2:30 pm slump - dark chocolate covered espresso beans. I savor 5 beans and that typically is satisfying. Yesterday was completely out of control, for me anyway.

    Thanks again every one!!!
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Eat as much as you want as long as you measure/weigh it out and the calories from it fit into your caloric intake for that day.
  • SamanthaD1218
    SamanthaD1218 Posts: 304 Member
    Weird trick, but the scent of vanilla has been proven to satisfy cravings. My mom carries a little satchel that smells like vanilla in her purse and swears it works!

    If that's too silly for you, try chewing gum or drinking tea. I have an amazing chocolate tea that I have in the mornings - it tastes exactly like hot chocolate for no calories. Plus the warmth of it makes me feel full :)
  • Hi, I try eating a fruit when I have that sugar craving. I know you still have to careful with the natural fruit (not to eat too much) but it seems to work!