the flip side of having a partner in this health journey

Hey Guys -
So we all know that this is much easier/successful when we have friends, etc to help along the way - with positive peer pressure, support, etc.

I've been really lucky to have a supportive girlfriend too. My problem is that when she loses her motivation, I find myself doing the same. I try to stay strong but when I see her pigging out, I do the same. It's also much easier for her to get back on track - when i have a "free day" or two it sometimes takes me weeks to get it back together.

I of course know that I can't blame her for my failure - and I don't. I also know I need to be strong on my own.

Any suggestions on how to keep those things separate? Ideally I'd like to be able to motivate her to start counting calories again and exercise on a more regular basis but it seems like its outside of my control. And honestly she does OK when she's not counting calories - no real loses but also no gains (unlike me).

Sorry this is a bit of a rant but I guess I'm really just looking for a way to 1. not be too much of a nag to her but still motivate her 2. not rely on her dedication to keep mine


  • phathousecat
    phathousecat Posts: 55 Member
    Have you tried eating healthy when she starts pigging out? Or still going to a workout when she doesn't want to? I feel like if you do either of those she'll feel accountable for what she's doing and jump back on. That's where a lot of the motivation from having a workout parter comes from, accountability.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Motivate by example... and figure out what your real reason for losing weight is... that needs to come from you, not anyone else!
  • ReadyToBeMeAt160
    ReadyToBeMeAt160 Posts: 149 Member
    Have you tried eating healthy when she starts pigging out? Or still going to a workout when she doesn't want to? I feel like if you do either of those she'll feel accountable for what she's doing and jump back on. That's where a lot of the motivation from having a workout parter comes from, accountability.

    Good tip. I do try. But it only lasts so long. I'm going to try harder. Last time I kept counting calories for two days while she was completely off the reigns - we were on vacation but I was trying to stay on track bc i know how hard it is for me to get back on track when i derail. On day 3 I caved.
  • ReadyToBeMeAt160
    ReadyToBeMeAt160 Posts: 149 Member
    Motivate by example... and figure out what your real reason for losing weight is... that needs to come from you, not anyone else!

    Real reasons:
    1.) being able to be more active at an older age - for ourselves and for future children
    2.) avoiding health problems that are common in both our families - heart problems, diabetes, etc.

    and i want to share both of those with her.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Motivate by example... and figure out what your real reason for losing weight is... that needs to come from you, not anyone else!

    Real reasons:
    1.) being able to be more active at an older age - for ourselves and for future children
    2.) avoiding health problems that are common in both our families - heart problems, diabetes, etc.

    and i want to share both of those with her.

    but you cant make her want those things.. i dont mean to sound harsh, but she has to decided she wants it too, regardless of what you're doing. thats where the leading by example comes in, but you cant make someone change.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Motivate by example... and figure out what your real reason for losing weight is... that needs to come from you, not anyone else!

    Real reasons:
    1.) being able to be more active at an older age - for ourselves and for future children
    2.) avoiding health problems that are common in both our families - heart problems, diabetes, etc.

    and i want to share both of those with her.

    This process is a lot like running a marathon. Even though you can run with a group who provide you with a little comfort and company, ultimately, the race depends only upon your own efforts.

    I find it a little strange that when someone asks you for YOUR reason for losing weight, you feel the need to create a reason for your friend to lose weight as well. I have to say that I would not be okay with one of my friends nagging me and creating reasons for me to workout or eat healthy. Sometimes I eat healthy and sometimes I don't. I don't need anyone's permission to do either.

    I live with two people who do not have the same problems with compulsive eating and they frequently eat non-healthy foods. I work with people who don't always eat healthy foods and who offer me food that isn't conducive to weight loss. My solution is to decide what I'm going to eat and stick to my plan. If I plan to eat healthy and others around me are enjoying junk food and treats, I make a conscious choice to stick to my plan, or I make a conscious choice to deviate from my plan. I don't blame others for leading me astray -- every choice I make during the day is mine.

    I would honestly be offended if I had a friend who judged my choices and tried to control my eating and exercise habits. I know that you have good intentions, but I think that you're leaning on your friend a little bit too much.
  • ReadyToBeMeAt160
    ReadyToBeMeAt160 Posts: 149 Member

    I find it a little strange that when someone asks you for YOUR reason for losing weight, you feel the need to create a reason for your friend to lose weight as well. I have to say that I would not be okay with one of my friends nagging me and creating reasons for me to workout or eat healthy.

    I would honestly be offended if I had a friend who judged my choices and tried to control my eating and exercise habits. I know that you have good intentions, but I think that you're leaning on your friend a little bit too much.

    Just to clarify - by girlfriend i mean romantic life partner type girlfriend. That's why my goals of having a healthy, happy, active life where both of us can be healthy and around for each other and our future children is important.

    yes, it would be different if she were a friend.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    I find it a little strange that when someone asks you for YOUR reason for losing weight, you feel the need to create a reason for your friend to lose weight as well. I have to say that I would not be okay with one of my friends nagging me and creating reasons for me to workout or eat healthy.

    I would honestly be offended if I had a friend who judged my choices and tried to control my eating and exercise habits. I know that you have good intentions, but I think that you're leaning on your friend a little bit too much.

    Just to clarify - by girlfriend i mean romantic life partner type girlfriend. That's why my goals of having a healthy, happy, active life where both of us can be healthy and around for each other and our future children is important.

    yes, it would be different if she were a friend.

    that made me lol, sorry!!!!
  • Miss_Hiker_Pants
    Miss_Hiker_Pants Posts: 229 Member
    Even though choices all come down on what you decide to do, have you ever asked her to be supportive? I know it's really hard, but perhaps if she choses to lose it with food, she could go elsewhere to make bad choices (might make her think,twice if she doesn't want to go anywhere). Or like another person said, go take a walk or head to the gym.

    That's a really tough one. It's sort of like living with an addict. If they are both trying to quit and one caves, it's hard for the other to not give in too.
  • nan199678
    I know how hard this can be. Spoon is supportive in helping me keep the foods I need here. However, when it comes to his cooking it's not the same. I feel like he is way more concerned w delicious than nutritious. And lately he's baking 1-3 times a week! Sweets are my weakness. So I take it one temptation at a time. If I decide to give in, I just have a little. I wish I could get him on board, even part time. But for now this is the one case where I am putting my needs first. And I am more dedicated to weight loss right now than snuggling up w cakes. Lol
  • McKenzieLeigh
    McKenzieLeigh Posts: 113 Member
    It is so hard to motivate someone else. I started this journey just 37 days ago without my husband. I decided to also join a 28 day long diet bet on a week or so ago and I talked my hubby into joining too thinking that the money incentive might help him get started (he is very number oriented).
    He joined, but he hasn't really done anything (except stop eating lunch) to try to lose weight. He is a member here, but he doesn't use it. I say somethings to him about his choices, but they are still his choices.
    I hope to make my goal with the diet bet, but I am pretty sure his entrance money is gone. I guess that is just more of the pot for me to win!
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member

    I find it a little strange that when someone asks you for YOUR reason for losing weight, you feel the need to create a reason for your friend to lose weight as well. I have to say that I would not be okay with one of my friends nagging me and creating reasons for me to workout or eat healthy.

    I would honestly be offended if I had a friend who judged my choices and tried to control my eating and exercise habits. I know that you have good intentions, but I think that you're leaning on your friend a little bit too much.

    Just to clarify - by girlfriend i mean romantic life partner type girlfriend. That's why my goals of having a healthy, happy, active life where both of us can be healthy and around for each other and our future children is important.

    yes, it would be different if she were a friend.

    I also would not be okay if my husband nagged me and created reasons for me to work out or eat healthy. I have been guilty of doing it to him on occasion, and it wasn't helpful for either of us.

    I am a highly compulsive eater -- always have been and always will be. My husband and daughter are not. I don't project my food issues onto them. I really only request one thing from them -- to not leave cookies, candy and snacks on the counter where I will mindlessly grab them and eat them compulsively. Otherwise, they have no responsibility for the way I eat. I love my husband, and would like for him to be healthy and live a long time, but he is an adult who can make his own choices for his own reasons. I love my daughter, and want her to be healthy, fit and happy. I encourage her to eat healthy food and get a lot of exercise, but even with kids, I don't feel that food should be a power and control issue.
  • ReadyToBeMeAt160
    ReadyToBeMeAt160 Posts: 149 Member
    ok - this conversation has kind of derailed - like my dedication to not binging on sweets, etc.

    i'd love for her to be on board but my main motivation on this post was to keep myself on track. When i have the health/workout buddy on a regular basis, i guess start to rely on that. And then when they slip i do. Do I just never rely on that support?
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    ok - this conversation has kind of derailed - like my dedication to not binging on sweets, etc.

    i'd love for her to be on board but my main motivation on this post was to keep myself on track. When i have the health/workout buddy on a regular basis, i guess start to rely on that. And then when they slip i do. Do I just never rely on that support?

    As hard/harsh as it sounds ... don't rely on your partner. Do your thing, and if she jumps on board, then continue to do your thing. However, do not rely on her. Just assume mentally that she's not staying on board. If she does, then hey, awesome! If not, that's ok too. You do you, and if/when she's ready, she'll join in for the long run.

    Edit to add that you have to find YOUR individual own reason for this. Pretend she's not in the picture, for WHATEVER reason. Don't allow her to be in the picture when deciding your reasons. If for whatever reason she leaves your life (breakup, for example), you don't want to have to deal with the rebound weight as a result of losing weight for a life together for her when she's no longer there, if that makes any sense. Not saying that it's going to happen, obviously, but well, sometimes crap does happen, and you don't want to lose your reason because of it.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    You can only control your own behaviors. I've been doing this for years, and I see that you have been at it for a while, too. Ultimately, you make your choices and plan your day and ignore what the other person is doing. More often than not, the three of us eat different things for dinner. If my husband asks if I want to get pizza for dinner, I politely decline if I haven't planned for it. If I'm planning on going to the gym, I make sure that I go. I keep healthy snacks on hand that I like to eat. If they start snacking on candy, I have one of my snacks. For me, the success is in the planning. I focus on my own plan and try to ignore what others are eating or doing. As long as your girlfriend isn't directly and deliberately sabotaging you by pressuring you to eat or not work out, I would work on sticking to your plan no matter what she does.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    i'd love for her to be on board but my main motivation on this post was to keep myself on track. When i have the health/workout buddy on a regular basis, i guess start to rely on that. And then when they slip i do. Do I just never rely on that support?

    you shouldnt rely on anyone else... this has to be your journey alone.. but obviously a workout partner is great for motivation! of course its tricky when she's sat eating cake for breakfast to not just join her, but i guess you have to focus on what you want, which is the being healthy for your kids etc...

    Maybe try and find some fun activities you can do as a couple to get her interested - other than that you just have to do you.
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    This can be a challenge for sure. I now do all the cooking for my boyfriend and I and plan the meals I will make/do all the shopping for those meals over the weekend. Like your situation, my boyfriend also wants to lose a bit of weight but also doesn't have as much of problem with gaining weight as I do. So I make sure whatever I make fills me up so I don't want more. I generally have 1 serving of whatever I make and then a cup of steamed veggies to really fill me up. He can have two servings and the veg, or whatever. This way we are both happy with the meal and not tempted to "pig out." Having the meals planned and stuff bought helps us not to deviate from the plan much...we don't want that all to go to waste, so we aren't as likely to decide to get take out on a whim.

    If we are going out, I ask that we try to find a place with a healthier menu item I can rely on, so I always look at the menu ahead of time and go in with a plan. Usually the meal stil throws in a curve ball like unexpected bread or something, but I look at it as I did my best to make the healthiest choice in that moment and probably succeeded, even if it wasn't quite as healthy as I planned.

    These are the things that help me. Good luck!
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    Lead by example
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    You really need to do what you is right for you and plan that she won't be joining you. That doesn't mean that you can't ask if she wants to join you at the gym or whatever exercise you have planned (and I'd highly suggest you ask every time you do), but don't ask twice if she says "No." Continue to eat right and don't nag her choices. Eventually, the guilt is going to get to her as she watches you continue to eat healthy and get fit and she will probably get back on track but that needs to be her decision.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    ok - this conversation has kind of derailed - like my dedication to not binging on sweets, etc.

    i'd love for her to be on board but my main motivation on this post was to keep myself on track. When i have the health/workout buddy on a regular basis, i guess start to rely on that. And then when they slip i do. Do I just never rely on that support?

    I think I know what you are getting at...

    I have the same problem with my son. He will say that he wants to lose a little and get in shape...but his actions don't always reveal that.

    He only had about 20lbs to lose...I had 101lbs. I depended on the partnership for the fitness part...when it didn't happen it was easier for me not to workout. When he didn't eat was easier for me not to. I had to push my way through that and continue for myself because that is what it is all about in the end.

    When he jumps back on the band wagon I am always willing to work with him. When he strays I have had to just learn to continue on...try to keep my mouth shut (as a mom that is not always easy-LOL).

    I think you have to make these choices for yourself...when your partner is her.

    One thing that I realized at some point was that when my son was not following the plan that we had laid out...I think that a part of me was jealous...I had a case of envy.

    Btw...he will admit...his mom is more fit than he is.

    Now to give him credit...he is the first to tell me how proud he is of much better that I am looking...he is a great supporter of what I am doing.

    Just stay on track...let your partner jump on and off...just be there for her...maybe it is harder for her to stay on track...