Should I increase my activity level?

Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
Forgive me for asking this question (I'm pretty sure it's been asked before), but I'm a bit confused and still trying to adjust my settings properly.

My activity level on MFP is currently set at "sedentary" (mainly because I'm reading the description where it says "desk job", which is what I have). However, I have a FitBit and the numbers I seem to be averaging for exercise are definitely not matching up with what my definition of "sedentary" is!

My last weekly update from FitBit has these numbers:

Goal: 2lb. weight loss per week
Daily Average Steps: 9,555
Daily Average Miles: 3.98
Daily Average Calorie Burn: 2648

I had one totally "down" day on Saturday where I did absolutely no exercise at all (but I didn't eat anything, either, I was very ill and slept nearly 24 hours.)

My current calorie goal is 1200 a day but I almost never eat this little because of the exercise.

Should I increase my activity level or leave it as is?

Thanks for any help! :smile:


  • KatissimusDorsi
    If your daily energy expenditure is 2648, I would definitely avoid eating so little as 1,200 calories. Just think - that's a 1,448 calorie deficit PER DAY, way beyond the ranges most of us look towards for healthy, sustainable weight loss.

    I love how many steps you're taking per day. That's a GREAT start to activity.

    Only thing I would add in is some resistance training 2-3 times per week. This way you'll preserve your muscle mass while eating at a caloric deficit.

    Does this answer your question? Let me know if I can help with anything else.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    My activity level on MFP is currently set at "sedentary" (mainly because I'm reading the description where it says "desk job", which is what I have). However, I have a FitBit and the numbers I seem to be averaging for exercise are definitely not matching up with what my definition of "sedentary" is!
    You aren't sedentary. Update it.
    My current calorie goal is 1200 a day but I almost never eat this little because of the exercise.
    Yeah, I would seriously rethink that. Change your goals on MFP to 1lb/week if you want. Update it from sedentary. Get a realistic calorie goal.
    Should I increase my activity level or leave it as is?
    Depends on you.
  • lcroslin
    lcroslin Posts: 22 Member
    It's a good question as I had the same thought. While I work at a desk, I move around and take the stairs from floor to floor. So, I was wondering the same thing. But, I kept it as it is and I log the extra activity into my exercise log. My guess is that MFP only wants to know if your actual work activities are such that you need more than just 1200 calories per day. For example, I would think somoene who digs trenches might need additional calories than those of us that sit at a desk. But, I'm not a MFP representative. So, I could be wrong.

    Regarding increasing your activity, if you are losing weight while staying in the healthy range for food consumption, then you might not need to increase it. Increase your activity if your weight loss slows, but make sure to eat healthy. Your body needs the fuel to burn calories. I have heard it's recommended that one do something for 30 minutes five days a week. That something could be walking, or an excerise class and it could be broken up into segments. So, two fifteen minute walks would work. If five days is too much, gradually increase the days from your current level. Just whatever you do, do it gradually so as to not overdo or hurt yourself. Been there, done that!! LOL Good luck, Linda
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    Regardless of what you set it to on MFP won't the FitBit add/subtract calories based off your FitBit data? I set mine to sedentary and the FitBit always ends up adding to it. I believe if it was too high the opposite would be true.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    It's a good question as I had the same thought. While I work at a desk, I move around and take the stairs from floor to floor. So, I was wondering the same thing. But, I kept it as it is and I log the extra activity into my exercise log. My guess is that MFP only wants to know if your actual work activities are such that you need more than just 1200 calories per day. For example, I would think somoene who digs trenches might need additional calories than those of us that sit at a desk. But, I'm not a MFP representative. So, I could be wrong.

    Regarding increasing your activity, if you are losing weight while staying in the healthy range for food consumption, then you might not need to increase it. Increase your activity if your weight loss slows, but make sure to eat healthy. Your body needs the fuel to burn calories. I have heard it's recommended that one do something for 30 minutes five days a week. That something could be walking, or an excerise class and it could be broken up into segments. So, two fifteen minute walks would work. If five days is too much, gradually increase the days from your current level. Just whatever you do, do it gradually so as to not overdo or hurt yourself. Been there, done that!! LOL Good luck, Linda

    MFP uses activity level (without exercise) to come up with your calorie goal. BUT MFP also uses "I want to lose XX pounds per week" to come up with your calorie goal. 1200 is just MFP's minimum default........not necessarily a good indicator of healthy calories for the individual person.

    Increased activity level gives you more calories AND logging exercise gives you more calories. If you are walking around the house, ore at the office....activity level is the way to go (calorie burns are lower). If your walks are brisk, your heart rate is elevated ...then log workouts. The goal is eat enough to lose weight AND lose it in a healthy way (mostly fat loss as opposed to fat+muscle loss).
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    If you're consistently getting 2600 calories per day with Fitbit, just use that as your TDEE and take your deficit from there. If you really want to lose 2 lb/week, take off 1000 calories. So you'd be eating 1600/day.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    I would not change my setting from sedentary, but I would eat back some exercise calories on the days I am working out. You DO lead a sedentary lifestyle because you spend your work day sitting at a desk. The added exercise makes you a healthy person with a sedentary job and you need to eat more than 1200 when you add exercise that day.
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    :smile: Thanks so much for the responses - they're definitely helping me.

    1600 a day is just about right, actually - I find that I can't eat too much more than that without feeling like I'm stuffing myself. I like the idea that I can "indulge" now and then without busting the calorie bank completely, though!

    Right now, I'm walking a minimum of 4 miles a day - 2 miles to work, 2 miles back - plus I do get up and down from the desk a LOT (enough that I'll get a blinking dot on the FitBit), and I take the stairs when I can, etc. I add in gym workouts when I go (about 3 times a week now, increasing to 4 soon). I'm just starting the strength training (mainly because my upper body strength, in a word, bites).

    I still need to do the 2 lb. a week because I still have quite a bit to go - I've already lost 111 pounds but I have 89 more to go, so until I can get down a little more....

    ETA: Removed questions. I've read a little more and I think I get it. That "sexypants" thread helps a LOT. Using the calculator, my TDEE is actually 26-something, so 1600 would definitely work for me.

    Thanks. :drinker:
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    I highly recommend strength training a couple times a week for your upper body. Good for you! I love the way you add in exercise. 1600 calories sounds reasonable to me.