About ready to give up

This happens every time I work out (since I hit about 35). Before 35 I lost weight by eating reasonably, and kickboxing every day. No problem. Eight weeks ago I started exercising (800 calories a day) every day, and eating reasonably. I've tried tracking my calories, I've tried just simply eating as I did last time I lost 25 lbs. But I'm still up 1.5 lbs from my starting weight.
Now, granted, last time I started working out like this and eating healthy, I gained 14 lbs, and it took me the entire eight weeks to get back to starting weight, but I got stuck there.
This time I'm only up 1.5 lbs after 8 weeks. It's just so frustrating to see the people around me who started the same time dropping weight like crazy.
What's up with my body??? Is it really just age and metabolism???


  • thelowcarblady
    thelowcarblady Posts: 137 Member
    keep in mind that working out that heavily can cause you to gain a lot of muscle, so I am sure a lot of that weight is just muscle.

    Do you also take measurements or just use the scale? I would recommend doing measures because the scale lies, and doesn't always show your hard work!

    I ended up not following through like I should have -- but I was doing the JM 30 Day Shred for about 7 days, and although the scale said no difference whatsoever -- my measurements showed that I had lost like 10 inches overall in that 7 day period.

    So it really does work! It makes you feel so much better to know even though the scale didn't budge that I was making a lot of progress.

    Or...maybe try doing different workouts? Maybe changing it up with help boost that weight to start moving.

    Good luck!
  • amyg39
    amyg39 Posts: 12
    Don't give up.

    I have a tendency to do that too and I refuse this time. Keep at it. In fact...on my first week of eating healthy and working out (strength training), I actually gained...and I was pissed. But..I persevered and now the scale is going down..slowly but going down. You also may not be eating enough. They say the MINIMUM is 1200 calories...otherwise your metabolism slows down and goes into "starvation mode". Try upping your calories by 400 and eating every 2 hrs or so. Make sure you eat a variety of nutrients...not just lean meats, not just fruits and veggies, not just low fat...mix it up...keep your body guessing. I promise it will help. I lost a bunch of weight a few years ago (about 50 lbs) by doing that. I then got pregnant and have gained some back (though not nearly all). I am back on track now and loving it. You may also want to get checked for thyroid issues and PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome)..PCOS can cause insulin resistance and is a pre-diabetic condition and can make weight loss difficult. I have it but it is manageable as long as you know how.

    Keep your chin up, your head held high and keep at it. I promise you will begin to see the results you want.
  • Just a few things:

    1. Muscle is more dense than fat. If you are gaining muscle and loosing fat you will not see it on the scales you will feel it in your clothes.
    2. Take Before photos in shorts and bra. Front back and side. In 6 weeks do the same and look at the difference.
    3. Get measured and get your body fat measured.
    4. Hide the scales in a deep dark corner of your house! Do not look at them.
    5. Don't forget to rest. -> I was doing 2 classes a day, going for walks up the mountains, and then started doing PT sessions. My PT told me after four weeks of not seeing results TO CALM THE HAM! I cut down to 3 hours of training a week and one class ... I shrunk. I'm down 10% bodyfat, lost 35" around my body, down 3 dress sizes, I am 7lbs heavier than when I started in June. Get rid of your scales.
    7. If you change your attitude and make it a lifestyle change not a diet and a short term excercise plan it will work. Doing Kickboxing every night of the week is not suitainable unless you're training as an athelete!
    8. Don't give up! You can do it! Do it even when you don't want to you will feel awesome after the gym/class/excercise!
    9. Don't give up.
    10. Be proud. Look how far you've come not how far you have to go!!! <3
  • Thanks for the support. Clothes fit the same, look the same in the mirror.
    All I've managed to do was get drastically behind on my work by missing 1.5 hours of work a day out of my schedule. It's just defeating. I'd love to see *some* improvement. I'm taking care not to eat too little either - I've done this regimen before and lost 25 lbs. Just the last few years ... nothing.
    In fact, I'm 10 lbs heavier than last time I tried to lose weight over an extended period of time.
    Maybe I'm just too old to get into shape anymore... metabolism and all that.
    I was tested for thyroid, etc. My doctor simply told me to get less stressed. :/
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    If your not losing weight your not in a deficit!!

    Read this OP: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants

    And it's not muscle gain, either.

    ETA: Also do you weigh (use a digital food scale) everything you put in your mouth? That's the #1 thing people do wrong and the reason for not losing or gaining weight!!!