Chubby Dad

Hello everyone, just checking in. Im hoping by using this site I can get more of a support group behind me to stay motivated to get in better shape. The one tool I cant seem to keep is Motivation, over the years I bought alot of books on being healthy, I have all the tools in the kitchen to cook and eat right, I enjoy eating healthy food if its prepared for me. My down fall is the continual preparation of food, I get bored easily and just stop doing the right thing.


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    No one can motivate you but yourself. Other people can inspire and encourage but motivation is from within. From your title you are a Dad surely being there and healthy for your Children should motivate you. Motivation is not permanent we all lose it the trick is to get good habits so that when you do feel un motivated you do the right thing out of habit. Good luck
  • aimeegoudas
    aimeegoudas Posts: 26 Member
    I struggle with motivation too. I am better when I see results, but when your body isn't going at the speed you're hoping for it makes it tough. It's hard with temptation too. I do things to battle that like Sunday food prep, but I love having a community of people to go through this wit!